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PTA Board Minutes

PTA Meeting Minutes: 3/12/24

PTA Meeting Minutes: 3/12/24


  • Renee Hartnett – Co-President
  • Courtney Sievers – Co-President
  • Jess Templeton – Vice President
  • Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer
  • Melissa Ivancevich – Co-Secretary
  • Emily Robertson – Co-Secretary (attended via Zoom)
  • Kate Scher – Communications (Website/Wildchat)
  • Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair
  • Ashley Schiavone – Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Anjean Vanden Bosch – Volunteer Chair & Membership Chair
  • Meg Pietz – Family and Community Engagement – Events Chair
  • Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement – Outreach Chair
  • Jen Foreman – Programs Co-Chair
  • Laura Zingg – Programs Co-Chair; Student Directory (zoom)
  • Jon Overman – Legislative Representative (primary) (zoom)
  • Molly Firth – Legislative Representative (secondary)
  • Kathleen Donahoe – Hospitality Co-Chair
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality Co-Chair
  • Nicole Kaczmarek – Director at Large
  • John Shaw – Tech Support
  • David Peabody – Move-a-thon
  • Jess Twardzik – Fall Festival Chair (shared with Melissa Ivancevich and Laura Zingg)
  • Sara Lukas – Room Parent Coordinator


● Gift Wango (zoom)
● Kellie Pecoraro (PTA member)
● Brian W
● JP Emery
● Rachel Wold (PTA member)
● Lana Sturmer
● Therese Miranda-Blackney (PTA member)

Meeting Called to Order at 7:04 PM

● Review Core Values
● Ice Breaker
● Approval of January & February PTA Meeting minutes
○ Sara Lukas motions, Jen Foreman seconds
■ Passed, no objections or abstentions

● Meg Pietz & Michelle Nemeth – Game night
● EDI Committee – Coordination of event this Thursday
● Kate Scher – gaga ball

● VP – Jess Templeton – Nom Com & Reflections Updates
○ Reflections Updates
■ No one from Whittier made it to the State level, coming to a close
○ Nom Com
■ Still in need of a Treasurer – anyone know someone with a financial background?
● If we can’t find one we’ll have to pay for this
■ Also need an EDI co-chair – will put it in the Wild Chat
● Hopefully someone from the BIPOC or LGBTQIA+ community

● EDI Committee (Kiana Swearingen)
○ Supporting & Raising Mixed-Race Children – Thursday, March 14th, 6-8pm
■ Sent out to other schools to join as well
■ Planning on doing some additional events this school year to include children as
● Move-a-thon (David Peabody)
○ A little less than 6 weeks away – Friday, April 26th, 9am-1pm
○ Will be on 13th instead of the blacktop this year
○ Need volunteers to guide classrooms out to 13th – room reps can at least send out that
○ Will need volunteers the week before (fill swag bags, pick up items, etc.)

○ Will need volunteers day of
○ 99 pledges pages in the next 2-3 weeks
● Spring Fling
○ Communications going out tomorrow requesting donations
○ Sara meeting with staff about staff experiences
○ Tickets go on sale on March 18th
○ 2 classes that still need buckets and 2 that need art
● Hospitality – Staff Appreciation
○ Staff Appreciation Week May 6-10
■ #1 priority is low family involvement
● Flowers for teachers on Monday – room rep to collect but otherwise not
collecting funds/gifts/cards
○ Next week granola/breakfast bar
○ School supply drive in April
○ Graduation – PTA will keep organizing/paying, $500 for cookies and water

● PTA Roles & Descriptions
○ Everyone make sure you update your roll/responsibility by end of week
● Survey Update
○ Small sample (50) – maybe 20% of households
○ Programs – in order of importance (1&2 had a big lead over 3-5, 3-5 all very close)
■ 1st – Enrichment (massive monkeys)
■ 2nd – Academic enhancement projects (maker’s space / lego wall in library),
science fairs, student leadership
■ 3rd – Community events (ice skating, fall carnival) (5th in a weighted rankings
■ 4th – field trips for all kids (4th in a weighted rankings analysis??)
■ 5th – EDI events (3rd in a weighted rankings analysis??)
■ Maybe the ranking is skewed – should these be weighted rankings? Some
question about how to interpret results

○ Staffing grant – do people continue to support? Literacy, Specialists, nurse. Currently
spending about 60% of our budget.
■ 88% of people do support
■ 12% of people who did not select yes or no wonder why SPS isn’t funding these

○ Fundraising events – remain the same? One more substantial ask? Multiple small
■ 66% of people would like fundraising events to remain as they are
■ 20% interest in bigger annual give
■ Others – different comments and ideas
■ Not a lot of interest in multiple smaller fundraisers

○ Open ended questions
○ What do we do with the survey feedback? For example last year there was a push to
bring the 5th grade outdoor camp back. Will honor the next class (4th graders) in terms
of asking them about this. Cindy’s priority would be that if they do it, it has to be in the
fall to maximize bonding. No one was denied the opportunity because of cost. Cindy was
able to obtain an outdoor ed grant, so families will have a choice about what to do with
the funds they (over)paid. Costs included stipend/teachers

● Staffing grant request – VOTE
○ Current State of Budget
■ In bank as of 2/29/24: $259,839.19
■ Remaining expenses for 2023-24 school year: $110,457.07
■ Remaining projected income for this school year: $75,000 ($15k from annual
give, $60k from spring fling)
■ Likely going into next school year with ~$230k
○ Staffing Grant Request
■ Request from Cindy is $117,000
● Keep 3 full time (PCP) specialists & Ms. Trilby at 0.8FTE (current level)
● Keeps Nurse Marissa at 2 full days/week (current level)

○ Received an extra 0.1 LAP (Learning Assistance Program) fund which funds Ms. Trilby –
may be getting additional LAP funding in the future.
○ Discussion/Questions for Cindy
■ Q: Is the staffing request comprehensive? A: Yes, for this year (though in a
perfect world the social worker would be full time and there would be more
nurse services). When we use money to pay for staffing with a grant we pay the
actual cost, vs. the average cost.
■ Q: How are we calculating staffing costs ? A: The more experience you have the
more money you make… For example Ms. Trilby is expensive due to her level of
experience. We’re not displacing or losing anyone, and no one has taken a
position elsewhere, so far.
■ Q: There are feelings about PTAs not funding staff positions at all, there is a
tension and a push for revenue at a state level next year, but the question is why
would they do anything when PTA is funding. A: State has reduced budget from
61% to 43% of the state budget (might be more dollars, but equate to fewer
resources). State pays 1⁄4? of teacher salaries, rest is from property taxes. 4th
most regressive tax system in the country. If PTAs don’t fund staff, schools will
■ Cindy: Needs are greater due to covid
○ Kathleen moves to approve the Staffing Grant Request, Jess Templeton seconds
■ Approved, no objections or abstentions


● February 2024 Financial Report
○ Income: $1,100 (annual give)
○ Expenses: $541 (outreach – helping hand gift cards)
■ Helping Hands – about 120 gift cards, received all the gift cards that were asked

○ Overall balance: $259,839.19 (as of 2/29/24)

