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The Wildchat: 9/25/2024

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Welcome Back, Wildcats!

What’s happening this month:

Have You Joined Your Konstella Classroom Yet?

Konstella is your go-to source for school-wide and grade-level announcements, along with information specific to your classroom. Create an account if you’re new to Whittier or haven’t joined Konstella yet. If you’ve used Konstella in the past, you’ll need to update your classrooms by going to Settings > Your Children > (Child’s Name) > (Last year’s classroom or “Not Assigned to a Classroom” > Select your student’s classroom. 

Psst – While you’re in Konstella, you can subscribe to our Konstella calendar or check out and subscribe to our Google Calendar.

Blue and yellow Whittier after-school programs banner.

Space is Still Available in 1st and 2nd Grade Programs

Parkour Based Movement Games and Social Emotional Learning (SEL)
by Kong Academy
Grades 1–2

Brick City Engineering with LEGO Technic Bricks
by Bricks 4 Kidz Greater Seattle
Grades 1–2

Mr. Buck’s Gamer Group
Grades 1-2

Classes will be held weekly after school from October 7 – December 9.

Families must set up an account on 6crickets prior to registration. Once you set up an account, you can learn more about each program and view schedules.

Scholarships are available! Please email if you have any questions.

Keep an eye out for Winter Programs later this year!

The Annual Give Fundraiser supports education and enrichment for this 2024-2025 school year for our amazing Whittier scholars:

  • Specialist, Nurse, Library, and Reading Intervention Staffing
  • The Math Agency
  • Field Trips
  • The Massive Monkees Residency
  • Curriculum Supports and School Supplies
  • Community Events Such As Fall Festival
  • Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Events Such As Drag Queen Story Time
  • And More!

It’s easy to participate! Simply donate online here, then return your donation form and yellow envelope to your child’s classroom. Or, include a check in your yellow envelope.

For more information on why we fundraise and what we support, please visit

Nurse Marissa is hosting a Free Flu and COVID Vaccine Clinic at Whitter Elementary

Students and siblings are welcome!

Pre-Registration is required in order for students to receive vaccines without a parent or guardian present. Please register here.

Nurse Marissa is looking for volunteers! To sign up for a shift, please visit the Sign Up Genius.

Vaccines Available for Children Aged 0-18

October 10, 2024
Time: 12 pm – 5 pm

Whittier Elementary School
1320 NW 75th St., Seattle, WA 98117

Contact Nurse Marissa

Caregiver Happy Hours at Chuck's are Back!

Calling all Whittier Caregivers! Celebrate the start of the school year with other Whittier Elementary caregivers in your child’s grade over happy hour at Chuck’s.

Time: 6-8pm

Where: Chuck’s Hop Shop
656 NW 85th St, Seattle

Thurs Oct 10: 4th-5th grade
Tues Oct 15: 2nd-3rd grade
Tues Oct 22: K-1st grade

This event is primarily for caregivers of Whittier Elementary scholars. However, if you need to bring your kiddo to make it, no problem. We can all celebrate the school year at Chuck’s over beer & ice cream!

For questions, contact Meg Pietz at

Join the Whittier PTA Today!

We encourage and invite everyone in the Whittier Elementary School community to
join the Whittier Parent Teacher Association (PTA).

This includes parents, teachers, staff, caregivers, and grandparents – all those who have an interest in continuing to make Whittier a place where students can achieve their potential in a safe, loving, and inspiring environment.

Learn more about the Whittier PTA here.

Ready to join the team? Sign up here!

And, Join Us for the October 1st PTA Work Session

PTA Work Sessions are different than PTA meetings.

These open-house style sessions are opportunities for community members to share ideas, ask questions, complete volunteer work, and learn more about Whittier and the PTA in an informal setting.

October 1st
Whittier Elementary Library
7:00 – 9:00 pm

All are welcome to drop-in!

Learn more here.
Questions? Contact the PTA.

Whittier’s Front Office Staff is seeking clothing donations for our Wildcats to access throughout the school year.

