The Wildchat: 1/29/2025

Wednesday, January 29, 2025
What's Happening This Month:
- 2/02 – Reflections Award Ceremony (details below)
- 2/03 – 2/07: Black Lives Matter at School Week
- 2/04 – PTA Hosted Work Session: Reviewing PTA Financial and Time Investments
- 2/11 – New & Prospective Family Information Session
- 2/11 – PTA Meeting
- 2/17 – 2/21: NO SCHOOL (Mid-Winter Break)
- 2/27 – Staff Appreciation (Hosted by the 2nd Grade)
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Reflections Awards Ceremony This Sunday!
Congratulations Wildcats!

We are very excited to announce that two of our very own Wildcats who submitted art, Fjell Swearingen and Ada Herscher, have advanced to the State finals! Both submitted pieces in the Visual Arts category.
Congratulations Fjell & Ada!
This Sunday, Seattle Council PTSA will host an awards ceremony to honor students for their imagination, creativity and interpretation of the theme “Accepting Imperfections” in the 2024-2025 National PTA Reflections program.
Event: Seattle Council PTSA Reflections Awards Ceremony
Date: Sunday, 2/02/2025
Time: 2 – 4 pm
Location: Axis Pioneer Square
Address: 308 1st Ave. S., Seattle 98104
During the event, community members will discuss the significance of the arts and the benefits of arts education. The event will also feature music and literary readings by student honorees as well as an exhibit of student artwork.
Whittier is proud to have taken part in the 2024-25 Reflections Art Program this year! The Reflections program, which is a national program, provides opportunities for recognition and access to the arts which boost student confidence and success in the arts and in life.
Students create and submit original works of art in the areas of Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and Visual Arts.
This year we had seven student’s artwork advance to the local Seattle Council PTA as well. We would like to recognize each of those students and congratulate them on their efforts.
All of Whittier’s participants will be honored with certificates at this event!
Congratulations go to:
Visual Arts submissions
Fjell Swearingen, 2nd grade
Niko Robertson, 4th grade
Ada Herscher, 3rd grade
Sophia Hartnett, 5th grade
Brady Deese, 5th grade
Music Composition submissions
Autumn McKimpson, 3rd grade
Graham Larson, 3rd grade
Kudos to these Wildcats!
New & Prospective Family Info Session

Adult caregivers are also invited (but not required!) to stay for the Whittier PTA’s monthly meeting (beginning at 7pm).
All are welcome to this session.
Please note children are welcome and many new and prospective families choose to attend this session without children as the presentations are prepared for adult audiences.
Incoming new Whittier students have other opportunities for student-centered school tours.

Announcing the 2025 Whittier Move-a-Thon: Friday, April 4th!
The 2025 Whittier Move a Thon this year is on Friday, April 4th.
Check out Hype Video #1:
Get Active with Community Sports!
Join the Whittier Ultimate Frisbee Team!

The Whittier Ultimate Frisbee Team is seeking active, team-oriented 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students to join the “WUF Gang” for the Spring 2025 season. No experience is necessary to play. The all-gender, non-contact sport prioritizes mutual respect, fair play, communication, and conflict-resolution skills.
3rd and 4th grade Wildcats are especially encouraged to participate so we will be able to field at least one gender-balanced team for this age group.

The team will practice on Wednesday afternoons at Loyal Heights Playfield beginning February 26.
Coaches will organize a “walking bus” from the Whittier courtyard (with an option for pick up and drop off at Whittier Kids). The season runs from March 8 through May 10, with an optional three-game tournament on May 17.
Youth Lacrosse (Pssst…. Mr. Buck is One of the Coaches!)

More Community Camp Opportunities
Illumination Learning Studio
School Year and Summer Camps
Download the 2024-25 Whittier Student Directory
The 2024-25 Whittier Student Directory is now available for download! Many thanks to all the families and Wildcat artists who participated. We recommend bookmarking this link to access the most current version, as the PTA makes updates throughout the year.
To protect families’ privacy, we will only share the directory through internal channels (i.e. Konstella).
The PTA compiles the student directory each school year in coordination with families who wish to opt in. Families can use the directory to plan playdates, birthdays, and other fun! Opting in is voluntary. We only share the information you provide.
If you need to add or update your student’s contact info, it’s not too late! Please contact
Submit Your Photos to Whittier's Yearbook Committee

We’re looking for high-resolution photos that capture our community learning and having fun together!
Submit photos for Whittier’s 2024-2025 yearbook to