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PTA Meeting Minutes: 5/7/24

PTA Meeting Minutes: 5/7/24


  • Renee Hartnett – Co-President 
  • Courtney Sievers – Co-President 
  • Jess Templeton – Vice President 
  • Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer 
  • Stacy Rose – Assistant Treasurer 
  • Melissa Ivancevich – Co-Secretary 
  • Emily Robertson – Co-Secretary 
  • Meg Herscher – Communications chair (zoom) 
  • Kate Scher – Communications (Website/Wildchat) 
  • Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Chair 
  • Glenda Elley – Fundraising Co-Chair 
  • Ashley Schiavone – Fundraising Co-Chair 
  • Anjean Vanden Bosch – Volunteer Chair & Membership Chair (zoom) Meg Pietz – Family and Community Engagement – Events Chair 
  • Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement – Outreach Chair Jen Foreman – Programs Co-Chair 
  • Laura Zingg – Programs Co-Chair; Student Directory 
  • Jon Overman – Legislative Representative (primary) 
  • Molly Firth – Legislative Representative (secondary) 
  • Kathleen Donahoe – Hospitality Co-Chair 
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality Co-Chair 
  • Nicole Kaczmarek – Director at Large 
  • John Shaw – Tech Support 
  • David Peabody – Move-a-thon 
  • Mendy Minjarez – Spirit Gear 
  • Jess Twardzik – Fall Festival Chair (shared with Melissa Ivancevich and Laura Zingg) Sara Lukas – Room Parent Coordinator 
  • Brie Gardner – Spring Fling (zoom) 


  • Melinda Nett 
  • Lana Sturmer
  • Kellie Pecoraro 
  • Katie 
  • Yifat 
  • Amaya 
  • Dre
  • Emily

Meeting Called to Order at 7:02 PM (recorded) 


  • Core Values 
  • Approval of April PTA Meeting minutes 
  • Jess Templeton motioned to approve the minutes, Courtney seconded the motion
  • Approved, no objections or abstentions


  • Move-a-thon – huge thanks for a big draw, hype videos 29K (shout out to communications, Anjean, Ashley helping with volunteer sign ups, Ms. Monica and Rebecca for helping with logistics) 
  • Budget Committee (Renee, Ashley, Kate, Annika, Michelle) 
  • EDI Committee Staff Appreciation Week (Emily and Kathleen)


2024-45 Slate of Executive Officers 

  • Kate Scher will be co-president (need co-president) – Kate does a lot of lifting with comm
  • Renee VP 
  • Secretaries – Melissa and Emily 
  • Treasurer – Michelle will be assistant 
  • Communications – Meg will continue 
  • EDI co-chair needed

Vote: Motion to approve the executive officers (I missed who this was), Courtney seconded the motion 

Results: Approved, no objections or abstentions 



  • 262K bank Balance end of april 
  • Main income annual 3700 
  • Main expenses about 1200 finishing gaga ball and party for annual give 

Committee – 5 people, 4 hours, line items on budget 

  • Prior to meeting, Michelle asked line item owners about this and next year
  • Majority of line items stayed about the same 
  • Some went up, some went down 


  • Income – biggest numbers were what do we expect for the fundraisers (annual give, spring fling and move-a-thon)? 
    • Spring fling 75K 
    • Move-a-thon 20K 
    • Annual Give a bit of a question mark, but we know we have to go up a bit more to support staffing grant and math agency – around 130K 
    • New line item for programs (a bit extra) 
  • Expenses – 
    • Next year we’re planning to pay for an accountant 4650 for accountant and quickbooks $1100 
    • Line item 4800 Taxes 
    • Line item 7750 Wild Cats Read increased for “Book Break” – has a different author come online every month. Plus some $500 to $1800 
    • Whittier support grant, similar to last year (includes 4th quarter from this year) 
    • Math Agency 
    • Fragile families, item 7150 
    • Massive Monkeys 
    • Author Visits 
    • There’s a number of items that are zeroed out 

Bottom Line – assuming we follow this budget, our net income puts us at around -22K. Last year we thought we’d be at -24K and we were positive 70K. End of year bank should be at around 230K, so we may have to dip into this a bit. 

Budget Proposal 

Vote: Ashley motioned to approve the proposed budget, Jess seconded the motion 

Results: Approved, no objections or abstentions 


 Spring Fling 

  • 195 tickets sold so far 
  • Friday, catalog will be available 
  • Art preview Friday 
  • Next week huge communications push – thank you, Meg and Sarah for reaching out
  • Volunteers needed, gaps for clean-up etc. 
  • Push for tickets 
  • People need a bid number 

EDI Committee 

Drag Queen Story Time


  • Showering staff with love and attention – flowers, barking dog lunch, smoothie bar, custom tumblers, donuts, dress like your teacher 
  • Celebrating 5th graders 
  • Microwave broke, Michell helped coordinate replacing it 


  • No membership updates, end of school year 
  • Memberplanet platform changing to Giftbags Jun 30, 2024 migrated over. More user friendly, similar to Konstella. Lots of capabilities for coordinating volunteers, spirit gear sales, etc. 
  • Look out for renewal notification in July or August 

Outreach (Emily Schweiger) 

  • New kindercat June 12, 5-6p – going to have a question table 
  • Popsicles 
  • Pizza party 

Jess – Golden Acorn 

  • If anyone has nominations email Jess 


  • Transitions 
  • Job Descriptions – will share out document 
  • Trainings


  • Spring Fling day/night of help 
  • Kinder welcome event

Meeting Adjourned 8:04 pm