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Job Descriptions for the Whittier PTA

Below you will find descriptions of the different roles and responsibilities. Per Whittier PTA Standing Rules, elected and appointed positions on the Whittier PTA Board may be held jointly by two people with the exception of Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.


Great to have someone who is a clear communicator, has an open mind, and is willing to hear concerns and feedback from parents, PTA board members, staff and administration. 

  • Oversee and manage Whittier PTA, the parent teacher association, supporting Whittier Elementary School.
  • Maintain an over-arching view of all school happenings to ensure everyone is swimming in the same row and there are not duplicate or conflicting efforts.
  • Creates & maintains PTA calendar of events/meetings to ensure alignment with Principal’s strategy and school run events (ensure balanced calendar). 
  • Have a pulse on all community perspectives. 
  • Main liaison to the school administration and principal.
  • Schedule a Board planning retreat prior to the start of the new school year.
  • Plan and direct monthly PTA meetings. 
  • Sign contracts and checks on behalf of the PTA, as needed.
  • Check-in with Board members regularly on their duties/events/initiatives, provide support if necessary.
  • Participate in PTA budget planning process beginning in January/February
  • Complete Washington State PTA mandatory training once per year.
  • Attend Seattle Council PTSA Council meetings, as needed.
  • Communicate regularly with the Parent Representatives on the BLT regarding initiatives that could warrant PTA support or input.
  • Convene the PTA Board Executive Committee (comprised of the President, Vice President, Communications, Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer positions) as needed to perform any board functions that require a smaller decision-making body and/or additional research and deliberation prior to Board decision-making.
  • This position requires effort beginning in the summer and lasting throughout the term. Work-load is heavy throughout the year. (Average 4-8 hours/week, heaviest at the beginning of school year, and again in Feb/Mar during budget season)


This position is mainly a support position, while shadowing the (co-) President(s) to prepare for potential presidential duties. Should also be a clear communicator, have an open mind, and willingness to hear concerns and feedback from parents, PTA board members, staff and administration. 

  • If this position is not filled, the President(s) shall delegate the tasks below to other members of the Board or to a PTA member at large.
  • Assist with the President’s duties upon request, in training for Presidency.
  • Perform all of the President’s duties in her/his temporary absence or in the event of a vacancy in the Presidency.
  • In January, convene a Nominating Committee to solicit member interest in holding PTA board positions for the following year; ensure nomination process schedule is followed per Washington State PTA guidelines.
  • In February or March, chair a committee (or identify a chairperson) to solicit nominations for the Golden Acorn volunteer award. Work with a committee to consider all individuals who have been nominated equally for merit (not a popular vote), and announce the award winner at the May General PTA meeting.
  • Attend monthly Board and General PTA meetings.
  • Serve as a member of the PTA Board Executive Committee.
  • Attend/complete mandatory Washington State PTA training at least once per year.  
  • This PTA Board position shall be filled by only one individual. This position requires effort beginning in the summer and lasting throughout the term. (Work is concentrated during the second half of the school year.)
  • Run Reflections Art Contest.  This entails advertising for the event (September.  It is  recommended to focus on student outreach through Mr. Buck), collecting artwork (End of October), and convening judges to decide which pieces go to the Citywide competition (Uploaded by early November).  Any pieces which advance will be part of a Citywide showing in March and the Reflection’s Chair will provide physical artwork and artist statements). (Could also be run by a separate volunteer.)


Keeps meeting minutes for board and community meetings. Understands bylaws and standing rules for the purpose of voting. Should be able to listen and take notes, while still participating in board meetings. Organization is a plus for this position.