● Math Agency
○ A few coaches in the room & on zoom
○ This year it was a pilot program / test to see how it went. It has gone “extremely well”
○ In order to keep the Math Agency next year, there would need to be a funding request
○ Looking ahead at (potentially) how to fund the Math Agency Next year
○ Likely there will be a survey put put out
○ Cindy
■ $80K – 150K range
■ Social entrepreneurship – Mike believes in closing math gaps faster and better
than schools typically have
■ Model
● Site coordinator Kate Frost
● Recruit and train volunteers/coaches
● Coaches work with 2-4 students at a time, working with Khan and IXL,
and the align work with curriculum in classrooms
● Encourages at-home practice, use stickers for motivation and other
items like socks for prizes
● See 1-3 years growth in 1 year time
● Incorporate into the school day, no after school tutoring
● 3 days/week of intervention (started with 4, but doing really well, so
decreased to 3)
○ During time that is already set aside for intervention
○ About 45 minutes of intervention 3x week
● School only has to provide the space and supplies
● The extra day is now dedicated to enrichment for about 15 third graders
with high-math skills – same model
● Cindy does meet with the site coordinator regularly and gets consistent
● Bellevue has made significant investments into the Math Agency
● Able to serve about 3x as many kids than reading interventionist

○ Question: any students in K-2 who need math assistance?
■ Answer: we don’t have the data
■ Literacy tends to be more of a K-2 intervention, this allows for intervention in
3-5 when you start seeing the need for math intervention

○ Most of the volunteers are not parents at Whittier
○ Demographically we don’t meet the standards for most grants available
○ If anyone knows a company who would like to donate/fund
○ Suggestion that if we fund the Math Agency to make it clear to parents at the beginning
of the 2024-25 school year on how much it costs
○ Would like to know how much we could increase the fundraising goal for Spring Fling in
order to help secure funding for Math Agency

● Gaga Ball – 5th graders working on “house rules” and will go to each classroom to share out
● Yearbook
● Spring Fling

Meeting Adjourned 8:50 pm

PTA Meeting Minutes: 2/13/24

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

February 13, 2024

7:00pm In Person & Zoom
Meeting ID: 817 3911 8250
Passcode: wildcats

Meeting link


  • Renee Hartnett – Co-President
  • Courtney Sievers – Co-President
  • Jess Templeton – Vice President (running reflections contest) 
  • Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer 
  • Melissa Ivancevich – Co-Secretary
  • Emily Robertson – Co-Secretary
  • Meg Herscher – Communications chair (zoom)
  • Kate Scher – Communications (Website/Wildchat)
  • Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair
  • Ashley Schiavone – Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement – Outreach Chair
  • Jen Foreman – Programs Co-Chair
  • Laura Zingg – Programs Co-Chair; Student Directory (zoom)
  • Kathleen Donahoe – Hospitality Co-Chair 
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality Co-Chair 
  • Nicole Kaczmarek – Director at Large
  • David Peabody – Move-a-thon Chair
  • Sara Lukas – Room Parent Coordinator


  • Kellie Pecoraro
  • Anika Anand
  • Maureen Nothum
  • Katie Stiver (zoom)
  • Bonnie (zoom)
  • Rachel Wold (zoom) 

Meeting Called to Order at 7:02 PM


  • Ice Breaker
  • Core Values and goals


  • David Peabody – Move-a-Thon
  • Brie Gardner – Spring Fling kicked off
  • Laura Zingg & Jennifer Foreman – Programs for Winter
  • Kate Scher – Gaga Ball
  • Kathleen & Emily – ongoing Staff Appreciation!


  • PTA Roles & Descriptions
    • Done by 2/16 if possible
    • Goal of having smooth transitions
  • Survey to community on budget


  • Yearbook
    • Annika Anand looking for a partner to help
  • PTA Table at Family Dance & Game Night
    • Need volunteers to be involved at PTA table 
  • Potential Shift with Move-A-Thon to 13th Ave NW
    • Location shift because of bike week
    • Need stanchions, flags, cones
    • Freezer pops Town & Country 
    • Frankie and Joe’s for volunteers 
  • Wildcats Wonder (instead of career day)
    • What problems do you want to solve? 
    • Crowdsourcing / engaging community / parents on what problems they’re working on 
    • April / May 
    • Moments of failure along the way / perseverance 


  • VP – Jess Templeton –
    • Reflections Updates
    • Nom Com
      • Survey Assistant Treasurer – Stacy not returning 
      • EDI co-chair, ideally someone representing communities not currently 
      • Volunteer co-chair recently vacated – going into a busy time 
      • Fundraiser co-chair 
      • More to come 
  • Kiana Swearingen EDI
    • Supporting & Raising Mixed-Race Children – think of someone that can go with you
      • Childcare will be provided
      • Neighborhood schools have been contacted


  • January 2024 Financial Report
    • $7,277 income from annual give
    • $3,936 gaga ball expense
    • -$372 for month 
    • $265,276 overall balance
  • Budget Committee
    • Need 5 volunteers


  • Gaga Ball – Lots of volunteers 
  • STEAM lab – grant opportunity with WA Arts
    • $5000 materials equip, $5000 training etc
    • Must be non-profit, so funneled through the PTA 
    • Grant submission due by Feb 23
      • If instated, would be housed in a pre-identified room in the building, staffed by volunteers, and potentially rolled out and
        • Need a state wide vendor number
        • Unique entity ID – may be washington state UBI 


  • School Party scheduled March 29th
    • Activities, dance party in the cafeteria 
    • Unicycling in the gym with Mr. Pule 
    • Gaga ball, 4-square
    • Popcorn for all
    • Will need volunteers


  • Entering budget time and it’s terrible
    • $10,000 – $12,000 for this year for supplies (vs. $20,000 – $22,000 last year)
    • Enrollment projections within 6-8 of what office staff thinks
    • Next year we will likely have (2) 5th grades, (2) 4th grades, (3) 3rd grades next year (most covid impacted cohort – current 2nd graders), (2) 2nd grades, (3) 1st grades, (3) kindergarten classes
    • Won’t know about staffing until August 
    • Split-level grade level classes aren’t good generally
  • Partnership with the Math Agency in grades 3 and 4 going well
    • On track for kids to grow 1.5 grade levels
    • Scaling back intervention from 4 days a week to 3 days a week
    • Pilot with 3rd graders 1 day x week to focus on task complexity 
    • High numbers of HC kids in 3rd grade 
  • 5th Grade trip next year might be Island Wood
    • Should be in the Fall for bonding
  • Prides of March
    • Food Pantry 
    • Hygiene kits for high schoolers
  • Pints with the Principal / Coffee – to talk budget 
  • Looking for new school board member for our area 
  • Highly Capable Services / Advanced Learning Program (unfunded mandate)
    • Got rid of HC / Advanced learning opportunities for 5th graders going into 6th grade (everybody still gets to same place at the same time) 