  • Socks
  • Underwear
  • Soft pants
  • Short and long sleeved shirts
  • Whittier Spirit Gear!

Donations can be dropped off at the Front Office or with Principal Watters at drop-off.

Learn more here.

Well-Resourced Schools Updates: 9/18/24

Well-Resourced Schools Update: 9/18/24

There’s been some updates since last week’s Well-Resourced Schools announcement last week. Here’s a summary:

“While acknowledging that this plan only fixes a piece of the budget gap, he said “There is a deeper menu of cuts if we do not consolidate.” And alluded to more closures as this would be more of a first phase of the plan to close the gap. He agreed that is was a “fair question” when asked about WHY families should believe that SPS will start offering these special education and other services in the new schools, he said: “Isn’t it great to think all these services will be available in every neighborhood school?” And acknowledged that historically, this is not was has happened. Even going so far as to say “That would be a lot for even the most competent districts.” Then added: “I’m sensing skepticism in the room, I share that skepticism. The district needs to show their work.” Ultimately, he conceded that “The immediate impact (of these closures) is not a well resourced school.”

You can learn more about this funding request during Chris Reykdal’s news conference on Monday, Sept. 23 at 10 a.m. (streamed live on TVW).

Want to share your voice?

Advocacy Opportunity: Send Letters to our Representatives

Advocacy Opportunity: Send Letters to our Reps

Writing to our local representatives today is a great way to share your voice. Our representatives can’t know whether our community agrees with SPS’ Well-Resourced Schools plans unless we contact them. For ease, we’ve drafted sample letters you can customize when contacting representatives.

Click on the links below to email Sarah Clark and Seattle Council PTSA Presidents with a pre-drafted email (all you have to do is sign!):

  1. Email Sarah Clark, D2 School Board Director, and demand she meet with our community, push back on disruptive boundary changes, and require SPS to resolve ambiguity around continuing assignments and middle school boundaries.
  2. Email Seattle Council PTSA Presidents, the district-wide Seattle PTA, and demand they meet with us, help push back on disruptive boundary changes, and help us demand SPS resolve ambiguity in its current plan around continuing assignments and middle school boundaries.

Click on the links below to contact our State reps. You can use the example messages below in these contact forms if you’d like.

“I am writing you today as a member of your legislative district, a member of the Seattle Public Schools community, and a member of the Whittier Elementary community.

Seattle Public Schools recently released two proposed options for their “Well-Resourced Schools” plans starting next year that close 17-21 elementary schools and significantly change the boundaries of almost every elementary school student. These boundaries have been drawn to favor straight lines over student outcomes and the scant cost savings (only 2% of the SPS annual budget) will be negated if a fraction of the affected families leave the district.

The percentage of WA State’s annual budget spent on education has been dropped from 51% pre-Covid to 43% while districts throughout WA face budget crises. SPS claims WA State WILL NOT provide any additional funding to SPS if they don’t pursue these closure plans. In short, the in-fighting between WA State legislators and SPS is making collateral damage of WA state children that were already incredibly impacted and disrupted by Covid. We ask you please work today to:

    • Make public education a priority and return 51% of state spending to education
    • Pressure SPS to stop its plans to disrupt most of its families to save a fraction of its deficit

We can’t keep asking Seattle families to invest in public education across the state while absorbing increasing class sizes, decreasing services and programs, and constant uncertainty and disruption. Please help fund our schools and stop SPS’ proposed “Well-Resourced Schools” plans.

Sincerely, [Your Name]”

Spread the Word

Please share this advocacy opportunity with your community. You don’t have to be a current caregiver or potentially impacted family to share your voice! Public education affects everyone.