  • Attend, circulate sign-in sheets, and take minutes at all Board and General PTA meetings, which shall include motions and results and any action items from the meeting. 
  • At PTA meetings, present the meeting minutes from the previous month to the Board for amendment and final approval.
  • Manage the annual update of the Whittier PTA Board’s Standing Rules, present the revised rules to the PTA Community for an adoption vote, and prepare a final copy
  • Responsible for understanding the definition of a quorum for a given Board or General meeting and for determining if each meeting has a quorum for all votes taken.
  • Maintain a “legal documents” notebook (and a digital equivalent, when possible) containing founding organizational documents, current licenses and permits, and Board-approved policies.
  • Maintain a Minutes Notebook (and a digital equivalent, when possible) containing minutes from the General and Board meetings from the previous two years.
  • Ensure Meeting Minutes and the final Standing Rules are uploaded to PTA website for access to general community. 
  • Ensure Meeting Minutes are uploaded to shared drive for access by Board members.
  • Ensure Meeting Minutes and final Standing Rules are uploaded to the Public Facing: Community Access Folder
  • Check PTA mail
  • Perform Monthly Bank Reviews for PTA bank and money market accounts and send these to the Treasurer 
  • Review “Essential Files” shared Google drive and import updated Secretary-owned documents such as insurance certificates
  • Perform any tasks related to external correspondence, as requested by the President or Vice President.
  • Responsible for the management of all PTA insurance matters, including annual renewal (October/November). Note insurance expires November 30th of each year. Insurance responsibilities include adding Seattle Public Schools Building Rentals as an additional insured to the policy, and uploading a document showing this to the PTA’s Master Libraries Scheduling account (used to make building reservations). Note insurance renewal was previously listed under the Treasurer’s role. 
  • The Secretary owns the Sterling Volunteers account, used for background checks. Administrative access is shared with the Volunteer Coordinator and the Programs Chairs. 
  • Serve as a member of the PTA Board Executive Committee.
  • Attend/complete mandatory Washington State PTA training once per year.
  • This PTA Board position may be filled by two individuals acting as Co- Secretaries. 
  • Workload is consistent throughout the year. (5 hours/month)

Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer

Main duties of the treasurer are to keep financial records, process reimbursements and payments, and lead the budget planning process. 

  • The two individuals in these positions shall discuss and decide between them which will handle the specific tasks listed below. All tasks must be performed by one or the other.
  • Email all budget line item owners in Sept to let them know how much they have to spend.  Email the same group again in January to let them know how much they have left to spend.
  • Present financial reports at monthly PTA meetings. (Preparation of reports and reconciliation of bank statements approximately 3-5 hours per month.)
  • Process all payments (checks only), including confirmation of evidence of cost, Quickbooks entry, coordination of check signing and distribution of checks (2-10 hours per month). Record check payments in Budget Tracking Excel document on google drive, to allocate to proper line item in budget.
  • Responsible for proper banking and management of PTA funds.
    • Deposits must be made in person at the bank.  In September and October, deposits are made 1-2 times per week.  For the balance of the year, deposits are made 1-2 times per month.  
    • Accounts to be managed include: Homestreet (checking and money market) Quickbooks, Paypal, Square, Benevity, and Network for Good.
  • Work with front office staff, teachers and board members to track budget spending and discuss proposed expenditures (2-5 hours per week)
  • Not later than September, confirm three (3) current executive board members (but only 1 treasurer) are on file with Homestreet as authorized signatories, including updating any required Know Your Customer requirements.  Please note that at least one (1) treasurer must have a social security number and driver’s license on file with PayPal and Homestreet.
  • Verify Active Non-Reporting Status through WA State Dept of Revenue/WA State Business License (By Sept 6)
  • File IRS Form 990 or file for extension (November; Extension due 6 months later, May) 
  • File Annual Incorporation Renewal/Annual Report (November 30)
  • File Charitable Solicitation Renewal/Charity Renewal (May 30)
  • File City of Seattle Business License (December).
  • File City of Seattle B&O Tax Return and Gambling Return (January).
  • File Form 1099-S for all service providers for prior calendar year (January).
  • Chair PTA Budget Committee (January through May)
    • Includes meetings with Principal, BLT, Board and Committee.  
  • Prepare IRS Form 990 (20 hours) or interface with outside accountant on preparation (5 hours)
  • Close the financial books and records by June 30th and submit to Financial Review Committee by July 31 (10 hours)
  • Serve as a member of the PTA Board Executive Committee. (2-5 hours per month)
  • Complete/Attend one (1) WSPTA training per year.
  • These positions require diligence and attention to detail, and experience by one person with accounting or bookkeeping is strongly encouraged.
  • Work begins in the Summer and continues throughout the year. At least one of the two individuals must be able to check the PTA Treasurer mailbox  at school at least once a week.
  • Treasurer approximately 20 hours per month (more in September/October and February/March), Assistant Treasurer approximately 10 hours per month (not including Board or Exec meetings)

Communications Chair

Oversee communication for PTA. Helps distribute PTA communications with families and facilitates the addition of PTA information into WildChat and media channels. Should be a clear communicator and comfortable with using social media.

