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PTA Meeting Agenda: 3/11/25
Whittier PTA Monthly Meeting
7-7:05pm – Welcome & Call To Order
- Call to Order
- Table & Zoom Chat Informal Introductions
7:15-7:25pm – President Update
7:25-7:30pm – Voting
7:30-7:45pm – Principal Watters’ Report
7:45-8:05pm – Chair & Lead Updates
- Membership: Dues Increase
- Members of the WA State PTA voting body during the 2024 National PTA Virtual Convention adopted a $1 increase to the National PTA dues rate. The new National PTA dues rate of $3.25 will go into effect on July 1, 2025. This includes any membership sold for FY2026 before July 1, 2025.
- For all PTA memberships sold starting in the membership year 2025-2026—which starts July 1, 2025—please collect dues based on the new National PTA dues rate of $3.25.
- Local PTAs have two options regarding the $1.00 National PTA dues increase:
- Keep your overall dues the same and incur a $1.00 loss per member to your local PTA or
- Adjust your overall dues by $1.00 to prevent any revenue loss for your PTA. Washington State PTA recommends that your local PTA adjust your overall membership dues by $1.00 to prevent any revenue loss.
- This change allows PTA to launch new initiatives and strengthen existing programs that empower families and communities. Together, we are creating lasting change and making a real difference!
- Move-a-thon
- $2,265 raised (11% of $20,000 goal) with 40 students signed up and 42 donations (71% of donations are opting to pay 7% fee)
- Giveaway update
- Timeline
- Spring Fling
- Classroom Bucket and Art Volunteers
- Activities/Food/Drink Updates
- Timeline
- Ticket Sales
- Hosted party (pre-event) Sales open
- Auction Catalog opens
- Website updates with event info/art
- Other volunteer needs
- VP: Nominating Committee
- Hospitality
- February Staff Appreciation Report (Bagel Bar)
- March Staff Appreciation plan (Gift of Time; Sign-up to Volunteer)
- Treasurer
- February Report
- Budget Committee Volunteers Needed!
- Events:
- Whittier Mariners game update (Fri April 25th) – Sold over 360 tickets!
- Family Dance and Game Night update
- Caregiver Happy Hour update
- Volunteers (all open positions):
- Family Dance & Game Night Day-of
- Activities: Board Games (6-7pm), Gaga Ball x2 (6-7pm), Board Games x2 (7-8pm), Gaga Ball (7-8pm), Twister (7-8pm), Cookies x3 (7-8pm), Clean-up (8-8:30pm)
- Cookies spots are all filled. Thank you!
- Hospitality – Volunteers for Gift of Time (3/18-3/20)
- Budget Committee volunteers
- Spring Fling Class Art Volunteers (Keener, Mayo, Ogle need 2; 2nd volunteers available for DiTullio, Hansen, Baldi, Mr. Collin)
- Spring Fling Class Bucket Volunteers (Keener, DiTullio, O’Rourke, Hansen, Shellenberger, Mayo, Parekh)
- Spring Fling committee positions (Online Auction Coordinator, Live Event Coordinator)
- Nominate yourself for next year’s PTA board!
- Advocacy – WSPTA Advocacy Week + Legislative Update
- Communications
- After School Programs
- Dates: 3/31 – 6/5
- Spring Programs: Chess Wizards, Spanish, CraftLab, Musical, Gamer Group, Kong Academy, Dungeon Master Academy, Pop Rox Dance
- Coordinator help!!
8:05-8:20pm – Belonging Practice
8:20-8:25pm – Kudos & Thank Yous
8:25-8:30pm – Open Floor for Community
8:30pm – Adjourn