A Letter from the PTA Following SPS’ Well-Resourced Schools Update

September 12, 2024

Hello Incredible Whittier Community, 

Amidst the reveal of SPS’ Well-Resourced Schools update yesterday, we as a PTA wanted to reach out as fellow families navigating and processing these options. This ambiguity can be stressful and deeply upsetting–we feel it, too, and are here for you as an organization and as fellow members of your community.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out the site and the proposed options, we want to provide a brief summary:

  • SPS has offered two plans (Option A and Option B). Both options close some schools in the district (21 in Option A and 17 in Option B) and redraw boundary lines for nearly all elementary schools, including Whittier. The selected option would go into effect next school year. Option A also closes option schools or changes them into neighborhood schools; Option B maintains one option school per region.
  • You can check your family’s boundary for Option A and Option B using SPS’ interactive map tool. Please note these tools have been overloaded by demand and are sometimes not available. If you’re having trouble loading the tools, try a different browser.
  • “Continuing Assignment” is SPS’ term for continuing at a school you’re already enrolled in/established at, even if it’s outside of your boundary. SPS School Board past policy was to always grant continuing assignments, even if a student moved or no longer lived in the boundary. This new plan does not confirm whether continuing assignments will be available for all rezoned students or what the process would be to request continued assignment.
  • This plan does not clarify if or how middle school or high school zoning may be impacted by these changes. Most elementary school cohorts are not currently divided between middle schools or high schools, so it’s unknown whether families will remain at their currently assigned middle school (which would divide elementary school cohorts) or will follow the middle school boundary for their rezoned elementary school.
  • Both options close a small portion (25-30%) of the estimated budget deficit and will require significant additional funding (likely from the state legislature) to close the remaining 70-75% budget deficit. These plans do not specifically address how the remaining shortfall will be solved.
  • The superintendent will present his recommendation to the School Board in “mid to late October” (so unlikely to be at the October 9th regular school board meeting). The School Board is slated to vote on Option A or Option B at the December 18th regular school board meeting. Between now and then, SPS has said they will hold an online information session on 9/24 and in-person meetings between 9/25-10/8, along with public hearings for each planned closed school in November. No specific details for these meetings and hearings have been publicly announced yet.

The definitive source for all confirmed information regarding these plans is on SPS’ Well-Resourced Schools site. The FAQ section might be particularly helpful (and a little easy to miss). It’s important to also understand that SPS is not allowing principals to communicate with families about this issue outside of formal, district-provided workstreams. 

As part of your community, we wanted to make something very clear: we’re all a part of a neighborhood community—not just a Whittier community—and nothing SPS does will change that.

If you’d like to share your voice about these plans, there are individual and coordinated advocacy opportunities available.

Individual Action

Coordinated Action

We have a great year planned supporting our Wildcat scholars and providing them with the greatest educational experience we can. To that end, we also want to quickly clarify that fundraising dollars (including Annual Give campaign donations) raised this year pay for this year’s programs and services (not next year’s), like March’s Massive Monkees residency and The Math Agency’s intervention and extension programs.

While we’re all learning this information at the same time, PTA Co-President Kate Scher is planning to be on the playground after pick-up today if you’d like to connect, ask questions, or just have someone to process this information with.

Thank you!

Your Whittier PTA

Asking Questions & Sharing Your Voice on the Well-Resourced Schools Plans

Asking Questions & Sharing Your Voice on the Well-Resourced Schools Plans

There are opportunities to ask questions and share your voice about the Well-Resourced Schools Plans. Learn more below:

Individual Action

Contact our local representatives and ask questions, share your concerns, and demand they advocate for your family. 

Click here for direct links with pre-populated or quick talking points. 

If you’d rather draft your own message, use this contact information to reach leaders, legislators, and decision makers in our region:


Introducing Yourself

“As a member of the Whittier Elementary community and D2 family, I want to share…”