  • The Communications Chair is responsible for overseeing the communication of the PTA within the Whittier school community.
  • Serves as the main communications liaison and disseminates information from the PTA and/or school if necessary, to the school community.
  • Communication channels managed by the chair include email, Konstella, PTA Facebook page and grade-level Facebook groups, Whittier Wildchat, and the PTA sections of the Whittier Elementary School website.
  • Works with office staff to ensure accurate and timely delivery of information via the WildChat.
  • Works with the Website chair to ensure that PTA content on the Whittier Elementary website is up to date. 
  • Manages content planning calendar and ensures updates are posted on time to the correct channels.
  • Responsible for ensuring that families of incoming kindergarteners and any other new families are aware of communications channels available to them.
  • Attend all PTA Board meetings and PTA general meetings (3-6 hours per month).
  • Workload is approximately 4-5 hours per week in August and September and approximately 1-3 hours per week for the remainder of the school year.

Fundraising Chairs

Raises the PTA money that pays the bills! Main responsibility is executing Annual Give. Also coordinates closely with Spring Fling and Moveathon chairs. Great to have a person who is comfortable in front of a crowd, and okay with making an “ask”. Also good to have a “do-er”, there are quite a bit of back-end administrative tasks.

  • Design a program of fundraising for the year to achieve the PTA’s annual budgeted income, giving consideration to offering fundraising activities and events that will involve the Whittier community.
  • Fundraising programs and activities may include: The Annual Give and other direct appeal campaigns, Ballard Market Receipts, Box Tops, Spring Fling (and mini-auction), Spirit Gear (t-shirt) sales, & Move-a-Thon
  • Coordinate with chairs for key campaigns (Spring Fling, Move-a-Thon, Spirit Gear)
  • Evaluate fundraising solicitations and proposals from the membership and the outside community.
  • Work with Volunteer Coordinators to designate a chairperson for each fundraising event, and work with event chairpersons to ensure they have the resources needed; act as liaison between the chairpersons and the PTA Board.
  • Assist fundraising event chairpersons in promoting participation in fundraising activities through the Wildchat, kidmail, on-campus signage, and announcements at school and PTA events.
  • Ensure Fundraising event chairpersons stay within the total authorized budget for expenditures related to Fundraising activities.
  • Communicate with Whittier families around contributions, matching and tax exemption clarity
  • Own management of all matching gift companies including Benevity, x, x, (Please list them)
  • Oversee business directory/sponsorship plan for PTA.
  • This position requires initiative and creativity in designing a program for responding to the PTA’s fundraising needs for the year.
  • Attend monthly Board and General PTA meetings; report to Board on upcoming plans for Fundraising activities and on just-completed tasks.
  • PTA Board position may be filled by two individuals acting as Fundraising Co-Chairs.
  • Work begins in summer or early fall, and then requires consistent effort throughout the year. Busiest months are September and October.

Events Chair

Oversees PTA events, acts as liaison for individual event chairs/volunteers and PTA board.

  • Facilitating a PTA presence at PTA and school events (i.e.Table with Membership information, upcoming events and volunteer opportunities)
  • Oversee activities of individual event chairs, ensure they have the resources needed and are communicating event information to the community and PTA.
    • Events may include: Fall Carnival, Reflections Art Competition, Movie Nights, Family Ice Skating Event, Book Fair, Game Night, Family Dance, STEM Fair, and Staff Appreciation Week.
  • Ensure that all the necessary room & building (including janitorial services) reservations are submitted for PTA-sponsored events/meetings. 
  • Work with Volunteer Coordinator to designate volunteers for events if needed.
  • Review current events and evaluate new opportunities and proposals.
  • Attend monthly PTA meetings.

