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PTA Board Minutes

Board Meeting Minutes: 11/8/22

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

November 8, 2022

  • 7:00pm via ZOOM
  • Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022
  • Passcode: wildcats


  • Leah Lansberry Austin- President
  • Kathleen Donahoe
  • Jess Templeton – Co Secretary
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality and Events
  • Courtney Kirk Sievers – Hospitality and Events
  • Tina Lilley – Adviser/Support/Spirit Gear/Website
  • Mendy Minjarez – Volunteer Coordinator
  • Glenda Elley – Fundraiser Co-Chair
  • Cindy Waters – Principal
  • Lauren Carey- EDI co chair
  • Emily Barbee Advocacy Co-Chair
  • Susan Hernandez, EDI Co-chair
  • Melissa O’Keefe, EDI Co-chair
  • Sarah Lukas
  • Tricia- Membership
  • Tribly- Reading Specialist
  • Sarah Newcombe- Librarian
  • Ashley Schiavone
  • Renee Hartnett- Treasurer


  • Meena Lenn
  • Kiana Swearingen
  • Nichole Miman Waterman
  • Ashley Sullivan

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:05 PM



Took a moment to acknowledge this was a hard day for Seattle Public Schools.  Sending solace to Ingraham community and all of those affected.    

School update- we are doing great.  We’ve hit our stride and kids are stretching themselves and have good curiosity.  Kindergartners settled in and many other fantastic things happening.  

Loved the fall festival.  Thank you to Jess Tz for organizing.

Postponed the gratitude assembly because Ms. Steph is out and will get that rescheduled.  

Ms. Trilby & Sarah Update: 

Book Fair- Literacy Night.  There will be folks reading aloud on the stage, a number of crafts, teachers there,  and parents will be shopping upstairs for the book fair with Phinney Books.  December 1st.  

Need 4-5 parent volunteers to help unpack.  As soon as school is out the book fair starts and literacy night begins at 5:30- 7:30.  They will also have teacher wishlists so parents can purchase books for classrooms.   

Emily Grosse will be helping with the crafts and contact her with questions.  Shout out to the teachers to spend a bit of extra time after hours reading with 

Ms. Jo has self published a few books and will be in attendance as well and may read one of her books.

Questions for Cindy: 

Chocolate Milk: Sara L. asking about chocolate milk being served at breakfast per Culinary services requirement.   Ms. Jo does not want to serve Chocolate milk at breakfast because there is too much sugar and culinary services is taking some disciplinary action against her.  There is information in the Wildchat for how to support Ms. Jo.  

Tricia wrote in and received a disappointing response from culinary services.  

Cindy supports Jo and has deep regard for her integrity.  Proud she’s a part of whittier- she has a passion for food justice and access to healthy foods.  

Assistant Principal & Counselor: Tina asked if there are any updates on an assistant principal.  Cindy said we’re not going to get one regardless of if we step in or not.  SPS has no money to implement.  It makes things bumpy and rocky but there should be a conversation about what is the minimum needed to run a school.  If Cindy had a full time counselor, a AP would be less necessary.   

We do need to have interventionists budgeted and PTA needs to pay for it.  Funding allocation for the next school year comes out in February.  Advocate for minimum of what schools should have.   

At Whittier PTA pays for art and reading interventionist

Discretionary dollars is $40k which is about as much as we need for basic supplies.  

We have Lauren, the counselor, 5 days a week in the morning from 7:30-10:45 and every other Wednesday she’s here all day.  

How do kid’s utilize her?  She’s going into classrooms and taking on big feelings days and working with families.  She’s doing a lot.  She rarely sits down.  Her professional background is mostly as a social worker in a healthcare setting.  



Don’t have NOM COM updates because Mendy isn’t sure what she’s supposed to be doing.  

Leah will walk Mendy through what to do.  In general, the task is to find out who from this year wants to fill a position for next year.   Will make sure practices for reaching out are as equitable as possible.   

Need a better way to get and keep a parent directory. For next year we should come up with some language for room reps to get emails for class.  There could be something at Back to business or curriculum night.  

Room reps are a really good entry point into involvement.  

Could have a meeting over the summer to discuss what we should send to room reps.  Sara Lukas is happy to spearhead that.   

Kidmail folder paper to add contact info.- Jess and Ashley to create.     

December 13th Meeting:  in person or zoom?  Folks are interested in- in person. Jess Templeton to host


Members at Large

I Sara Lukas, move to approve  Kellie Pecoraro and Tina Lilley to serve on the PTA Board as members at large.

Courtney seconded. 



Due this Thursday.  Must include a digital record of the art piece as well.  Not many submissions yet


October budget report  

Current balance $201,084 

Annual Give $37k

Jogathon $21k

Expenses of note:  Insurance, Tap Root Theatre assembly, supplies purchased for the school over the summer.  


Annual Give Update: 

Extending to 11/14 and trying to get to $90k.  Currently at $75k

Will announce the seahawk ticket winners next week.  

Is it a big concern if we don’t make our goal now? (Courtney)  In the last few years we’ve been eating away at our reserve where expenses are outweighing fundraising.  