Continuing Assignments
  • “School board policy provides continuing assignments for all established students. In the Well-Resourced schools FAQs, it appears SPS is suggesting this policy won’t necessarily be followed. Will SPS update the proposals shortly to confirm the structure for continuing assignments for established elementary students? For example, will an individual student’s continuing assignment be made on a case-by-case basis or will there be an applied standard? Will siblings be kept at the same school if only one sibling is allowed a continuing assignment? Will continuing assignment decisions be made using the open enrollment process or an alternate process? Who is part of the decision-making team for changing the established board policy regarding continuing assignments? Will this policy change be voted on during a school board meeting?”
  • “Our students have endured incredible uncertainty during and after Covid. It is vital we don’t ask children and families to wait to know whether they’ll be able to continue with their friends and community at their established school.”
  • “If families are asked to use the open enrollment process to request continuing assignments, families won’t know their enrollment decision until April or May. Please advocate for an alternative process that will facilitate confirmation for continuing assignments as soon as possible.”
  • “SPS stated that continuing assignments are impacted depending on the selected plan. Can’t continuing assignment policies be drafted for Option A and Option B? Isn’t there existing significant enrollment data to support completing this essential part of the Option plans and provide comfort and certainty to area families?”
Middle & High School Boundary Changes
  •  “Will SPS be providing clarity on how elementary school boundary changes could impact middle and high school boundaries?”
  • “Traditionally, elementary schools fed into one middle school and one high school. Will middle and high school boundaries remain unchanged (meaning elementary schools will be split across multiple upper education schools)? Or will families follow the traditional pathway of their newly zoned elementary school?”
  • “Our 5th grade families cannot wait until next year to start preparing their children for their transition to middle school. We need clarity now for both Option A and Option B scenarios.”
  • “Will current middle school students be asked to change schools if their elementary school school boundary has changed? For example, if a current Whitman 7th grader’s boundary changes from Whittier to West Woodland, will they have to move to Hamilton next year?”
  • “If next year’s incoming 5th graders receive a continuing assignment, will they have to attend the middle school that aligns with their revised elementary school boundary? Or will they be guaranteed the opportunity to stay with their community through middle school (the original argument for aligning middle school assignments with elementary schools vs. geozones)?”
After Care, Before Care, and School Break Care Programs
  • “With many schools closing, it eliminates the aftercare provided out of those buildings and decreases the already limited aftercare that is available in our city. What is SPS’ plan to confirm childcare options will be available either plan?”
  • “Many families do not have the option or flexibility to pick their children up from school. This issue will disproportionally impact more vulnerable families who rely on those services. How is SPS going to ensure their equity analysis addresses the needs of vulnerable, working families?”
  • “Many families concerned about these changes have already contacted aftercare providers in their proposed new schools; these providers have confirmed they will not be able to support the immense need they anticipate next year.”
  • “SPS informed families last year that they plan to also move the district to three bells next year, with elementary schools shifting to 7:25am or 9:25am start times. Partnering this change with either plan will create an even greater deficit of childcare options. Newly 9:25am start schools will require before care; 7:25am start schools will likely need more after care spots than are needed today as many working families can’t leave work 30 minutes earlier.”
Option-specific Advocacy
  • “My family and community feel you need to vote for Option [X] in December, regardless of Superintendent Jones’ recommendation. This option is essential for my family because…”
  • “My family and community feel you need to reject Option [X] in December, regardless of Superintendent Jones’ recommendation. This option harms my family because…”
Requests for Info Sessions or Meetings at Whittier
  • For all: “I am hoping you’d be interested to meet the families you represent in our neighborhood and get to know our priorities and concerns. Our PTA meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month and can be attended in-person or virtually. Alternatively, you can contact our PTA to schedule a special session or meeting around your availability to facilitate a connection with you.”
  • For Sarah Clark: “You are our only voice on the Seattle School Board and we hope your commitment to our school community is as strong as ours is.”
  • For Seattle Council PTSA: “Our school community is a part of your membership; getting to know us will mean you can represent us this school year.”
  • For SPS: “Please consider a specific information session at Whittier Elementary to allow families to ask questions and get the clarity they so need.”

Coordinated Action

There are several area groups putting together a variety of opportunities for advocacy:

Attend Meetings to Learn More and Share Your Voice

Do you have an advocacy idea?

Please let us know by emailing

Spare Clothing for Wildcats Needed!