Legislative Representative

Stays informed on legislative activities that affect our schools and families, and communicates this with the Whittier community.

  • Help communicate the legislative priorities (e.g., Top five Legislative Priorities) of the WSPTA within the Whittier community. 
  • Stays informed on local and state level legislative matters pertaining to the well-being and education of every child. 
  • Attend the WSPTA Legislative Assembly in October of each year. 
  • Work to educate and encourage advocacy in support of the WSPTA’s and Whittier’s priorities. Provide community updates when there are opportunities to support advocacy efforts (e.g. e-mailing representatives or signing petitions).  
  • Promote Focus on Advocacy Week and provide updates on the state legislature’s activities.  
  • Attend monthly Board and General PTA meetings and provide periodic updates. Work is consistent throughout the year but more important around the October legislative assembly and Jan-Feb during the state legislative session.  

Membership Chair

The person who manages PTA membership. Mainly consists of data entry. One main event – membership drive in fall, and smaller membership efforts throughout year (ie; during Annual Give, at PTA Community Meetings)

  • Priority Task: In June of the prior year, make sure the outgoing Chair has entered incoming board member names and contact information into the State membership database; manage any changes to the database and choose a new password annually.
  • In July/August prepare for the fall membership drive by using the materials provided on State and National PTA websites. Set a goal number, a Whittier-specific slogan or theme for the year, and map out communications for the drive. 
  • Review the State and National PTA membership websites. and 
  • Before the start of school in September, prepare revised PTA membership forms and flyers, as suggested by information and templates available on PTA website and in membership chair files.
  • Ensure distribution of PTA membership forms and information materials in First Day Packets.
  • In September, ensure all PTA Board members have renewed their PTA membership status.
  • In September, promote membership at the first General PTA meeting, as well as at other early fall events, such as the Back to School Potluck, First Day of School Coffee, etc.
  • Promote the Great PTA Sign Up day in January
  • Check in with Treasurer to ensure membership fees are being paid to the WSPTA, Seattle PTA Council etc
  • Promote benefits of PTA membership at Whittier Elementary School all year long, through articles in the Wildchat and presentations at General meetings.
  • Email members monthly before each meeting to remind them what is being discussed and voted on.

Outreach Chair

Outreach acts as the “welcome wagon” of the PTA. Mainly organizes incoming student events like popsicle play dates and pizza party, school tours, and oversees charitable community efforts (food drive, helping hands, etc.).

Outreach programs/events include: 

  • Host (or organize) approx. 4 playground playdates in July/August for incoming K students
  • New Student tour/treat (work with principal to organize, usually right before school starts)
  • Order (July) and distribute (August) Kindergarten T-shirts (include a welcome letter from last year’s 4th/5th graders)
  • Organize/Host Kindergarten Pizza Party (Friday evening before Kindergarten starts)
  • First Day Coffee (with Hospitality Co-Chairs)
  • Food Drive (Typically November)
  • Holiday Helping Hands Gift Card Drive (November)
  • School Tours (January or February)
  • Distribute cards to 4th/5th grade to have them write welcome letters for incoming Kindergarten students (May)
  • Assist Administration with June Popsicle Playdate for incoming KG students

Other Outreach Responsibilities: 

  • Attend monthly Board and General PTA meetings; report to Board on upcoming plans for outreach activities and on just-completed tasks. If there are two outreach chairs, you can alternate meetings. 
  • Ensure Outreach event chairpersons stay within total authorized budget for expenditures related to Outreach activities. 

This PTA Board position may be filled by two individuals acting as Outreach Co- Chairs. This position requires effort beginning in summer and continuing throughout the year. Busiest months are August/September and Nov/Dec to a lesser extent.

Hospitality Chair

Hospitality chairs are main organizers of staff appreciation events, and provide refreshments for community meetings. 