Ultimately we need to decide what we want to fund next year.  We don’t typically poll the community about where they want to see their dollars go until after the holidays.  


Advocacy- Emily Barbee

First, in light of what happened at Ingraham we want gun legislation advocacy to have a renewed focus at Whittier.  Invite Everytown to come and talk to our PTA and give an information session.  Tricia will spearhead and get a date on the calendar aligned with one of our regularly scheduled meetings.  Will aim for January.  

If anyone has other organizations to highlight let Emily and Tricia know.  

The Washington State PTA voted on their top 5 legislative priorities

  1. Addressing student mental heatlh crisis
  2. Addressing critical gaps in education funding
  3. Reducing gun violence
  4. Special education and support
  5. Maintaining safer schools

Renee asked what the action items are beyond advocacy.  Emily will try to find out more.

Some PTAs donate $ to organizations which support these efforts.  

Mendy asked if we’re allowed to lobby with legislators as the PTA.    

Next month advocacy would like to talk about equity and fundraising.  

Advocacy postcard at literacy night?  Great idea.  Emily will implement

Communications- Kate

Kate is traveling. 

EDI- Susan

At the last EDI meeting members created a two year plan to track progress.  Strategies:  

Whittier is committed to being an anti-racist school

All families are able to be their authentic self

All families be able to know the system well enough to advocate for themselves

More to come at the next meeting.  

They will talk to Kate about getting it up on the website and in the Wildchat. 

Events- Courtney

Thanks to Tina, Jess Tzs and Laura for leading the fall festival. 

Next is ice skating later in November.  If we get more that 40 kids to show up will be $11 per kid.  

1:30-2:30 on Tuesday the 22nd.  Will firm up what it covers and communicate to kids. 

Literacy Night Dec 1st

March- First fun Friday will be a family dance game night chaired by Michelle and Meg.  

May- Spring Fling 

Hospitality- Kathleen and Emily

First fun Fridays- gratitude and chalk

Will be on the blacktop this year

Third Thursdays- October staff appreciation breakfast went really well. 

November- hardi lunch hosted by 4th graders

December- Cookie bar provided by 3rd graders

Going through coffee like crazy.  Trying to get the numbers correct and aksing for classes to donate. 

Outreach- Sara

Haven’t done much recently but thinking about events that we’re already doing more welcoming and outreach oriented. 

For Literacy night we want to make it obvious that it’s a PTA event and recruit people that we would not otherwise reach.   

Also thinking about doing some kind of coffee meetup -do you want to get involved with being on the board?  Morning or evening?  Will be after the first of the year.  

We should have a PTA table at all events.  

What is the plan for Helping Hands this year?  They asked about this at our principal check in.  It is a gift card collection drive for families in need in the Whittier community.  

Target, Fred Meyer, Safeway and the goal is between $1-$2k in gift cards.  

Volunteers- Mendy

Mr. Collins does not have a room rep. Kathleen and Courtney will reach out to Natalie.  

Amazon wish lists and teacher surveys.  Mendy has them and will send out to room parents.  

Tina populated the room parent email so all room parents will receive.  

Mendy also has a master volunteering list for anyone who needs it.  

Next year at first meeting we should have more training for each of the board positions.  

11/15- Special Ed PTSA: Kids Do Well if They Can

12/1- Book fair/ Literacy Night

12/2- First Friday

12/8- EDI FOCS follow-up

12/13 Board Meeting

12/15 EDI Meeting

1/10 Board Meeting

1/17 Community Meeting


Gifts for staff members- Need to have more of a conversation about how we do gifts for staff if we group together again.  Mendy will send language to room parents.  

Meeting Adjourned 9:11  pm

Community Meeting Minutes: 10/11/22

Whittier PTA Community Meeting

October 11, 2022

  • 7:00pm via ZOOM
  • Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022
  • Passcode: wildcats


  • Leah Lansberry Austin
  • Jared Cortese – Co Secretary
  • Jess Templeton – Co Secretary
  • Kellie Pecoraro – Adviser/Support
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality and Events
  • Courtney Kirk Sievers – Hospitality and Events
  • Kate Scher – Communications Chair
  • Tina Lilley – Adviser/Support/Spirit Gear/Website
  • Mendy Minjarez – Volunteer Coordinator
  • Renee Hartnett – Treasurer
  • Glenda Elley – Fundraiser Co-Chair
  • Megan Wildenradt – Advocacy Co-Chair
  • Emily Barbee – Advocacy Co-Chair
  • Cindy Waters – Principal
  • Susan Hernandez, EDI Co-chair
  • Melissa O’Keefe – EDI Co-chair
  • Lauren Carey- EDI Committee Member
  • Ashley Schiavone 
  • Sarah Lukas – Outreach Chair


  • Julie Osborn
  • Anna Hume, PTA member
  • Rachel Wold
  • Kate Scales
  • Sven Hertens
  • Brianna Mercker
  • Geyer Family
  • Ho Joon
  • Joa Pope
  • Laura McLaughlin
  • Angela Navarro
  • Bonnie
  • Jennifer Foreman
  • Laura Wadsack
  • Brian Tracy

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:05 PM



Grateful for the strong launch.  a lot of fun at the move-a-thon and feels like we have a strong connection with families, especially after a wonky start.  

