Upcoming Vaccine Clinic at Whittier!
The clinic will be held on Wednesday, October 19 between 8:30am – 1pm. We will be giving flu shots and hopefully the new, pediatric bivalent COVID booster (as long as it is released in time). Children are eligible for the booster as long as it has been 2 months since their last booster and they have had both of their initial doses of the vaccine. (We may be able to provide more adult COVID vaccines depending on demand. Individuals who are interested should reach out to Nurse Marissa for more info).
To participate, students must be registered! Register here: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=WNEx1HRgMkiHg1Hqb23SJ1_bx7bdx7lCvA2NX9k6vjVUNDNZN1ZPR0c0RTc4TlVLWjA2VVlGMjFVVC4u
To make this clinic a success, we’re seeking volunteers and supplies! Volunteers must have completed their SPS volunteer application.
- Volunteer sign-up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0F4BA4AC29A7FCC43-october
- Vaccine Clinic Wish List: https://a.co/68VxH2L
For more info, visit https://schoolnursenews.com/ or contact Nurse Marissa.