  • Schedule, organize and execute monthly staff appreciation events, 
  • Procure donated or purchased food, refreshments and supplies for the following events led by Hospitality: 6 Monthly Grade-level Staff Appreciation Lunches, 3-5 PTA Community Meetings, and Fifth Grade Graduation Reception. 
  • Support certain events led by other PTA chairs, such as Kindergarten/New Family Welcome and First Day Coffee, with refreshments and food.
  • Re-stock and maintain Hospitality Closet with plates, napkins, cutlery and other tableware.
  • Coordinates PTA coffee tent events, finds volunteers for coffee mornings.
  • Prepares staff “wish lists” for the holidays and staff appreciation week.
  • Re-stock and maintain staff lounge basic needs (tea, coffee)
  • Attend PTA Board and General Meetings.
  • This PTA Board position may be filled by two individuals acting as Hospitality Co-Chairs. Work required in late summer to prepare for the start-of-school events. Position requires school day availability to coordinate staff appreciation events, as well as close coordination with the front office staff.

Legislative Representative

Stays informed on legislative activities that affect our schools and families, and communicates this with the Whittier community.

  • Help communicate the legislative priorities (e.g., Top five Legislative Priorities) of the WSPTA within the Whittier community. 
  • Stays informed on local and state level legislative matters pertaining to the well-being and education of every child. 
  • Attend the WSPTA Legislative Assembly in October of each year. 
  • Work to educate and encourage advocacy in support of the WSPTA’s and Whittier’s priorities. Provide community updates when there are opportunities to support advocacy efforts (e.g. e-mailing representatives or signing petitions).  
  • Promote Focus on Advocacy Week and provide updates on the state legislature’s activities.  
  • Attend monthly Board and General PTA meetings and provide periodic updates. Work is consistent throughout the year but more important around the October legislative assembly and Jan-Feb during the state legislative session.

Programs Chair

Oversees after-school activities by working with vendors, teachers, and school administration. Identifies vendors and teachers who want to run programs, then coordinates enrollment.

  • Develop a comprehensive program for after-school activities and classes, including scheduling sessions, working with school administration to locate school space for classes, and advertising registrations for classes/sessions through PTA comms channels
  • Programs may include among others: Art, Drama, Chess Club, Lego Engineering, Technology Club, Foreign Language, Dance, PE, Yoga, Sewing, Programming, Ukulele, and Jazz Band.
  • Work with 3rd party vendors to coordinate availability and location of activities.
  • Oversee the reservation of classroom and school space with Seattle Public Schools Building Rentals Department.
  • Coordinate with Secretary on uploading most recent insurance certificates to Master Libraries Schedule account 
  • Own/manage Sterling Volunteers Account 
  • Ensure all instructors and staff have submitted a criminal history check at the school office and are cleared to work with students prior to the start of a program session.
  • Work with the PTA and school administration to advertise all registration processes in a timely manner via Konstella,  Wildchat newsletter kidmail, etc.
  • Work with school administration to identify families interested in scholarships, and manage scholarship registration.
  • Coordinate volunteers to provide vendor support and on-site supervision during after-school programs.
  • Coordinate communication between vendors, families, and school team.
  • Evaluate new programs,opportunities, and proposals.
  • In spring, ensure program coordinators complete and file in PTA files the program recaps and notes that detail what worked, what didn’t, and suggestions for future coordinators.
  • Attend monthly Board and General PTA meetings; report to Board on upcoming plans for Programs activities and on just-completed tasks.
  • Ensure Programs event coordinators stay within total authorized budget for expenditures related to Program’s activities.
  • This PTA Board position may be filled by two individuals acting as Programs Co-Chairs. Work begins in summer, with setting a schedule for programs for the year. Occasional surges in workload during program registration and the beginning of each session (fall, winter, spring).

Volunteer Coordinator

Organizes all the data that we collect from parents who say they want to volunteer, then emails volunteers who have identified themselves as wanting to help with ___, when the need arises.