  • NA

Meeting Adjourned 8:14  pm

Note for March meeting agenda: Mariner’s Game update

PTA Meeting Minutes: 1/9/24

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

January 9, 2024

7:00pm Zoom
Meeting ID: 817 3911 8250
Passcode: wildcats


  • Renee Hartnett – Co-President
  • Courtney Sievers – Co-President
  • Jess Templeton – Vice President (running reflections contest) 
  • Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer 
  • Melissa Ivancevich – Co-Secretary (attended vida Zoom) 
  • Emily Robertson – Co-Secretary
  • Meg Herscher (New communications chair)
  • Kate Scher – Communications (Website/Wildchat)
  • Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair
  • Glenda Elley – Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Ashley Schiavone – Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Anjean Vanden Bosch – Volunteer Chair & Membership Chair
  • Meg Pietz – Family and Community Engagement – Events Chair
  • Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement – Outreach Chair
  • Jen Foreman – Programs Co-Chair
  • Laura Zingg – Programs Co-Chair; Student Directory
  • Jon Overman – Legislative Representative (primary) (attended via Zoom) 
  • Molly Firth – Legislative Representative (secondary)
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality Co-Chair 
  • Nicole Kaczmarek – Director at Large
  • John Shaw – Tech Support
  • David Peabody – Move-a-thon
  • Mendy Minjarez – Spirit Gear
  • Sara Lukas – Room Parent Coordinator


  • Kellie Pecoraro
  • Brianna Mercker 
  • Suman Pradhan
  • Andrea Pungoti
  • Tanya Cunningham
  • Rachel Wold
  • Meena Lenn
  • Lana Sturmer


  • Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:01 PM
  • Intros – fave book or movie and PTA role, kids and grades
  • Vote to approve November PTA meeting minutes
    • Jess Templeton motioned to approve 
    • Emily Grosse seconded
    • Approved


  • Thank you’s:
    • Kraken Ice Skating Event
    • Literacy night 
    • Helping Hands/Mittens
    • Anjean – membership education & communication.
      • Now have around 136 members up from 70 something at beginning of year 


  • Board Update
    • Meg Herscher – Communications Chair
    • Brie Gardner – Spring Fling co-chair (needs second)
      • Date: May 18th. 
      • Theme: Follow the call to the disco ball. 
      • First meeting this Thursday, 1/11. 3 responses to volunteer asks. Still looking for procurement team. 
      • Same format as last year minus wine wall and aviator photos
  • Surveying for preferences 
  • Budget
    • Budget conversations starting in February 29th 8am coffee, Feb 29th pints with principal, zoom option on March 7th.
  • Mariners Event in spring – date TBD


  • Land Acknowledgement update from Kiana
    • Current practice
    • Why does SPS have different language than Whittier? 
    • Evolution
    • Land acknowledgements can be token, not meaningful
    • Still relevant if doing a specific call to action. Generally not recommended for standing meetings, etc. Only if relevant to actual meeting, possibly with local tribal members present
    • The monthly PTA meetings do not meet the parameters of when a land acknowledgment should be used. So we should not use land acknowledgements at every board meeting. 
    • We should use an acknowledgment if there is clear connection in the meeting activities or actions toward native sovereignty or the native land back movement
    • Recommendation for policy to be reviewed annually as part of EDI role.
      • Renee recommending we vote on recommendations from EDI
        • Glenda motioned to approve EDI recommendations
        • Jen Foreman seconded
  • Approved
  • Standing Rules
    • Renee motioned to approve standing rules as revised
    • Second Glenda
    • Approved
  • Update on Gaga Ball
    • Estimated delivery Feb 20th
    • Working on getting donated lumber
    • Octagon 20-30 kids
    • ADA door 
    • 5th grade fundraiser, co-creation of rules 
  • Lana Sturmer – whittier parent. Idea for what to do with lost and found
    • Non-profit that creates inclusive communities for kids with disabilities.
    • Northwest Center – The Big Blue Truck – Value Village
    • Cindy is a big supporter of this. Wants the big blue bin inside Whittier with signage explaining what it means. Lana will help manage program. Not throwing things away but giving things new life. Strategically find place for it.
      • Renee motions to approve implementation of program. 
      • Melissa seconds 
      • Approved. New program to implement 


  • VP – Jess Templeton – Reflections Updates
    • Lessons learned 
    • Next year directing messaging to kids, maybe through Mr. Buck
  • VP – Jess Templeton – Nom Com
    • End of Jan. let folks know if continuing to next year
    • Mendy – reminder: nom com process is supposed to be confidential. Notes should not be open to board. Internal discussions should not be made public etc. 
  • Events – Meg Pietz
    • Family Dance and Game Night – Michelle Nemeth helping. Friday the 1st of March – DJ Ms. Steph 
  • Spirit Gear – Mendy
    • Now that we have a communications chair, we should keep sending out link about ordering spirit gear on-demand. 
    • Haven’t updated many designs recently – classic and modern. Can create new things! Survey to see what people want/need.
  • Move-a-thon Chair David Peabody
    • Sponsorship Trader Joe’s, Swansons, Brook’s, Fred Meyer
    • Stuff – fidgets, water bottles, stickers
    • General note that sweat bands are a good option for swag

TREASURER’S REPORT (Michelle Nemeth) 

  • Review of Financial Reports from 2023
    • November
      • Income: $38,375.35
      • Expenses: $635.53 (fall festival) 
    • December
      • Income $14,079.32 income
      • Expense $27,828.80 expense
    • Fundraising $82,766 annual give 
    • Reports weren’t sent out yet 
    • Huge shout out for annual give! 


  • Thank you for land acknowledgement update
  • How do we bring people into the PTA? 
  • Mike Clay – old school sweatshirt design “Whittier Established 1908” second bld added 1929. Both demo’d 1998. New building opened in 1999. 
  • Staff love gear gifts
  • Thank you for support of Fragile Families
  • Annual Give in school party – keepin’ it simple. Fun, different. Popcorn party?
  • Massive Monkeys in March


  • Sped classroom rep
  • Spring Fling Co-Chair
  • Tax person

Meeting Adjourned 8:39 PM

PTA Meeting Minutes: 11/14/23

Whittier PTA Board Meeting
November 14, 2023
7:00pm In Person & Zoom
Meeting ID: 817 3911 8250
Passcode: wildcats


  • Renee Hartnett – Co-President
  • Courtney Sievers – Co-President
  • Jess Templeton – Vice President (running reflections contest)
  • Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer
  • Melissa Ivancevich – Co-Secretary (attended vida Zoom)
  • Emily Robertson – Co-Secretary
  • Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair
  • Ashley Schiavone – Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Leah Lansberry Austin – Volunteer Chair & Membership Chair
  • Anjean Vanden Bosch – Volunteer Chair & Membership Chair
  • Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement – Outreach Chair
  • Jared Cortese – Programs Co-Chair
  • Jen Foreman – Programs Co-Chair
  • Laura Zingg – Programs Co-Chair; Student Directory
  • Jon Overman – Legislative Representative (primary) (attended via Zoom)
  • Kathleen Donahoe – Hospitality Co-Chair
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality Co-Chair
  • Nicole Kaczmarek – Director at Large
  • Members at Large
    • Brie Gardner
    • Kellie Pecoraro

Non-Board Members in Attendance

  • John Shaw – Tech Support
  • David Peabody – Move-a-thon
  • Mendy Minjarez – Spirit Gear
  • Sara Lukas – Room Parent Coordinator

