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Well-Resourced Schools Updates: 9/18/24

Well-Resourced Schools Update: 9/18/24

There’s been some updates since last week’s Well-Resourced Schools announcement last week. Here’s a summary:

“While acknowledging that this plan only fixes a piece of the budget gap, he said “There is a deeper menu of cuts if we do not consolidate.” And alluded to more closures as this would be more of a first phase of the plan to close the gap. He agreed that is was a “fair question” when asked about WHY families should believe that SPS will start offering these special education and other services in the new schools, he said: “Isn’t it great to think all these services will be available in every neighborhood school?” And acknowledged that historically, this is not was has happened. Even going so far as to say “That would be a lot for even the most competent districts.” Then added: “I’m sensing skepticism in the room, I share that skepticism. The district needs to show their work.” Ultimately, he conceded that “The immediate impact (of these closures) is not a well resourced school.”

You can learn more about this funding request during Chris Reykdal’s news conference on Monday, Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. (streamed live on TVW).

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