  • Over the summer, work with the President and Chairs of Events, Outreach, Programs, and Fundraising to update the Volunteer Interest Form (paper and online). Include the Form in the First Day Packets to solicit parent volunteers for events, programs, activities, and tasks.
  • Enter volunteer information from Volunteer Interest Forms into a database or spreadsheet.
  • Using the Form, provide Event, Outreach, Programs, Fundraising Chairs with the names and contact info of parent volunteers in advance of all upcoming events, programs, projects, committees, etc.
  • Throughout the year, continue to recruit volunteers for Events, Programs, Outreach, Fundraising, and other committees and projects as needed to fill volunteer needs. Use the volunteer database, Wildchat announcements, Konstella, Facebook, direct contact with parents, and flyers sent home in kidmail.
  • Attend Board and General membership meetings.
  • This PTA Board position may be filled by two individuals acting as Volunteer Co-Chairs. Work begins in summer to prepare for the start of school, then requires consistent effort throughout the year. This position requires initiative and dedication to supporting event chairs needs for volunteers throughout the entire year.  Overall this role averages at most 1-2 hours per week.  That amount is higher in the beginning of the year as volunteer forms are prepared and entered into the database (about 10 hours total).

Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI)

Leads the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Committee. EDI helps to support, create, and promote a respectful culture of inclusivity so that members of our community (e.g. students, families, and staff) feel welcome and able to engage.

  • Research and arranges student, parent, and/or staff education opportunities around diversity/race/inclusion.
  • Maintain relationships and mutual support with EDI PTA chairs across the district.
  • Share relevant community events with the Whittier community.
  • Work with school leadership to support activities in conjunction with Black Lives Matter at school week, Pride, etc.
  • Annually reviews and provides recommended updates to relevant PTA EDI guidance such as the EDI Communication Rubric, Land Acknowledgement guidance and the Anti-Harassment policy (in standing rules) 
  • This PTA Board position may be filled by two individuals acting as EDI Co-Chairs. Work is consistent throughout the year.

Website Chair

  • Design and maintain/update the Whittier PTA Website (
  • Work with the Communications Chair, board, committee chairs, school administration, and general membership to solicit PTA and school-related content for the site.
  • Work with the Wildchat editor to create and publish Wildchat posts, including one draft for board review and feedback prior to posting 
  • Work with Communications Chair to ensure all content posted on the site is up-to-date and relevant. NOTE: Ensure the PTA has received express written consent from parents and guardians to post photos on the website where students or adults are identifiable.
  • Work traditionally happens in phases; 10-15 hours before the school year begins, 4-5 hours of work for every Wildchat release, plus 2-4 hours of additional time for website updates per month. Currently the website uses WordPress (and an Elementor plugin) for hosting/editing.

Wildchat Editor

  • Work with Communications Chair to collect, curate, and author communication content for Whittier’s Wildchat newsletter.
  • Work with Communications Chair, Whittier administration, and Website Chair to establish a publishing calendar at the beginning of the year.
  • Solicit content from board, administration, and other stakeholders in advance of publishing deadlines.
  • Work with Communications Chair to incorporate other relevant updates, including community event opportunities, SPS updates, and advocacy opportunities.
  • Craft article and graphic content (when needed).
  • Solicit feedback from board prior to publishing and make edits/adjustments as needed.
  • Work with Website Chair to provide all written and graphic content to Website Chair for newsletter publishing in a timely manner.
  • Send formatted email to Whittier administration with headlines and links for the published Wildchat for distribution to the broader Whittier community.

Tech Support

  • Maintain Google Drive high level strategy and permissions
  • Owns and manages Whittier PTA Login/Password Procedures spreadsheet (Editor permissions given to the President, the Treasurer, the Communications Chair, the Volunteer Coordinator, and Support) – Board to confirm whether other permissions should be granted.
  • Helps with software setup for the fundraising and auction software used for the Annual Give and Spring Fling (currently

Back to Business Chair

Coordinates Back to School event, liaison between PTA and school administration 

  • Helps to plan, coordinate and execute Back to School event.
  • Find & secure food trucks for the event.
  • Design layout and plan schedule for event, consulting with principal and front office.
  • Compile, copy and distribute packets for families to fill out with district, school and PTA forms.
  • Planning begins at end of school year for following school year. Some work during the summer, work happens about a week or two before school starts, and event is the week leading up to start of school.