Community Members in Attendance

  • Emily Geyer
  • Maureen Nothum
  • Rachel Wold
  • Katie Stiver
  • Brianna Mercker
  • Liz Young
  • Jessica Young
  • Kate Scales
  • Will Scales
  • Sean Ritchie
  • Megan Herscher
  • Tony Toppenberg

● Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:01 PM
● Approval of September & October PTA Meeting minutes & May Community Meeting minutes
○ Kathleen motioned to approve, Sara Lukas seconded
■ Approved, no dissension

● Thank you’s:
○ Fall Festival
○ EDI Committee – Coordination of gender-diverse youth workshop
○ Fundraising – Annual Give
○ Hospitality – Monthly staff appreciation (Kathleen and Emily)

● Garden Beds, proposed by Elsie Smith, Ada Scales, and Rowan Ritchie (Poppy Tallarico Ross not
present) – $1300
○ Planter pots, flowers, wood chips, soil
■ Wood chips so it will be less muddy when it rains
■ 7 planters ($31.89/each from Home Depot) – 1 planter for each grade
● Will get plants/flowers (native focused) from Swansons Nursery
● Each class will get to pick 2 flowers for their planter box
● Resin planter boxes

■ Will take an aerial photo, then grid off, then cut out planter boxes to move
■ Will ask for volunteers to maintain plants
■ Would like to do in the spring
○ Old planter boxes removed
○ Conversation:
■ There may be some money in a conservation budget for the school that could be
used for this
■ Can also ask for a donation from Swanson’s
○ Vote to support this project, likely don’t need to provide any funds
● Gaga Ball Pit, proposed by Lucas Young-Frankowski, Theo Young-Frankowski, Denali Swearingen,
Ben Toppenberg, Henry Gudmastad, Nash Lyden
○ Explanation of how to play gaga ball
■ 15-20 students can play at a time
■ Use a kick ball type of ball
○ Inclusive, minimum equipment/maintenance needed
■ Whittier Kids also will benefit – Whittier Kids can no longer play using the
school’s mats because too destructive
■ No team picking; can quickly get back in the game
○ Would likely be in the top right (NE) corner of the blacktop
■ A concern expressed about location because the lower hoop better for smaller
kids is located there
○ Sweat equity & fundraisers
■ Going to explain to the other classrooms
■ The 6 students presenting will help build it
○ Two options (both have ADA access door & a soft base):
■ One: prefab, cut, ready to go
■ Two ($3500): purchase precut lumber, stain & build it
● Preference of the student group
● A dad is willing to do some fundraising
● Other parents will help build

○ Vote to fund the second option with a request that they fundraise $1000:
■ Approved, no dissension

● Opinion expressed that this bucket of money be prioritized for student-led efforts/requests
○ Cindy hasn’t heard anything else bubbling up from students
○ Feel a loyalty to the 5th graders after going through Covid

● Meeting Structure
○ Finding that we need more than an hour, but trying to keep it as short as possible
● Board Update

○ Two board members have had to resign: Joa Pope (Director at large) & Mandy Nelson
(Communications) – goal to fill these two positions by the end of the year

● Communication Plan for Board (Konstella owned by individuals)
○ In the meantime, Courtney monitoring communication requests coming in
○ Ask that the roles post Konstella announcements
■ Make Communications an owner of the message as well
○ Request for guide on how to post on Konstella and what is acceptable to post on the
various channels/guide on the role for Communications

● Standing rules updates
○ Going to share more broadly and then vote in January
● Insurance (Emily Robertson)
○ Unless any objections, going to add a media liability endorsement in amount of $25k,
adds $70 to our annual premium
○ Motion on vote to approve
■ Kathleen motioned, seconded by Jared
■ Approved, no dissension

● NomComm – VOTE on Committee for 2024: Jess Templeton, David Peabody, Kathleen Donahoe,
Mendy Minjarez
○ Approved, no dissension

● Legislative assembly update – Jon Overman & Molly Firth
○ Entirely virtual, Jon & Molly split attendance
○ Two issues, six resolutions discussed to vote on
■ Two issues:
● K-12 education funding
○ Included language about PTA’s not using funds to augment staff

● Traumatic brain injuries – a proposal on a ban on helmets used
■ Two issues & two resolutions were passed with amendments
■ Four resolutions that weren’t debated at all but passed
○ Next year will be the full resetting of priorities, so hoping it will be in-person
○ There will be a focus on legislative/advocacy in January/February
● Annual Give – Glenda & Ashley
○ Have a little over $54k (~60% of the goal, ~50% participation)
○ A comment that there should still be an opportunity
● Membership Goals – Anjean & Leah
○ Next year will start the membership drive (a 4-week “information campaign”) earlier (in
June) so it doesn’t overlap with Annual Give

○ Started out communications with what does it mean to be a PTA member, then what is
the value/why the PTA? Next week will be what does the PTA actually do.
■ Up to 115 members (started out with 77)
■ It was really effective to just remind people that they have to sign up again every

○ Going to send out more emails to just members about what we’re voting on at upcoming
■ Maybe have “PTA spotlights” – who they’re here and why they’re here
■ Add a “membership corner” or a “membership spotlight”
○ Want to be able to offer scholarships to families to be able to offer memberships to a
certain number of families
● Outreach – Helping Hands, Emily Schweiger
○ Helping Hands gift card drive starts tomorrow
● Room rep & holiday gifts – Sara Lukas
○ Would like ideas about text to send to the room reps
○ Need to determine if/how to give to all staff
● Program’s
○ This is Jared’s last day/meeting as Program’s co-chair

TREASURER’S REPORT (Michelle Nemeth)
● Review of Financial Reports from October 2023
○ Income: $32,786.75
○ Expenses: $34,743.54
■ Paid for $17,003.89 grant for school
■ Paid $5,516.61 for instructional support
■ Paid $2,800 for curriculum enrichment
○ Need to add a line item for Mr. Buck for money for bookmarks
○ Need to add a line item (~$2000) to pay for our 990 (reports our income & expenses)
■ Vote to approve, seconded by Jared
● Approved, no abstentions

● Really crowded 3rd & 4th grade classrooms
○ They only made staffing adjustments at schools that needed two or more teachers and
we only needed one
○ Question from a parent: how can we better support the 3rd & 4th grade classes?
■ Not sure, don’t have an answer yet
■ There aren’t IAs for gen ed kids, so can’t use IAs to do small cohort work

● Math agency has kicked off, serving ~30 kids
● Need to convey that we have a responsibility to fund intervention and that new cuts shouldn’t
be layered on schools who have already experienced cuts
○ We’re seeing a shift in the student/family makeup of Whittier due to upzoning
● We’re doing more inclusion at our school than the majority of any other school

○ Spending a majority of their time in the gen ed session instead of independently in their
own classroom

● Want to know from the district, what is the floor for our school – what is the minimum amount
of support/etc. we will have?
● No resources being provided for advanced learners
○ Trying to push the math agency to explore this
○ Ms. Trillby trying to provide some support to 3rd grade
● Would like to add student representation/participation in PTA events
○ Cindy making sure activities are occurring during the school day at the school so that no
one is excluded

