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Annual Give 2024

Whittier PTA's Annual Give Campaign

This year’s Annual Give Yellow Envelope Campaign, Whittier PTA’s largest fundraiser of the year, kicked off on 9/3. We aim to raise $395 per student through this campaign–now extended through 10/14We are aiming for 100% participation this year in our Annual Give campaign.

Donations of all sizes are welcome and every donation supports Whittier this school year. Not sure why we fundraise?

How to Participate

Your Wildcat will receive an Annual Give form and envelope on 9/3 during Back to Business or on their first day of school in their backpack! We’re asking every Wildcat to complete the Annual Give form and return it in their envelope before 9/27. 

  • If you haven’t yet made a donation, please complete your Wildcat’s Annual Give form, make a donation online or via check (payable to “Whittier PTA”) or cash (in any amount that feels right for your family), place the form (and any cash or check) in the provided envelope, and send it back to school with your student in their folder. You can also return envelopes at the Front Office.
  • If you have already made a donation this school year, please complete the Annual Give form noting your contribution, place the form in the envelope, and send it back to school with your student.
  • Lost your form? You can download a new one here or pick-up a copy from the Front Office. You can return forms and donations in any envelope marked with your Wildcat’s name and teacher.
  • Employer Matching: Amplify your gift by participating in your employer’s Corporate Matching Program (be sure to note it on your form so we can complete employer matching requirements on our end). Don’t know if your company offers employer matching? Visit our Employer Matching page to determine next steps.

Every Wildcat that returns their envelope will be automatically entered into regular raffles for fun, kid-focused prizes. Classes reaching high participation might also get a visit from a special guest!

All donations are 100% tax deductible. You will receive a receipt from Whittier PTA after you’ve submitted your donation.

Our Financial Goal

This year’s Annual Give campaign is one of Whittier PTA’s three primary fundraisers. To fund the programs and services we’re committed to support, Whittier PTA needs to fundraise a combined total of $225,000 through donations during Annual Give, Move-a-thon, and Spring Fling fundraisers. 

For Annual Give, we’re aiming to collect $395 per student, with the idea that we’ll raise another $255 per student during our Move-a-thon and Spring Fling fundraisers. If you’d rather submit one donation during Annual Give to fulfill fundraising support for the school year, you can select the option to provide a single donation of $650 (which can be split into monthly, recurring payments).

However, we know this is a big ask—please do what is right for your family and know that ALL donations are appreciated. From $10 to $1000, EVERY donation fuels the school; and EVERY student, teacher, and family benefits.

Why Do PTAs Fundraise?

You may have heard about PTAs and Boosters in the past. PTA funds play an important role in Seattle Public Schools. SPS’ weighted funding model, which ensures low-income communities receive more funding, relies on PTAs to fill in known gaps in school budgets.

23rd in Size – 44th in Funds
For the 2024-25 school year, Whittier is ranked the 23rd largest elementary school in SPS. Out of 63 schools, Whittier ranked 44th in per student funding in the same school year. Whittier PTA provides financial support to bridge this funding gap in the following ways:
The PTA supports funding for Nurse Marissa
When SPS cut Whittier’s discretionary budget for the 2024-2025 school year, it meant the school’s budget could no longer use funds to help increase Nurse Marissa’s days on-site. Whittier PTA’s funding is increasing Nurse Marissa’s to 2 days per week.
SPS funds 70% of the Specialist Schedule; PTA funds the Rest
The PTA funds the remaining 30% with Flexible Funding Grants–supporting .5 FTE and full week engagement from the Specialist team. This allows us to have 5 days a week of Specialist classes (PE, Performing Arts, Art). This Specialist schedule doesn’t just ensure our Wildcat scholars have a well-rounded education complete with physical education and the arts—this schedule allows teachers to meet as a grade-level group to coordinate differentiation plans to serve all our students.
PTA supports funding for Reading Intervention position staffed by Ms. Trilby
Whittier receives only 25% of funding needed for a 4-day per week Reading Interventionist
As a Tier 4 school, Whittier is ineligible for most SPS or Seattle Levy funding for literacy support beyond our 1 day per week of intervention ($40,000) and .5 Librarian FTE.
PTA funds allow our Wildcats to work with the incredible Ms. Trilby, close reading gaps and reduce the number of students who fall behind in Reading. Principal Watters uses the PTA’s Flexible Staffing to efficiently spread Specialist funding and add the remaining 75% needed for our Literacy Specialist to her budget. This gives us 4 days a week of reading intervention, serving THREE TIMES as many students.
PTA supports funding for Math Intervention position performed by Math Agency
Last year, Whittier participated in a pilot program with the Math Agency to introduce math intervention services for students needing additional support. The Whittier community overwhelming advocated to increase the Whittier PTA’s budget in 2024-2025 to fund the continuation of this service. As with Reading Intervention, this program helps all Whittier students as teachers are able to focus on differentiation for all students because of this support.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do with my envelope?