Whittier’s amazing Front Office team is seeking donations of spare clothing for Wildcat students to access throughout the school year. We are specifically seeking donations of clean, great condition:

  • Gender Neutral Socks (sizes XS – XL)
  • Gender Neutral Underwear (sizes XS – XL)
  • Gender Neutral Soft Pants (sizes XS – XL)
We’re also seeking:
  • Gender Neutral Short Sleeve T-Shirts (XS – XL)
  • Gender Neutral Long Sleeve T-Shirts (XS – XL)
  • Wildcat Spirit Gear in any size!
Donations can be dropped off in the Front Office anytime or given to Principal Watters at drop-off. Thank you for supporting our Wildcats!

The Wildchat: 6/18/2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

End of the Year is Here!

  • Great job and congrats to all our 2-minute talent show participants!! Go Wildcats!
  • Thank you to our amazing community volunteers and to Mr. Pule for another amazing Field Day last week!
  • Bookmark this wonderful list of summer programs in our community for the whole family to keep everyone reading this summer!

What’s happening this week:

  • 6/18: 5th Grade Adventure Day and Yearbooks Distributed to 5th grade
  • 6/19: No School  – Juneteenth
  • 6/20: Volunteer Appreciation Coffee at Drop-off
  • 6/20: Yearbooks Distributed to all K-4 Wildcats
  • 6/20: 5th Grade Promotion
  • 6/21: Last Day of School (1-hour early dismissal), Lost & Found will be emptied after school ends

We want to hear from you! How was your experience with after-school programs this year? What clubs would your child be interested in next year? This survey is open to all families, even if your child did not participate in clubs this year. Your feedback will help us plan our program offerings for the next school year!

Returning to Whittier? Help Us Kickoff an Amazing 2024-2025 School Year!

There are so many ways to support Whittier this summer!

Save the Date for these Early Fall Events:

Want to help make this event a success? Volunteer for a day-of shift here!

Thank you, 2023-2024 Whittier PTA Board and Volunteers!

A huge thank you to this year’s amazing cohort of volunteers who supported Whittier this year. We are so grateful for your time, energy, and passion. Extra special congratulations to this year’s Golden Acorn winner, Laura Zingg, for her amazing contributions as Programs Co-Chair, on Fall Festival committee, Student Directory Chair, Classroom Art Coordinator for Spring Fling and so much more. 

Dear Whittier Community, Thank You. From, Move a Thon

Whittier Community, Thank you for supporting this year’s Move a Thon. Almost 200 Whittier Wildcats raised nearly $28,000 through the Move a Thon. A big shout out to the volunteers who brought it together, adults who came to cheer, community sponsors, and Whittier staff who joined the event. Stay active and see you next year!

Thank you, Wildcats! Have a Great Summer!

Help Whittier This Summer!

Open Positions for the 2024-2025 School Year

Whittier PTA is seeking community members to volunteer for key volunteer roles for the 2024-2025 school year. These positions have different commitment levels, including some that can be accomplished remotely. Whittier PTA is an all-volunteer run organization that aims to have fun, build community, and support Whittier Elementary’s educational excellence.

Open 2024-2025 PTA Roles

  • Wildchat Editor: Our biweekly newsletter, the Wildchat, is an essential way to keep families informed and connected. But without an editor, we won’t have a newsletter (which can also impact our fundraising effectiveness)! Content inputs are organized by the Communications Chair, so this role primarly inputs prepared content into the existing Wildchat newsletter template on our WordPress-based site. Easy to learn and no website experience necessary! This is a great remote-only role for new families looking to learn more about Whittier! Without a volunteer, we’ll lose this important communication vehicle! Learn more about this role >>
  • Website Editor: The PTA’s website ( is our community’s main resource for Wildcat information. With SPS’ limited website tools, both PTA and Whittier Elementary resources are housed on this site. Whittier’s website editor is a remote-only position that sees most of its work at the beginning of the year, with smaller tasks after that. The website uses a simple WordPress theme, with guided instructions that anyone can learn! Without a volunteer, we’ll lose this important resource! Learn more about this role >>
  • EDI Co-Chair: This role works with returning EDI Co-Chair, Kiana, to develop important programs focused on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. K-2 families are strongly encouraged to consider this position to ensure this key work continues. Learn more about this role >>
  • Are you a graphic designer? We’d love your help! We have one-time and on-going graphic design needs to support our PTA activities. These include:
    • Designing Takehome Tuesday flyers (on-going, 2x per month)
    • Designing IG posts (on-going, 2x per month)

Whittier PTA has a Canva pro account, so design can use this tool or any other graphic design software.