● Cindy working on a presentation that could be shared with the PTA to help with the
○ Letter writing to our school board (before budget season that starts in February)
○ If we have contacts in the media to help get the message out/tell our story that
resonates and doesn’t disenfranchise other schools/families

● Sped classroom rep
● Reflections Art Contest Committee
○ Theme: “I am hopeful because”
○ Request to get students involved – no submissions yet
■ Submissions due this Friday

● Nominating committee
● Science Fair/STEM Night Coordinator
● Spring Fling Co-Chairs
● Tax person
Meeting Adjourned 9:14 PM

PTA Meeting Minutes: 10/10/23

Whittier PTA Board Meeting
October 10, 2023
7:00pm Zoom
Meeting ID: 817 3911 8250
Passcode: wildcats

Renee Hartnett – Co-President
Courtney Sievers – Co-President
Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer
Emily Robertson – Co-Secretary
Mandy Nelson – Communications Chair
Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair
Ashley Schiavone – Fundraising Co-Chair
Anjean Vanden Bosch – Volunteer Chair & Membership Chair
Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement – Outreach Chair
Jen Foreman – Programs Co-Chair
Laura Zingg – Programs Co-Chair; Student Directory
Jon Overman – Legislative Representative (primary)
Molly Firth – Legislative Representative (secondary)
Kathleen Donahoe – Hospitality Co-Chair
Emily Grosse – Hospitality Co-Chair
Nicole Kaczmarek – Director at Large
Joa Pope – Director at Large
Members at Large
● Nichole Maiman Waterman
● Brie Gardner


  • David Peabody – Move-a-thon



● Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:00 PM


● Thank you’s:

○ Meg Pietz – Grade level Happy Hours at Chucks

○ Kate Scher – Wildchat

○ Emily and Jess for cleaning out PTA closet!

● Standing rules updates and questions
○ There was a question about fees in section 3.3. Renee Hartnett clarified the due
breakdown, stating that they were correct as previously written. Secretary to revert back
to original language.
○ There was a question about what a quorum is. Renee Hartnett clarified that a quorum =
half of roughly 20 board members (10). There is a question regarding whether we should
make the language more clear? Executive committee has to be majority. Number of
board members at tonight’s meeting is 16.
○ Mandy Nelson – generally it’s a %, or flexible number that matches. 50% plus 1?
○ Decided to review in November meeting – not exactly sure
○ Add language in for digital records
○ Add language about harassment prevention procedure policy – reference National PTA

● Financial Review (Michelle Nemeth)
○ 2022-2023 – review – thanking team on Financial Review Committee (Emily Robertson,
Jeannie Lee, Megan Herscher, Tyler Gaspard and Michelle Nemeth)
○ Background about process/results:
■ Why?
● General transparency
● Requirement for bond insurance – legal requirements
● Good business practice
■ What?
● Looked at Financial Review Checklist
● Separated work into 5 sections
● Accessed various docs on google drive and sometimes hunted them

■ Findings
● Books look good
● PTA has few accounts (3) – which is easier to manage
● Quickbooks, online banking easily accessible
■ What to work on for next year
● Organize docs on google drive for next year’s Financial Review (Michelle
Nemeth has started this already)
● Report is an 8 page document – what we need to look at every year –
was a pretty big task for the group
● Michelle is official treasurer but there is another person doing most of
the accounting – Stacy Rose, which sometimes makes things tricky
● One item of note is that we should be reviewing insurance policy every
year and recording this in the minutes in order to maintain certain
■ Summary
● Above board, able to check yes on most items.

● Insurance (Emily Robertson)
○ Review of current policy:
■ Commercial General Liability: $1 Million limit – $110
■ Extended Medical Payments: $5,000 limit – $0
■ Professional Liability: $1 Million limit – $65
■ Fidelity bond: $25,000 limit – $125
■ Inland Marine: $10,000 limit – $115
■ $415 total
○ Emily Robertson suggested potentially adding Media Liability
○ Adding Media Liability Endorsement would add costs as follows:
■ $25,000 – $70.00
■ $50,000 – $90.00
■ $75,000 – $120.00
■ $100,000 – $160.00
○ Find out if Media Policy covers PII (inadvertently sharing personal info)
○ Review at next meeting
● Legislative assembly update – Molly Firth
○ 2 weeks from now
○ Jon and Molly feel like most issues are not controversial such as:
■ Addressing issues around multi-language and heritage
■ Preventing and reducing gun violence and suicide
■ Resolutions such as high quality preschools
■ However, there are 2 Resolutions that are trickier:
● Resolution #3 K-12 Education Funding
○ What is Whittier’s position? Whittier’s PTA position?
○ What would Cindy say?

○ How is the school actually funded?
● Resolution #4 Traumatic Brain Injuries
○ This one seems has potential to amplify equity issues.
Historically helmet laws were enforced targeting mostly people
of color.
TREASURER’S REPORT (Michelle Nemeth)
● Review of Financial Reports from September 2024
○ As of $243,617 (about a $200 change). Paid PTA dues WSPTA and Seattle PTA
○ Evidently Mr. Buck raised $1000 from selling bookmarks. There is a question about
whether Stacy Rose can create a line item for this. It was discussed that these individual
pots of money are complicated from a tracking standpoint. It was pointed out that Cindy
should be looped in

● Annual Give – Glenda & Ashley
○ Kicked off today? $80,000 ask. $1500 so far. In lieu of gifts we’ll do an experience. School
party – disco. Our time to shine! More details to come. Gym, dance, disco ball. Saves
money for gifts = point of fundraising. Thermometer poster board. New thing asking for
volunteers. Pick something to volunteer for.

● Fall Festival – Jess Twardzik
○ Not present. Event is October 27
● EDI November Event – Kiana Swearingen
○ Gender Diversity Event in November. Free childcare provided by Whittier Kids. Confirm
○ Beyond Black and White at Salmon Bay
● Outreach – Emily Schweiger
○ Coffee morning October 20th. Help? 7:40-8:10 on 14th Ave
○ Starting work for helping hands. Office working on mitten idea? November 18th-ish
● Programs- Jared Cortese/Laura Zyngg/Jennifer Foreman
○ Afterschool programs launched Oct 2nd – Nov 16th.
○ 7 programs
○ Met minimum for all programs.
○ Not all sold out
○ 3 scholarships were awarded. The $10 enrollment fee goes towards scholarships.
○ Winter programs will start after holiday break
● Hospitality – Emily Grosse/Kathleen Donahoe
○ Next Thursday setting up for fall breakfast
● Membership Goals – Anjean & Leah
○ Why not marry fundraising and membership drive?
○ 75 members currently. Goal is 200/
○ Had 88 last year Sep 20, and 133 by end of school year

○ How to generate more members?
■ Signage
■ Specific communication out to adults and caregivers
■ Don’t have a lot of staff participation
■ Student memberships?
■ Value message for Whittier – Going back to Kiana’s comment about what is
equity to us?
■ #1 reason people don’t join is because they’re not asked. Put something in next
wild chat. Reach out to inactive members…?
■ Lots of great ideas.
■ Enrollment is down and post-covid numbers are down.
■ Participating board and community members can send ideas to Anjean – by the
end of the week
● Sped classroom rep
● Fall Carnival Committee
● Reflections Art Contest Committee
● Nominating committee
● Science Fair/STEM Night Coordinator
● Spring Fling Co-Chairs
● Tax person
Meeting Adjourned 8:27 pm