Week 4 of school.  Kids are getting into their routines.  Continuing to have lunch outside for half the scholars.  


Looking forward to the Taproot Theater Company coming to perform a play this week.  

Trying to do many events at school because transportation costs are prohibitive.  $250 for school bus and charter is $350/ hour.  

Other events- 5th avenue theater coming in april.  Talking to the opera for bilingual opera

Reptile guy

Science on Wheels

SPU hosting NCAA division championships- athlete visits

Or walking opportunities

What about inclusivity for these activities?  Two assemblies to limit the number of scholars and make it more accessible for all.  Massive monkeys will provide a smaller interaction for specialist groups.  

PTA support and how that impacts the school 

As a tier 4 school we are funded at a lower rate than a tier 1 school.  Perceived needs of the school is different.  This year our nurse was reduced from 2 full days to 1.5 days and staff decided to use discretionary dollars to fund the other half day of nurse.  

PTA funds a .5 of a specialist so all kids have specialist time every day.  

Our kids need reading support which is the bulk of what Cindy asks the PTA to pay for.  Whittier also has a grant for reading support

Our PTA will fund Amazon classroom wish lists and other school needs.  The PTA is a backup. 

Leah- This is also so our teachers have a full time job which is why we try to get all of our specialists to full time or full days.


Can we make this information viewable for all families?  Glenda Ellen

  • Kellie P. answered that we typically make recordings available for families to view the meeting. 

What is the max enrollment for Whittier?  Lauren Carey

  • Right size enrollment is about 65-75 per grade level which is about 3 classes per grade.

There’s a new social worker, Ms. Lauren, who is at our school 7:30-11 in the morning and then drives to Magnolia for the afternoon.  Next ask would be for a full time social worker.  Cindy has enough work for (2) full time social workers.     

Whittier tries to be super good stewards of all PTA money.  Have recently purchased resources for spelling in 3-5th grade and a book series with full curriculum for diversity.  

Advocacy-  SPS needs to send a minimum a school needs to operate.  For example, this year Whittier doesn’t have an AP and should.  Then secured Special Ed staffing sept 6th and more IAP staffing (56 kids require IAPs).   This should have triggered an AP.  Would be extremely helpful to have a minimum amount of funding to resolve issues such as these.    

Calendar Updates

The revised calendar has come out and is being voted on tomorrow by the Board.  Whittier is not adjusting end of year celebrations, which will occur the week(s) before school gets out.  Such as field day, 5th grade promotion and 5th grade 

Overview of Building Leadership Team (BLT)– governing body for the school.  Meets once a month and talks about school improvement plan, conference schedule, things that need to be voted on contractually, school wide things that are happening, forum for staff input.  Collaborative team.  

Volunteer training–  Everyone please go through it so when something comes up you can do it.   

Board Updates: Vote to appoint Co-Secretaries Jared Cortese and Jess Templeton

New Website:  subscribe to calendar.  Also has the lunch menu and link to Whittier spirit gear. 

Teacher’s lounge Makeover:   Rallied around sourcing from buy nothing/ Amazon wishlist.  Teachers have been so appreciative of it.  They actually meet there and eat lunch there and it’s fostered more camaraderie.  

Wildcat Spirit Fence:  Something that Cindy asked for last summer.  

Reflections Art Contest:  Nationwide contest.  We need someone who can drive this this year.  It is all set up but it needs a champion who can organize, then a couple of people who can review submissions.  

Have many different categories students could choose from.  

Champion would work with Cindy and the office to get the word out.  


Running Volunteer List:  Folks that put their names on it at back to business and curriculum nights

Encourage reaching out to others who may be interested. 

If you need volunteers Mendy can send names to you.  

Mr. Province’s class does not have a room parent.  Help find one!

For special education classes it is different this year.  Previously there have not been room parents in these classrooms but are trying to best represent and include these classrooms.  

Focus and Access are programs and there is a resource classroom.  Really depends on the needs of the students and kids.  Provides more support for kids that have IAPs and 504 plans.  

Cindy has provided a presentation in the past about these programs which may be more helpful.  Access to specialists is a big deal.  

Ask Cindy to present this slide show at the next meeting.  

Room reps allows for representation of these classrooms.  

Current Needs: 

Reflections art program

Programs chair



email volunteer to be put on the list to volunteer or for any other inquiries

Nominating Committee Update:  This is a committee that identifies folks for positions next year.  This is a formal committee and will be voted on at the end of the meeting.  This committee recommends who will be next year’s Executive Board.  The Community will vote in next year’s PTA board in May of this year.  

Proposed Members: Susan Hernandez, Courtney Sievers, Mendy Minjarez, Joa Pope


September Budget Reports: $166k in the bank, and we get our money from the fundraisers.  A big piece of fundraising is employer matching.  Also get passive funding from Amazon Smile, etc.  

To date we have income trickling in from annual give and move- a -thon. 