Want to learn more or sign-up? Please contact

Other Volunteer Opportunities

None of these suit your needs but you'd still like to get involved?

The Wildchat: 5/28/24

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Thank you, Wildcats and the Spring Fling Team!

Congratulations to our Spring Fling team and community for an amazing event earlier this month! Thanks to our community’s participation and generosity, we raised over $83,500–exceeding our $60,000 fundraising goal! Great job, Wildcats!

And a HUGE thank you to our amazing community volunteers, without which this event couldn’t have happened! A special shout out to Brie Gardner, Spring Fling Chair extraordinaire, along with:

  • John Shaw
  • Laura Zingg
  • Emily Grosse
  • Sara Lukas
  • Joni Larson
  • Jess Twardzik
  • Melissa Ivancevich
  • Jess Templeton
  • Melinda Nett
  • Shannon Luoma
  • Elan Simonson
  • Andrea Pungoti
  • Angie Lundstedt
  • Mendy Minjarez
  • Rebecca Grandin
  • Sarah Okun
  • Meg Herscher
  • Kate Scher
  • Mike Nett
  • Ron Sievers
  • Renee Hartnett
  • Courtney Sievers
  • Jenn Foreman
  • Sandy Hawley
  • Sherry Lawson
  • Chris Wylcinski
  • Josette Jeffery
  • David Peabody
  • Rebecca Adamson
  • Katie Stiver
  • Megan Wildenradt
  • Leah Lansberry
  • Anna Reeve
  • Jill Muscatel
  • Courtney Miller
  • Anjean Vanden Bosch
  • Katie Kreiger
  • Ashley Sullivan
  • Erin Lancione
  • Katie Hambley
  • and of course Danny Adamson and The Late Shift

And it’s not too late to contribute to our Spring Fling fundraising goal! We have some hosted parties (fun, themed events hosted by members of our community–some for adults and some for kids!) with spaces left, including Beauty and Bubbles Workshop, 4th-5th grade Skate Party With Mr Pule, Bootcamp and Brunch, Discovery Park Adventure, Dreaming of Dragons, First Grade Moms Happy Hour, and more! Learn more about these hosted parties and buy your tickets here.

Seeking 5-6 Volunteers for Financial Review Committee

Seeking volunteers to complete the 2023-24 PTA Financial Review. There is a checklist to divide up and work through. First meeting via zoom and then follow-ups via email. Work on July-Sept and present brief findings at Sept PTA Meeting. To learn more or sign-up, please contact Michelle, PTA Treasurer. Thanks for considering!

After-School Program Survey

We want to hear from you! How was your experience with after-school programs this year? What clubs would your child be interested in next year? This survey is open to all families, even if your child did not participate in clubs this year. Your feedback will help us plan our program offerings for the next school year! Complete the survey >>

Help Shape SPS' 2025-2030 Strategic Plan

SPS is asking families to share their voice as they develop a new strategic plan to guide the district’s 2025-2030 work. We’re asking all our Whittier families to complete this SPS survey before June 7.

You can also attend special School Board meetings about this strategic plan on May 29 (6-7:30pm) at Robert Eagle Staff, June 5 (6-7:30pm) at Cleveland STEM High School, or June 12 (6-7:30pm) online. Learn more about SPS’ engagement around this strategic planning work here.

Finally, the regular School Board meeting on June 10 is slated to include an update on SPS’ “Well-Resourced Schools,” including a list of closures for the 2025-2026 school year. Learn more about how to watch, attend, or testify during a school board meeting.

Submit Nominations for Volunteer Award!