Fall Festival Chair

Coordinates one of the favorite events of the school year!

  • Plan & organize Fall Festival.
  • Secure food truck vendors for night of event.
  • Find volunteers for decorations, event set-up, games, and clean-up.
  • Work begins during the summer, heavy at the start of school, and particularly the week leading up to event. Carnival is always Friday of the week prior to Halloween.

Spring Fling Chair

Plans a big party for Whittier community and raises a LOT of money doing it! 

  • Form a committee to plan and execute spring fundraising event.
  • Work with Fundraising Chairs to set fundraising goals and plan the event accordingly.
  • Secure a venue for event or permits for block party (if being held outside of school.)
  • Works with a committee to make class art, procure classroom buckets, and fundraising items from Whittier community and local businesses.
  • With committee, plan decorations, music, event flow, set-up, food.
  • Market event with help from Communications Chair and sell tickets to parents and staff.
  • Work begins 4-5 months prior to when event is scheduled.


Coordinates one of the favorite (fundraising) events of the school year!

  • Plan & organize Move-a-thon which is held in the late spring.
  • Work with Fundraising Chairs to set fundraising goals and plan the event accordingly.
  • Secure donations from local business sponsors. 
  • Market event with help from Communications Chair. 
  • Find a Move-a-thon volunteer coordinator to help secure and direct grade level volunteers for day of event.
  • Planning begins in February/March, event occurs near end of school in May or June, depending on other school calendar events.


Plans STEM fair in conjunction with school.

  • Work closely with principal and staff to plan STEM fair.
  • Arranges speakers to come to school and talk to students.
  • Coordinates volunteers for night of event.
  • Work starts in January (planning begins), STEM fair is usually in March or April.

Spirit Gear

Gets cool stuff made for our kids to wear, and raises a little bit of money at the same time.

  • Work in conjunction with Fundraising chairs to coordinate sales and distribution of Whittier t-shirts.
  • Create new designs if desired, or use existing designs
  • Order shirts for incoming Kindergarten class
  • Facilitates Spirit Gear presence at school functions to create brand awareness and excitement around spirit gear which in turn builds community spirit.

Student Directory

Collects, organizes and formats family contact information and puts into directory.

  • Responsible for managing collection of new family contact information and preparation of annual PTA family directory in first two months of school year.
  • Identify Cover Art Designer volunteer and coordinate to prepare artwork submission form for inclusion in Back to Business packet. Delegate collection of art submissions, preparation of front/back/inside covers to Cover Art Designer volunteer. 
  • Identify Photographer volunteer and delegate updating and taking new staff photos to Photographer volunteer in coordination with Front Office Contact.
  • Prepare kindergarten/new family contact form and coordinate with Front Office Contact to distribute to new families during first week of school.
  • Obtain class list from Front Office Contact and update master directory list from previous year for grades 1-5. Add information from new family forms to master.
  • Prepare and distribute draft class contact sheets to families in coordination with Front Office Contact; make corrections and additions to master.
  • Update staff pages with new information and photos; update inside cover page with new PTA contacts.
  • Arrange for printing of sufficient copies to provide one copy to each family, second copies to families with two homes, and copies for front office, staff, etc. 
  • Work happens at start of school, finishes before October/November when Directory is completed.

Yearbook Chair

Work with front office staff to facilitate the yearbook.

  • Confirm layouts in Yearbook software.
  • Work with vendor to submit final Yearbook layout for ordering.
  • Work primarily happens April-June.

Room Parent Coordinator

Coordinates room reps communication throughout the year

  • Recruit and maintain a group of minimum 1 rep per classroom
  • Communicate with board, community, and teachers the best ways to utilize reps
  • Create community within the reps through in-person event and emails
  • Support reps in communication with classes, and hosting in-person gatherings for each class OR grade level
  • Help transition reps toward board roles if there’s a good fit.

Member at Large

Have a finger on the pulse of the PTA projects to share volunteer opportunities w/ community

  • Attend meetings
  • Vote
  • Advocate for and support other board members

Questions? Contact