Expenses year to date:  Insurance processed, quickbooks account, kindergarten pizza party, EDI training for Board members and staff, putting on an assembly later this week.  

Proposed updates for 2022-23 budget

This is to right size our budget that need to be added back into our budget post covid.  

  • Update Whittier Support Grant to cover Q4 2021-22 and Q1-3 of 2022-23= $77,299.67
  • Increase Outreach budget by $710 for incoming Kindergarten pizza event
  • Increase staff appreciation by $1000 for staff lounge updates
  • Increase web hosting $20
  • Increase Konstella budget $350
  • Increase President’s budget for zoom by $200
  • Increase hospitality budget by $200
  • Increase awards budget by $100 to cover plaque/ engraving costs

Total Expenses increase by $4,679.  

Lauren Carey asked a  question about EDI budget training.  It is one of the largest budget items at $4500.  There is still $2000 left to spend. Lauren asking if any of the EDI money is restricted.  

Process for Money to come out-  need invoice to write a check or executed contract.  


Annual give has 44 donations with a total of 14k so far

Move-a-thon $21k

Goal is $90k between the two.  

Support Whittier PTA while you shop

Amazon smile and Fred Meyer


Friday, October 28th from 4:30-7

No tickets necessary, just show up

Games and activities: pumpkin decorating, apple toss, face painting, candy corn toss, pumpkin run, cake walk and photo booth.  

Move inside after dark for the Monster Mash DJ’d by Ms. Steph

Costumes are welcome but not required

Inclusive because it is more relaxed.  

Will have some food available for sale: Corn dog combo, Popcorn & Cotton Candy machine

Not meant to be a fundraiser, meant to be a net zero event.  Going to make money back by food purchase and a raffle.  


Executive Committee: 

Leah moved to approve the following: 

We, the Whittier General Membership, approve Secretaries, Jared Cortese & Jess Templeton to serve on the PTA Executive Committee for 2022-23.

Renee Seconded the motion. 


2022-23 Budget:

Courtney Sievers, moved to approve the revisions to the 22-23 Whittier PTA budget revisions

Jared seconded the motion. 


Nominating Committee: 

Kate moved to approve the individuals listed for the Nom  Comm

Anna seconded the motion


Approval of Standing Rules to include 

Leah Motioned to approve. 

Courtney Seconded 

4.4 Addition of member at large position to the Board

6.2 Updates to fiscal year budgets.  



Melissa O’Keefe & Emily Barbee

Focus this year:  community education, engagement, communication and advocacy

Will have an EDI section in the Wildchat every issue.  

Currently reviewing an equity assessment that was done a few years ago for the PTA and we will be implementing this year.  


Communications: Join Konstella & grade-level FB group

Advocacy: Megan Going to the legislative assembly this weekend and will meet up with nearby elementary and middle schools

Working on getting legislators and school board members to visit the PTA throughout the year

Supporting the work of the EDI committee

Outreach (Sarah Lukas):  Going to host a kindergarten coffee date soon

Events (Emily Grosse): First fridays.  Behind the scenes is third Thursday staff appreciation. Thank you to 5th grade parents for contributing to this month.  

Membership:  We are at a total of 109 PTA members, 4 staff for a total of 113.  

To have afterschool programming we need a chair. If interested, reach out to Kate or Mendy.  

Meeting Adjourned 9:03 pm

Board Meeting Minutes: 9/20/22


  • Leah Lansberry Austin
  • Jared Cortese – Co Secretary
  • Jess Templeton – Co Secretary
  • Kellie Pecoraro – Adviser/Support
  • Megan Herscher – Community Member
  • Kathleen Donahoe – Co Hospitality and Events
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality and Events
  • Courtney Kirk Sievers – Hospitality and Events
  • Kate Scher – Communications Chair
  • Susan Hernandez – EDI Co Chair
  • Tina Lilley – Adviser/Support/Spirit Gear/Website
  • Mendy Minjarez – Volunteer Coordinator
  • Katie Lyden – Move-a-thon
  • Renee Hartnett – Treasurer
  • Glenda Elley – Fundraiser Co-Chair
  • Trisha Schalekamp – Membership
  • Sara Lukas – Outreach Chair
  • Jared Ogle – 4th Grade Teacher
  • Megan Wildenradt – Advocacy Co-Chair
  • Emily Barbee – Advocacy Co-Chair
  • Cindy Waters – Principal


  • Jill – Community Member
  • Rachel Wold – Community Member


Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:05 PM

Each attendee introduced themselves, who their children are, their position, and what their favorite karaoke song is. 