PTA Meeting Minutes: 9/12/23

Whittier PTA Board Meeting
September 12, 2023
7:00pm In Person & Zoom
Meeting ID: 817 3911 8250
Passcode: wildcats


  • Renee Hartnett – Co-President
  • Courtney Sievers – Co-President
  • Jess Templeton – Vice President (running reflections contest)
  • Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer
  • Melissa Ivancevich – Co-Secretary
  • Emily Robertson – Co-Secretary
  • Mandy Nelson – Communications Chair
  • Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair
  • Glenda Elley – Fundraising Co-Chair
  • Leah Lansberry Austin – Volunteer Chair & Membership Chair
  • Anjean Vanden Bosch – Volunteer Chair & Membership Chair
  • Meg Pietz – Family and Community Engagement – Events Chair
  • Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement – Outreach Chair
  • Jen Foreman – Programs Co-Chair
  • Laura Zingg – Programs Co-Chair; Student Directory
  • Jon Overman – Legislative Representative (primary) (Zoom)
  • Kathleen Donahoe – Hospitality Co-Chair
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality Co-Chair
  • Members at Large
    • Nicole Kaczmarek
    • Maureen Nothum
    • Kellie Pecoraro


  • John Shaw – Tech Support
  • Sara Lukas – Room Parent Coordinator


  • Lindsay Murphy
  • Brianna Mercker
  • Sarah Rubin
  • Shannon Blackman
  • Rachel Sidles
  • Esther Kooiman
  • Lana Sturmer
  • Emily Barbee (Zoom)
  • Sridharan (Zoom)
  • Megan Connors (Zoom)

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:02 PM

● Thank you’s:
○ Emily Grosse and Kathleen Donahoe for back to school
○ Jon Shaw for IT assistance
○ Julie Osborne for the Back-to-School event, including Jen Foreman and Mendy Minjarez
○ Kate Scher for website and Konstella updates
○ Emily Schweiger for the Kinder welcome event
● Meeting format overview
● Motion to approve co-secretaries Emily Robertson and Melissa Ivancevich
○ Kathleen Donahoe motioned, Leah Lansberry Austin seconded – Approved by the voting

TREASURER’S REPORT (Michelle Nemeth)
● Balance update: $243,000 in the bank account
○ No major expenses in the last month
● Four people who were signers on the HomeStreet Bank Account last year:
○ Leah Lansberry Austin (President)
○ Renee Harnett (Treasurer)
○ Jessie S Templeton (Secretary)
○ Katherine E Lindsay (Communications Chair)
● Four people who are signers on the HomeStreet Bank Account this year:
○ Renee Harnett (Co-President)
○ Courtney Sievers (Co-President)
○ Jessie S Templeton (Vice President)
○ Michelle Nemeth (Treasurer)

● Renee and Michelle gave the okay to pay the Washington State PTA and Konstella dues
● Finishing up the financial reviews
● Theme: “I Am Hopeful Because”
● Jess Templeton leading & looking for volunteers to help
● Goals for 2023-2024:
○ Annual Give: $80,000 ($250/student)
○ Move-A-Thon: $15,000
○ Spring Fling: $60,000
● Annual Give: October 2nd-20th
○ Asking everyone to participate in some way (donating money, volunteering, etc.)
■ A recent non-school related fundraising event asked 5 economic privilege
questions to help inform how much you should give, something to consider for
Annual Give – Kiana to share those questions

○ No tiers/thank-you gifts – if the goal is achieved, then the PTA will bring in an experience
for the whole school (i.e. bring in a band and have a dance party and popsicles)
○ John to see if we’ll be using the same platform as last year and if monthly payments that
were signed up for last year automatically roll over
■ If so, need to reach out to those folks
● Move-A-Thon will be in the Spring, student led
○ If we don’t achieve our Move-A-Thon goal of $15,000, the difference can be rolled into
the Spring Fling goal

○ Grade level happy hour events at Chuck’s starting next week (week of 9/18)
○ A movie night on October 6th?
■ Looking for a volunteer to organize
○ November 21st – Kraken ice skating event from 2:00-3:00pm
■ Looking for a volunteer to organize
○ March 8th – family dance & game night
○ Festival will be Friday, October 27th, 4:30-7:00pm
■ Similar set-up and activities as last year, with improved efficiencies
○ First planning meeting on Tuesday, September 19th

○ Working with hospitality to do morning coffee – first one will be October 20th, with an
additional one in the Winter and one in the Spring

○ Need a room rep for Richmond and for Childers
○ Need email addresses for a few of the room reps that signed up at Back to Business

● Spring Fling – need co-chairs to coordinate and bring everyone together
○ A lot of folks with past experience will be on the committee to help out
○ Don’t need to raise as much, less procurement

    ● Open House on Thursday, 9/14, 5:30-7:00pm – students will be the leaders
    ● Author (Gary Gray Jr.) visit in October
    ○ Also sponsoring him to visit Viewlands Elementary
    ● Developed a partnership with the math agency
    ○ Four days a week: 1:15-2:15pm on M, T, Th, F
    ○ Focusing on 3rd and 4th grade classes due to the large classroom sizes
    ○ Still need volunteers to help with the math agency – can volunteer just one of the four

Meeting Adjourned 7:59 pm

PTA Meeting Minutes: 8/23/23

Whittier PTA Board Meeting
August 23, 2023
6:30pm @ Courtney Sievers Home


  • Renee Hartnett – Co-President
  • Courtney Sievers – Co-President
  • Jess Templeton – Vice President
  • Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer
  • Melissa Ivancevich – Co-Secretary
  • Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair
  • Leah Lansberry Austin – Volunteer Chair (Combine with Membership)
  • Anjean Vanden Bosch – Volunteer Chair (Combine with Membership)
  • Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement – Outreach Chair
  • Laura Zingg, Jen Foreman – Programs Chair
  • Leah Lansberry Austin, Anjean Vanden Bosch – Membership Chair (Combine with Volunteer)
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality Co-Chairs
  • Members at Large – N/A


  • David Peabody – Move-a-thon
  • Laura Zingg – Student Directory
  • Jess Twarzik, – Fall Festival Chair (shared with Melissa Ivancevich and Laura Zingg)
  • Sara Lukas – Room Parent Coordinator


Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 6:36 PM


  • Around the group introductions and sharing of goals for the year


  • Appreciations for summertime work:
    • Financial Review Team – Michelle Nemeth, Tyler, Emily Robertson, Jeannie, Megan
    • Kindergarten t-shirts – Emily Schweiger
    • Popsicle Playdates – Jess Twardzik, Sara Lukas, Emily Schweiger
    • Back to Business – Julie Osborn, Lana
  • President’s goals
    • Monthly meetings
      • Fun, efficient, and accessible
      • Planned meeting format: 1 hour – handle business first half, time with Cindy
        second half
        • Discussion on how to how more involvement from PTA members/public
          not on the board
      • Meeting prep:
        • President’s will send the agenda the Tuesday prior to the next meeting
        • Ask for board to send updates to the Presidents by the Friday before the next
        • President’s will send pre-read materials the day before, ask the board to
          pre-read prior to the meeting
        • Theme for the year – year to shine/shine bright
        • Working Agreements (see agenda for details)
        • Intent to kick off annual give at the Open House on 9/14