Our goal is for every family to return their envelope regardless of the level of giving. Each year we see a range from $0 to well above the per-student ask. 100% participation is the goal! Please complete the enclosed response form and return it in the envelope to your child’s homeroom teacher or to the front office. Even if you donate online, or are choosing not to donate at all, please return the response form. Once your form is returned, your child will be entered for a chance to win a prize at the weekly raffle!

Why doesn’t Seattle Public School (SPS) fund more?

All school districts in the country use different formulas to decide how much to give each school in their district. In Seattle, our “funding formula” gives more money to low-poverty schools versus high-poverty schools. Whittier is considered a low-poverty school. The expectation is that students attending a Tier 4 school will either be able to thrive without these resources or their PTAs will fund the gap in resources. Whittier PTA does this by providing funds for staff, services, and programs; these funds are only available through PTA-supported funding. This includes funding staffing grants; at Whittier, we use these funds to ensure a 5-day Specialist schedule (with Art, Performing Arts, PE), to increase Nurse Marissa’s schedule, and to increase time for Ms. Trilby, our Reading Interventionist, so she can support more Wildcats in their literacy journey. If you have more questions about SPS’s funding formula or the PTA’s role in Whittier funding, look for budget-specific information sessions hosted by Principal Watters later this year or reach out to Cindy or the PTA.

What is the Math Agency?

The Math Agency is an SPS-approved organization whose mission is to close math education gaps in public schools. Last year, Math Agency chose Whittier for a pilot program and provided intervention for Wildcats looking for more support and extension for Wildcats looking for more challenge. Our community voted for the Math Agency to continue this work for the 2024-2025 school year last April.

What if we don’t raise the funds?

While our commitments to grants and programs are set for 2024-2025, missing fundraising targets will mean spending PTA emergency funds and, in setting budgets for next year, potentially losing the staff and enrichment programs that represent the vast majority of the PTA’s annual budget. The Whittier community votes every academic year to determine what we fund and would have to make difficult choices on what is cut.

How much am I going to be asked to give? Is this the only fundraiser?

This year, Whittier PTA total fundraising need is $225,000 and is spread across approximately 350 students (about $650 per student). We have three planned fundraisers: Annual Give (the largest fundraiser of the year to meet 64% of our annual need), Move-a-Thon (4/4/25), and Spring Fling (5/31/25). This year’s Annual Give goal is $395 per student. Families also have the choice to fulfill a total per-student annual contribution goal during Annual Give. Whittier PTA’s planned ‘24-’25 expenses exceed $225,000; reaching our annual fundraising goal reduces the planned deficit to just under $18,000 for this school year.

Can I spread my donation throughout the year?

Yes! You can sign up for monthly recurring donations for a specific duration of time.

Does Whittier accept employee matching?

Yes! Employee matching is a large contributor to Annual Give. Please reach out to your employer and request matching funds. Then indicate the name of your employer (and the name of any employer matching organization, like Benevity) on the enclosed response card so that the PTA can attribute the matching gift.

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes! The Whittier PTA is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization (Federal ID #91-1479413) and we’ll provide you with a thank you letter documenting your contribution. Letters will be distributed approximately one month after the conclusion of the campaign.