  • Thank you for your support during contract negotiations and for getting students back to school on Wednesday
  • Thank you for the update on the staff lounge
  • Excited for more volunteers to have access into the building this year 
  • Excited about the Amazon wish list for teachers


  • Thank you for the updated staff lounge
    • Many more people are using it this year
  • We don’t  know the calendar yet, due to the missed days from the teacher’s strike
    • We are going to start with mid-winter break 
    • Ok if students miss days because of vacation, kids will have the opportunity to catch up
    • Won’t be a lot of work scheduled during added days
  • We are allowing a lot more volunteers in the school this year
    • Looking for really specific tasks for volunteers
      • Ex. 1st Grade and Kindergarten need help to set up Ipads, reach out to teachers if you have time
  • Great start to the school year
    • Currently only allowing students to enter the property on 13th Ave. NW
      • Not enough staff members to have the 14th Ave. NW entrance open right now
      • Would rather have staff in the building getting ready for the day
      • Principal Waters will announce any changes as they happen throughout the school year
  • We’re looking forward to getting back to in-person events
    • Some families will be experiencing Whittier Events for the first time
    • Curriculum Night – This Thursday, September 22nd is our first in-person event
      • Parents will get to find out what their children’s experience is like during the day
      • Tour of their classroom, introduce to their teacher, see their desk, and see all teachers and staff in scholar’s life
  • Amazon wish lists for teachers will be up and running soon

Questions for Principal Waters

Q: What is Whittier doing to try and keep students COVID safe?

  • If a student is ill, please stay home
  • If a student has been exposed, pleased wear a mask
  • Continuing having two lunch spaces –  one grade level eating indoors, one grade level eating outdoors (continuing through the school year)
  • Some students are still choosing to use masks and test at home
  • Many staff are still keeping windows open 
  • Still using HEPA  filters
  • Whittier is in a high vaccine area

Q: Where do we find the Amazon Wishlist?

  • It will be on the PTA website in the next week
  • Some teachers are still figuring out what they need 

Q: How are we feeling about Move-a-thon being in the fall this year?

  • Cindy is excited and happy that it is happening early this year. It is a great community-building event. We are ready!

Q: How many staff have keys to the gate on 14th Ave.?

  • Lots of teachers have keys. 
  • The concern is kids are  getting impatient and climbing the fence when the gate is locked
  • Principal Waters doesn’t like to tell kids what they can’t do, but wants to tell kids what they can do safely to solve the problem


  • Jess Templeton and Jared Cortese have been voted in as Co-Secretaries
  • We are going to try and do some in-person meetings this year
    • PTA will let people know when
  • Agendas will be on the Whittier PTA website the Friday before board meetings
  • Next meeting will be a community meeting on October 11
    • Vote in exec committee chairs
    • Vote nominating committee
    • Vote on standing rules
  • Slide Show 
  • Examples of how PTA Funds have recently been used
  • Updates to the teacher’s lounge
  • Spirit Fence Project – 5000 cups 
  • PTA Website available online
  • You can link to your google calendar to get updates
  • Lunch menus
  • Spirit gear
  • News links
  • Spirit Gear
    • New spirit gear on website
    • To order go to the website and  fill out the form. Orders will be directly shipped to the customer
    • More designs coming!
      • Evergreen w/ the original logo 
      • PTA-sponsored designs 
  • Reflections art contest
    • Each school can participate
    • Many categories, all students can submit for any category they want
    • This year’s theme is “Show Your Voice”
    • PTA still needs to set a deadline for submissions
  • We currently need volunteers for the art submission committee to choose finalists
  • If questions, Emily Grosse is happy to be a resource


  • After School Enrichment Programs
  • PTAs and other groups are now allowed to access the school again for Programs
  • More structured than pre-Covid
  • The Whiitier has communicated a desire for after-school programs, and that they  consider these programs are essential
  • Goals for after school programs
    1. Offer opportunities for student socialization for grade level peers and cross-grade
    2. Offer positive experiences after school
  • Program Guidelines
    1. Accessible and low barrier
    2. Sustainable budget
    3. Inclusive
  • We need a volunteer to be Program Chair, Kate Scher can advise and guide

Questions For Kate

Q: Do teachers have a desire for Programs

  • SPS has provided significant barriers for teachers to participate
  • If teachers do participate they need a business license


  • Still getting money from last year’s annual give
  • We currently have close to $170,000 in our account
  • Suggested changes for this current year’s fiscal budget
    • Update Whittier Support Grant to cover Q4 2021-22 and Q1-3 of 2022-23 = $77,299.67
    • Add $710 to Outreach budget for the incoming Kindergarten pizza event (have had in the past pre-Covid)
    • $100 to Staff appreciation for staff lounge updates
    • Increase web hosting to $220 (moved to new platform this year)
    • Increase Konstella budget to $350 (previous budget was a guesstimate)
    • Add $200 to President’s budget for Zoom Increase Hospitality budget by $200 for increased expenses
    • Add $100 to awards to cover plaque/engraving costs
  • Total expenses increased by $4679.67
  • Will need to include $25K in staffing for Q4 2022-23 in the 2023-24 budget

Questions For Renee

Q: Could you explain why we need to add the previous years Q4 into the current budget? 

  • When PTA gets invoice from SPS, we can’t pay right away with our staffing grant because our fiscal year is different from SPS’s. PTA has to pay it over two years

Q: Why are we now paying for Konstella when we previously had a free version?

  • Free version no longer available

Q: Who pays for our Zoom account, and how do different departments use Zoom without having to pay for a separate account?