  • All programs lined up for the fall – will start in October
  • Working with comms to get message out


  • Balance update: $242,000 in bank account
  • Annual give ask will be $80k (~$227/child)
  • Move-a-thon goal is $15k
  • Spring Fling goal will be $60k
  • Should establish long-term financial goals




  • Grade Level Mixers – likely the week of 9/18, likely will be at Chuck’s Hop Shop
  • A grade level each night


Meeting Adjourned 8:11 pm

Board Meeting Minutes: 2/7/23

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

Februrary 7th, 2023

7:00pm in Whittier Library
Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022
Passcode: wildcats


  • Leah Lansberry Austin- President
  • Jess Templeton – Co Secretary
  • Kellie Pecoraro – Adviser/Support
  • Courtney Kirk Sievers – Hospitality and Events
  • Kate Scher – Communications Chair
  • Renee Hartnett – Treasurer
  • Cindy Waters – Principal
  • Ashley Schiavone
  • Lauren Carey- EDI Committee Member
  • Sara Lukas
  • Kathleen Donahoe- Hospitality
  • Emily Grosse
  • Emily Barbee
  • Melissa O’Keefe

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:15 PM

Approval of January Board Minutes

Renee Hartnett motioned to approve and Kate Scher seconded 

Nominating Committee

There are still a few positions open.  Family game night, Konstella, and work directly with Cindy to identify parents who are already involved who can become more involved. 

VP or Co-President, events, outreach, volunteer, EDI, legislative rep and membership. 

Non-board roles:  Wildchat editor, Spring Fling Chairs, Move-a-thon, Spirit gear, student directory, yearbook



It’s not going to be great.  Cindy has been advocating on our enrollment projections and trying to keep our budget numbers up.  


  • Put in a funding request for some microphones to get a couple of lapel microphones and 2 new handheld microphones.  $12,000.
    • -Mrs. Steph often rents for the spring play.  
  • We’re in Black Lives Matter week of action.  Trying to meet kids developmentally where they are.  It’s going really well.  Helping kids to be thoughtful citizens and promote civic engagement.  
  • Going to do Prides of March. Partnering with a church up in Broadview to do a food drive and gift cards to stock the pantry.  Cindy will get us information on this next week.  Focus is hyperlocal and tangible.  Curriculum will teach about community investments and service.  
  • The fundraiser for Ms. Jo raised over $5000 for the Ballard Food Bank.
    • There is a wednesday or thursday pickup- about 15 bags for families in the Whittier Community. 
  • Leadership group has selected 4 spirit days in March.  Wacky hat and sock day, twin day, famous person or book character day. 
  • Outreach to Ballard HighSchool and Ingraham that have pantries for students who live independently and are home insecure.  Food and supplies
  • Is there going to be a Massive Monkey’s performance (Kate)?  Yes, in March. 
  • What is happening with the merging of the Special Education Services.
    • They want more schools to serve the kids in their neighborhood.  Have kids spend as much time in the gen ed settings as possible to meet their learning needs.  This is already done at Whittier and Cindy thinks there will be less of a change than other schools.  Though we’re not an SEL school, we still serve those students.  The way we serve kids is the service model the district wants all schools to go to.  
    • It’s unclear if kids will still be bussed to Whittier.  
    • Cindy would love a full time social worker
    • The state only funds for 13% of each school’s kids to be special needs.  Typically the need is greater than this.  
    • Universal design learning can’t be scaled to all 106 schools in the district.  
    • Budget will be released Feb 28th.  
    • How are the teacher’s feeling right now?  They’re tired and stressed but Cindy tries to keep this away from them.  
    • Will there be an adjustment from the current ask?  Potentially.  

Vote on the fundraising proposal

Kelly moves to approve and Sara Seconded 


Treasurer’s Report

$201k in the bank

10 kids who got to go to the sensory friendly night at Wild Lanterns

Update on Fall fundraiser/ annual give $72,000 of a $75,000 goal 

The jog-a-thon is tracking at over budget as well

Budget committee:  if you know anyone who is interested, have them join.  Will get started the week after mid-winter break.  It will be between 3-6 hours of time commitment.  

Be thinking about how this is our money and we can choose what we do with it.  What programs do you hear about that you want to see at Whittier? 

Potentially bring back a comment/ idea form or use room parents to ask for ideas.

Renee will send out a budget survey shortly.    

Chair Reports


  • The Family Game and Dance night is March 3rd.  Michelle and Meg are chairing this event.  Sending out a Sign Up Genius for food.  Looking for an MC or may use Spotify.  Will have a PTA table at the event for Spring Fling and volunteers for next year.   
  • Spring Fling tickets go on sale March 1st.  Meeting this Thursday.  Date is May 20th.  Committee was unanimous about having the event at a different location.  Will be casual.  Renee drafted up the landing page and Courtney will review.
    • Highway to the Wildcat Zone
    • Classroom Buckets, wine wall, silent auction, classroom art
    • Want a strong MC


  • Budget survey- could we share funds with another organization as a teaching moment for our kids?  Maybe a food bank or homeless shelter.  There are some challenges with non-profits giving to other non-profits.  Missing the communication about what we’ve done.  Report out.  
  • Like the idea of us giving back to the community and teaching our kids about that.  
  • Add Impact page on the PTA website- Lauren will take on data collection.  
  • Could we ask folks to volunteer to run these small events
  • EDI is working on affinity groups and building those small communities within the larger community
    • We need folks to lead these groups and the groups can be whatever they want to be
    • Still doing the buddy bench in the Wildchat
    • Trying to get the special ed classes more included in the school
    • On that note, for the first time we’re doing sped room classroom art and classroom buckets
    • Also trying to collaborate on the school’s race and equity team.  Their main focus is the Rebellious Read Allowed program on different topics like Identity, food, culture, etc.  The books come with questions to prompt conversations.  The Race and Equity Team wants to bring the Author Rebellious Read Allowed to the school but it’s really expensive.  May try to split with another school


  • Regular cadence of every other week between Fun Fridays and Teacher Lounge stocking
  • Valentines for the beginning of Feb
  • PTA is funding lunch for all staff from Ban Town (Emily Coordinating)
  • Family Dance and Game Night
  • Cereal Bar for Staff (First Grade Families
  • May is a big staff appreciation week.  There’s a theme, etc.  The next meeting we will need to have time on the agenda to do some planning in this regard.  Will likely do the flower event this year as well. 
  • We have our snacks at in person meetings


  • Wildchat is next week.  Send Content.  
  • As a group we need to talk about we have 27 volunteers we are asking for between next year and Spring Fling and we need to understand our capacity.
    • Family Game Night could have a physical poster and celebrate when folks sign up.  
    • We got 10-12 new folks for Spring Fling
    • Celebrate how we’re being involved. 
  • Classroom rep head position could be really valuable.  Invite them to the next meeting. 
  • Communications position is not sustainable- too much work and skill.  We may want to talk about how we restructure the role.  
  • Back in the day there was only the Wildchat so parents knew where they had to look.  Part of the messaging is lost because of multiple avenues.  We need to reimagine.  
  • What if we had a PTA table at drop off every week?  
  • Everybody needs to submit their stuff.  