Do you know someone who has been an exceptional volunteer for the Whittier community over the past year?  If yes, please consider nominating them for the Golden Acorn Award!  This award is given out each year by the PTA  to recognize outstanding dedication to our children and youth, and we know Whittier would not be the special place it is without all the love and energy poured into it by our many volunteers.  Please email nominations to Jess by June 6th.  The recipient does not need to be a PTA member. 

PTA Positions We're looking to Fill for the 24-25 School Year

  • Co-President
  • Assistant Treasurer
  • EDI-Co Chair
  • Comms Website Editor
  • Comms Wildchat Editor
  • Back to Business Chair
  • Fall Festival Chair
  • Spring Fling Chair
  • Student Directory
  • Yearbook
Contact Jess if you’re interested in learning more about any of the roles or have additional questions. 

Great Job, Really Rosie Cast & Volunteers!

Congratulations to the Cast & Crew of this year’s Spring Musical, Really Rosie! Fans and supporters packed Ballard High School’s Earl Kelly Performing Arts Center last Thursday and Friday to catch this exciting, funny performance. This cast and crew of Whittier 4th and 5th graders could only have succeeded thanks to the stewardship of their amazing director team: Ms. Steph (Director), Ada Scales (Assistant Director), and Mr. Collin (Music Director). Click here to check out the musical’s virtual program. This year’s Really Rosie cast includes:

5th graders:
Sydney Hartnett
Reese Pecoraro
Graysen Hawley
Ben Toppenberg
Elsie Smith
Lydia Gaspard
Zoe Johnson
Denali Swearingen
Henry Neuman
Ruby Pope
Isla Herndon-Farnam
Maeve Herndon-Farnam
Henry Gudmastad
Zoe Intawong
Abby Gruber
Vivi Robertson
Myla Gardner
Felicity Foreman
Greta Leuschke
Karolina Makmatova
Margaret Robillard
Rowan Ritchie
Neko Hickey
Hailey Lawson
Michael Mayo
Shoyer Mayo
Madeline Nett
Poppy Tallarico
4th graders:
Aleita Hendricks
Arlo Marshak
Bea Poll
Brook Bahru
Charlie Rust
Claire Chertack
Claire Crockford
Colette Davis
Corrine Kostis
Emersen Rider
Emma Kirschbaum
Everly Grandin
Everly Ringler
Grace Curran
Harlow Hatter
Lauren Egging
Lulu Cook
Leo Wildenradt
Madeleine Gartin
Matilda Boysun
Riley Hammond
Ruby Medina
Ryan Mcdougal
Santi Montesinos Martos
Silas Bendickson
Simone Herten
Sophia Hartnett

And congrats and thank you to Principal Watters for her special guest performances! Finally, thank you to the amazing team of volunteers and crew who helped make this special musical happen:

Aarron Lawson
Angela Buck-Hatter
Angie Bianco
Ashley Ward Gaspard
Ben Peterson
Brie Gardner
Camille Peterson
Chuck Rust
Clark Wildenradt
Diane Clausen
Erin Lancione
Eva Wong
Isaac Hatter
Jennifer Foreman
Jerrica Kostis
Julia Massey
Julie Childers
Julie Vano
Kai Herndon-Farnam
Katherine Abraham
Katie Stiver
Kellie Pecoraro
Kelly Rider
Kendall Scales
Laura Zingg
Lindsay Fasser
Lindsay Robillard
Lisa Davis
Liz Young
Megan Wildenradt
Melinda Nett
Melissa Caviezel
Michelle Nemeth
Mike Boysun
Mike Kostis
Mike Nett
Mindy McGuane
Paul Bianco
Rebecca Grandin
Renee Hartnett
Sandy Hawley
Sarah Bendickson
Sarah Gartin
Scott Ringler
Sherry Lawson
Stacy Tischler
Steve Neuman
Sue Tallarico
Toby Ross
Trisha Kostis
Tyler Gaspard
Valerie Rust
Will Scales

Some pictures of both casts captured by Whittier parent and photographer, Kellie Pecoraro:

Thank you, Wildcats!