  • Connect with Leah, and she will send you a link
  • Maybe we will migrate the communal Zoom over to the support account

Q: Will Cindy need more money for the 2022-23 staffing grant?

  • She has already said no

MOTION: Leah motioned to approve changes to 2022-23 budget

VOTE: Yes 17 , No  0, Abstain 0 – motion passed


  • Fall Fundraising Goal ($90k or $250 per student)
  • Annual Give – 10/05 – 10/31
    • Upping the award for the next category to $250
    • Asking each student to give $250
    • Trying to reach out to employers to match donations 
    • PInts for Purpose
    • Move-a-thon

Questions For/From Fundraising

Q: To the Board from Glenda (Fundraising) – Are we able to publish where the staffing grant specifically goes? 

  • No, but we can say:
    • flexible staffing grant and service
  • Positions such as these are not fully funded and a flexible staffing grant helps us fund positions such as these

Follow up from Glenda: 

  • Any informant will help the fundraising team to educate younger families
  • A list of the roles that aren’t fully funded would be helpful



  • Check out the Whittier PTA Website for all information and messages from PTA
  • Join Konstella: Konstella calendar = Google calendar (on website) – link your calendar using either system
  • Join grade-level FB group – if you are a new parent go to the connect tab
    • Get to know the people in your community beyond your grade level
  • Wildchat will be sent to you
    • If you have an idea for an event or an article send to Kate
  • If you want to be a co-communication chair see Kate
  • Informal discussion about shared drives amongst board members
  • First step was to make sure everyone was using the Whittier Group Drive instead of personal accounts
  • Next step is to figure out how to organize all the documents from the different roles
    • Use Shared Drives instead of My Drives so that other PTA members can view?
  • Community Access is the only folder that is public-facing


  • Be one of Whittier’s voting delegates at WSPTA Legislative Assembly (Oct. 23-24)
  • The district is severely underfunded, so we will be asking the state why is public education so underfunded


  • Working with the 1st grade teachers on pilot to helping neuro diverse students
  • Currently trying to figure out how to continue EDI training, for staff and PTA volunteers
  • Building affinity group
    • More to come at next board meeting


  • Popsicle party over the summer
  • Pizza party, parents couldn’t come but good community building event for Kindergarteners
  • Had to cancel 1st day of school event, coffee for Kindergarten parents
    • Coffee event is rescheduled for Friday September 30th


  • Annual Give
  • 10/5 Pints for Purpose @WheeliePop
  • 10/7 First Friday Fun (Same day as Move-A-Thon
  • Staff Appreciation every 3rd Thursday – 5th Grade first
  • 10/28 Fall Carnival
    • Not as Halloween-oriented as years passed
    • More low key than in the past few years
    • 95% outdoors, bathrooms available indoors 
    • Looking at a 4:30 PM or 5:00 Pm start time
  • We will have volunteer sign ups at Curriculum night


  • Total Memberships: 88
  • 85 PTA Members
  • 3 Staff Members
  • Let Tricia know if anyone needs to have their membership updated

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Co President/VP/Communications Co-Chair needed
  • We really need people to sign up for committees
    • Nominating Committee (vote to approve @ Oct. 11 Community Meeting)
    • Fall Carnival Committee
    • Reflections Art Contest Committee
  • We need a Programs Chair
    • Won’t have After School Programs is no one signs up
  • We need a Support Co-Chair
    • Can be done from home
  • Room Reps sign-up going well
  • Be one of Whittier’s voting delegates at WSPTA Legislative
  • General volunteer list has been started
    • Currently 23 people on that list
    • Mendy will connect with Tina on how best to support and connect volunteers to events
  • Next meeting: Community Meeting October 18th

Questions for Chairs

Q: To the Board from Susan (EDI) –  How can we incorporate EDI into room reps with the training they have, so all events and programming have an EDI lens? 

  • Will consider over coming weeks

Q: To Susan from Mindy (Volunteer) – What is the best approach for Access and Focus class so their families feel included?

  • Should there be room reps for the access and focus classrooms?
    • This would be an easy way for families to get involved
  • Please copy EDI on emails so they can help

Meeting Adjourned at 9:05 PM


Next Community Meeting Tues, Oct. 11; Next Board Meeting, November 8th

PTA Board Meeting Minutes – March 8, 2022

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

March 8, 2022

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm

ZOOM Meeting

Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022  Passcode: wildcats


  1. Kristen Ramer Liang
  2. Tina Lilley
  3. Anna Hume
  4. Kathleen Donahoe
  5. Tricia Schalekamp
  6. Renee Hartnett
  7. Kate Scher
  8. Kate Mathews
  9. Kellie Pecoraro
  10. Courtney Sievers
  11. Megan Wildenradt
  12. Leah Lansberry-Austin
  13. Sara Lukas
  14. Sandra Klay
  15. Cindy Watters
  16. Emma Kocher
  17. Julia Liang

7:04    Meeting Called to Order, Approval of February Board Meeting Minutes

Kathleen motioned, Courtney seconded – Meeting minutes approved. (vote was at 8:46 pm)