  • Auditions for the musical were Monday and Tuesday this week and rehearsals start next week. 
  • Both Gamer group and language are full
  • More choices for spring session
  • need a few more volunteers for winter session


3/14 PTA 

3/21 Community PTA meeting

Meeting Adjourned 9:23 pm

Lauren Motioned to adjourn

 Melissa seconded 

Board Meeting Minutes: 1/10/23

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

January 10, 2023

7:00pm via ZOOM
Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022
Passcode: wildcats


  • Leah Lansberry Austin- President
  • Tina Lilley – Adviser/Support/Spirit Gear/Website
  • Jess Templeton – Co Secretary
  • Jared Cortese – Co Secretary
  • Courtney Kirk Sievers – Hospitality and Events
  • Mendy Minjarez – Volunteer Coordinator
  • Kate Scher – Communications Chair
  • Cindy Waters – Principal
  • Megan Wildenrandt – Advocacy
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality and Events
  • Kellie Pecoraro – Member at large
  • Tricia Schalekamp – Membership Chair
  • Natalie Gromoff
  • Kathleen Donahoe
  • Lauren Carey
  • Tania 



Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:03 PM


  • No vote this week. Meeting minutes from the December Board meeting will be voted on next month. 



  • Tina Lilley is in charge, she hasn’t decided if she is going to include student volunteers.  Just getting things started.
  • Family directory – Do we need volunteers? Add volunteers for this to the nom com roster, possible get set up for Fall 2023
  • March Food Drive – Not PTA driven anymore. Prides of March has taken place, Cindy with Leadership Kids. They are going to work with the food pantry in Broadview, and another organization. Leadership kids are going to be in charge of it. 

PRINCIPAL UPDATE – (Questions for Cindy) 


  • Tina will let Cindy know what help she needs. Currently can’t upload photos, Tina will help with that. Cindy says kids can be involved in the yearbook. Target something with the kids, not all of it. “Day in the life of a Wildcat.” Give kids cameras and have them take pictures every 30 minutes. Every kid represented, parents can upload photos, and Tina will decide if they are appropriate. 

Leadership kids 

  • Meeting once a week with Ms. Paul. Letting the kids lead. Planning a dress up day for the end of the month. Announcements for Martin Luther King Day. Theater group led by Ms. Rebecca, do a skit every month about our virtue of the month. Performed at lunch. Build out opportunities for kids to say “I want to” and then build the runway. Cindy is going to try and get more engagement and build out some more structures. 

The School

  • Budget is looking challenging this year. Cindy is getting the budget ready for the Community Meeting next Tuesday. Cindy is trying to get our reading specialist funded so she can ask the PTA for more. Cindy is working on advocacy to try and petition the district to figure out the floor of what every school needs. Nurse, Reading Specialist, Librarian, Social Worker, Recess Monitors. The PTA can help by elevating this conversation through advocacy with the city and state. What is the minimum that a school needs to run? Cindy doesn’t think we have the minimum to run a school. 


  • Break out in 2nd grade. Send kids to school with masks, not mandatory. Quarantine is still 5 days. Kids were given cleaning supplies to clean their desks today.


  • We need to have people come to our school. Cindy needs help to do a promotional video for Whittier for the website. The sooner students enroll in Whittier, it helps Cindy’s budget. Better to enroll now than in June. Students who apply for school of choice, there’s a good shot! 

Is there anything you (Cindy)  need from the PTA?

  • Advocacy, talking to the school board about carving out a minimum. We are one of the lowest funded schools. Ask the district to think creatively. One position Cindy doesn’t want to lose next year is Ms. Katie, utility role. That position gives the school a little more nimbleness. Rather have Ms. Katie then a Vice Principal. She would prefer to not have a volunteer for recess. Gives kids permission to take more risks, rather than having parent volunteers.  
  • Good people to reach out to locally:

Lisa Rivera Smith – The School Board Member from our district

Legislative reps depending on where you live

  • Good people to reach out to on the federal level

Pramila Jayapal 

Patty Murray

Maria Cantwell 

New Food Specialist

  • Ms. Joe found her replacement, Ms. Laura.


  • Wait to hear for Renee next week at the Community meeting. She will be conducting a budget survey.  


  • Thank you to everyone who has filled out the survey
  • Mendy is facilitating a meeting next week to figure out new recruitment methods. Cindy’s email would be an effective way to reach beyond current members’ friend groups. 
  • Mendy needs to know who wants to continue in their roles or switching roles so we know who we are recruiting for. 
  • Mendy needs the descriptions of each role. Where is the document describing everyone’s role.

Went through all positions currently filled. 

  • Nom com should fill major roles, then within the committee they can recruit for other roles.  
  • Once Mendy gets the room reps family lists, she can come up with a strategy. Do we need a coordinator for Room Reps? Mendy says no, it’s not a hard job traditionally and the Volunteer Coordinator can do the role. 


 Black Lives Matter Week

  • Emily Barbee is working on it, and there will be more info next week. 
  • Susan and Melissa stepped down from EDI chairs. Melissa is still going to be on the committee. 


  • Notes from Emily –  Black Lives Matter Week. Buddy Bench section in Wildchat to keep everyone engaged on what’s going on with EDI. Affinity groups, Megan will be sending out a link to a survey. No shortage of things to advocate for especially at the State Level. Why is funding done this way, and what can we do as a PTA?


Spring Fling 

  • 1st meeting next Wednesday, meetings scheduled out until Spring Fling, May 20th
  • Deciding whether or not they are going to do the block party. Only concern is the weather so might book a venue. 
  • Top Gun Theme


  • Up to 129 members, right in line where we were last year. Lower than precovid times when we used the paper form, or signed people up at a library. 
  • Add a form to sign up as a part of the packet the school sends out in the beginning of the year


  • Fun Friday went really well
  • 3rd Thursday is staff appreciation. Stock the lounge. This is the 2nd grade month to stock the staff lounge, but might need help because of COVID outbreak
  • Valentines Day events


Still working on it. Might need volunteers. Still hoping for a February 1st starting date. 


Budget survey next week at the community meeting


If you are going to be leaving your role, please find a replacement. 

Meeting Adjourned 8:19  pm

Board Meeting Minutes: 12/13/22

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

December 13, 2022

7:00 pm via ZOOM
Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022
Passcode: wildcats


  • Leah Lansberry Austin- President
  • Tina Lilley – Adviser/Support/Spirit Gear/Website
  • Jess Templeton – Co Secretary
  • Courtney Kirk Sievers – Hospitality and Events
  • Mendy Minjarez – Volunteer Coordinator
  • Lauren Carey – EDI co chair
  • Megan Wildenrandt – Advocacy 
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality and Events
  • Kellie Pecoraro – 
  • Tricia Schalekamp – Membership Chair


Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 8:12 PM


Vote for September, October, November Meeting Minutes


Meeting Adjourned 8:13  pm