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Supporting Gender-Diverse Youth Workshop 

This event has ended

Hosted at Whittier Elementary.

RSVP here: 

How do our words and actions help support a gender-diverse community? This event will help all of us to be strong allies, regardless of our child’s identity, and to be prepared to have affirming conversations with our children, their peers, and community members about gender-diverse identities.

In this interactive workshop, we will build our literacy and speak affirmingly about gender-diverse identities. We will learn skills and strategies to effectively support the young people in our lives. Together, we’ll walk through scenarios, review students’ rights in our schools, and learn why family support is the number-one predictor of LGBTQ youth health outcomes. Whether you’re the parent of a gender-expansive kid or just want to know how to improve your allyship to these communities, we look forward to learning with you.