Land Acknowledgement by Kristen Liang

7:05    Staff Update 

7:15    Principal Update

  • Student Guest Speakers – Emma Kocher & Julia Liang
  • EMMA – 5th Grade Celebration
    • 5th grade classes could take a day off to go to a park, have pizza & play games
    • Stay at school – all 3 classes could have different activities ie; movies, arts & crafts, games
    • Parks – salmon bay, carkeek, Kirke – going somewhere because then the other classes won’t be there
    • Emma is happy to be on an organizing committee
  • JULIA – Bathrooms, Library – non-fiction books, Food Quality at Lunch
    • Bathrooms – toilets should have seat covers to be more sanitary (flushable covers)
    • Library – Doesn’t have a lot of diversity, especially about people. For example, people who helped make our community the way it is now.
      • (Cindy posed question:  How we could get more diverse books?) A:  School families could donate books about certain topics
    • School Lunches – The food should be better quality.
      • Half of the pasta wasn’t cooked in one of the lunches. Food is soggy and they don’t want to touch it. 
  • (Cindy Question: How could we make the food better?)  A:  Food is in a freezer and heated up in a microwave… they should check it to make sure it’s fully cooked 
  • Julia agreed to be on a Food Service Committee
    • No update tonight, but she has a meeting tomorrow about masking. Her hunch/best guess  is that SPS will probably follow what other schools in the general area are doing with masks. 
    • Masks are included in the MOU (memorandum of understanding). Cindy doesn’t think it requires a vote, but she thinks that it is just agreement between leadership teams
  • BUDGET – not great, not horrible
    • Down 1 homeroom teacher
    • She’s working on getting universal intervention support… She thinks it’s inequitable to not have the same support available to Whittier as other schools in this department. 
    • Prides of March – loosely organized but hoping it’ll be better next year
    • Cindy wants to support “safe conversations” Kids are picking up on current events… Russia/Ukraine, LGTBQ issues
    • Spirit Days – low barrier to participation, no purchases for these days, something you don’t really have to plan for – No heavy lifts! 
    • Door decorating at the end of the month! Parents will be able to help, but 80% of the door will be done by the kids. Doors will show who the classroom is as a community.

7:30    President’s Report – Kristen & Tina

  • 3/15 Community Meeting (platform, presentation, member voting)
  • Spring Fling Update – Sandra
    • Great committee, about 15 volunteers who are rocking & rolling
    • 5-9 pm, no kids – set-up/tear-down earlier/later than that window
    • We can use the blacktop and the gym – will be using it for 
    • Food Truck – Dantes – hot dogs, Veraci – Pizza
    • There will be drinking – out on the street. No alcohol on school premises
    • Games – Corn Hole, other outdoor games
    • Sandra has a permit – WA State liquor & cannabis board, will also get block party permit
      • Planning to let neighbors know that the event will be happening
    • Expenses – Minimal – trying to use things from school.. ie;  tables, canopies from family
    • Decor Team
    • Standing meeting 7-9 pm 
    • Special Guest DJ might be a possibility… 
    • Procurement – Elliott has been doing an amazing job. He’s contacted 88 businesses. Mix of printed emails, online forms too. 6 donations so far, but many more coming. 20 more in-person drops planned for this week.
  • Virtual School Tours Update – Megan, Sara, Tricia
    • Good turnout for the virtual tours
  • Room Rep Emails – Kate
    • Wants us to consolidate requests via her so we don’t overwhelm room reps

7:50    Treasurer’s Report – Renee

  • Budget Update (February reports): Balance Sheet, Budget vs Actuals, Profit & Loss
  • Budget Survey Update
    • 166 responses
    • Interest in funding staffing 89%
    • Funding equity initiatives 72%
      • People like specific
    • Funding various PTA initiatives priority in survey results
      • enrichment activities 
      • academic enrichment 
      • equity 
      • field trips 
      • community events
  • Budget Committee Update
    • budget numbers from district are not good
  • Staffing Grant Request for 2022/23
    • 2.5 PCP funded next year (vs 3 for this year)
    • staffing 90K – this keeps it so we retain staffing levels of reading specialists and PCP
    • Reading Interventionist serves a larger group of students than any homeroom teachers
    • Kathleen asked what happens if we don’t make fundraising numbers. Renee said fundraising forecasts are pretty conservative and that people want to know what they need to give.
    • Another comment was made that we need to continue/increase advocacy efforts to change the way things are funded… “BOTH/AND” re: Fundraising and Advocacy
  • VOTE – Courtney motioned to put a $90K staffing grant up for approval at the Community Meeting; Kathleen seconded 

8:10    Nominating Committee Update – Leah

  • Received responses from half of the board
  • Still need more people to get involved
  • Talked about bringing FACE (Family and Community Engagement) committee efforts back

8:20      Chair Reports

9:04    Meeting Adjourned

Social hour (if you are able to join) via Zoom

Reminder of Upcoming Dates:

3/15 Spring PTA Community Meeting

3/24 EDI Committee Meeting

4/11-4/15 Spring Break (NO SCHOOL)

4/19 Monthly PTA Board Meeting

PTA Board Meeting Minutes – February 8, 2022

7:00 pm via ZOOM

Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022

Passcode: wildcats



  1. Kristen Ramer Liang
  2. Tina Lilley
  3. Kate Scher
  4. Megan Wildenradt
  5. Kathleen Donahoe
  6. Anna Hume
  7. Kellie Pecoraro
  8. Sara Lukas
  9. Renee Hartnett
  10. Tricia Schalekamp
  11. Leah Lansberry Austin
  12. Kate Mathews
  13. Courtney Sievers


  1. Cindy Watters
  2. Susan Hernandez
  3. Liz Young
  4. Sandra Klay
  5. Anjean Bosch
  6. Erika Morales
  7. Allison Parker
  8. Erin Drury SCPTA 

7:00    Meeting Called to Order, Land Acknowledgement

7:10 Guest Speaker:  Erin Dury,  Seattle Council PTSA 

  • Discussion on how SPS is funded, how our PTA dollars impact and affect the funding, and what all this means for your school and your PTA.
  • 105 schools 
  • 90 have PTA (Parent Teacher Association) or PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
  • PTAs advocate for the adequate funding of schools from governmental sources. They do not replace funds not supplied by governments.
  • Fundraising is not the primary purpose of a PTA

Take Back Resolution (2019)  

  • Fundraising exacerbates critical inequities in our system
  • 2018-19 PTA fundraising numbers in Seattle
    • Per school $0 – $455, 561
    • Per student $0 – 1,394
  • Seattle PTSA is supporting #TakeBackPTA

Cindy Watters pointed out that some schools get more LAP (discretionary) dollars per student than others and lots of PTA funding is making up for that to help students whose families  might be less financially stable than their “wealthy” neighborhoods. 

Tricia Schalekamp added via chat: Cindy’s comment (data from SPS site) 2021-2022 Lap Funding is $24,492 for Northgate & $12,816 for Whittier

PTA/PTO Revenue per student (‘18-’19)

  • North $323
  • Central $282
  • West $286
  • Southeast $67

Most fundraising happens in the North and West areas of SPS. Strong correlation between those areas and the historic redlining activities that happened.

SCPTSA looking for people who want to have a conversation with the Seattle Public Schools in the Take Back conversation & school funding policies.

Most fundraising happens in the North and West areas of SPS. Strong correlation between those areas and the historic redlining activities that happened.

SE Coalition is still seeking funds… they may do an equal distribution of funds this year, or they may do more of a equity based distribution (ie; free/reduced lunch #s)

Tina asked what the $14K was used for… just to know what types of needs the SE schools have. Masks, library books, water bottles

You may contact Erin here if you would like more info/have questions.

7:40 Presidents Update/Housekeeping (Kristen/Tina/Leah)

  • Approval of January Board Meeting Minutes – passed
  • PTA Community Meeting 3/15 – critical staffing budget requests and vote
  • Nominating Committee Update (Leah) – 1st mtg this week, more updates next month

7:50    Principal & Staff Updates (Cindy)

  • Budget Preview
    • Schools never have enough money
    • Enrollment projections – we think we will be down about 38 students – 80 – 5th graders moving on, 72 Kindergarteners projected to come, plus attrition
      • Megan asked if legislation passes to use 2019 enrollment numbers, if that will help us. Cindy said maybe because it might be used to cover for this year
    • We expect to get budget from the district on 2/28
    • COVID $ from government is paying for playground supervision, Katie Dahlen 
    • We are paying Nurse Marissa extra to help with contact tracing
    • Cindy offered to have a bigger conversation about budgeting if anyone is interested
    • Kathleen asked if we’ll get more COVID relief money next year. Cindy said we don’t know
      • Kate S added via chat: “ESSER III dollars currently end on 9/30/22 and there’s no public discussion of it renewing again that I’ve found”

Tina asked about BLT meeting… meeting just happened. Starting to discuss who is staying/leaving. Teachers are torn about PTA funding… they LOVE having a reading specialist (Ms Trilby) 

  • Black Lives Matter Recap
    • Great week 
    • Cindy complimented the teachers – thoughtful & intentional, especially about BLM. They cultivate curiosity daily and are doing a great job!
    • Another bulletin board made by Ms Mayo to highlight BLM.
    • BLM week started in Seattle.
    • Lays the foundation for kids to be thinkers and future leaders/activists/voters/disrupters
  • Prides of March Drive
    • Partner with Tent City 3 at Phinney Lutheran Church, sanctioned tent city – 
    • Starting 6th/7th of March
    • Each week is different theme with different grades helping to organize what we’re collecting and why
    • Student ambassadors to collect items 
    • She’d like to partner with PTA to collect items
    • Tying to virtues of compassion and kindness
    • She plans to build in some spirit days too
  • Kristen brought up the book drive to diversify our library books – Cindy would like to still do it.

Kathleen asked for COVID update 

  • LESS covid! Enough of a drop that we can resume vision/hearing screening
  • District says 2/7 in-person audiences for secondary schools will be ok, so maybe in March we can resume singing indoors (with masks)

Susan thanked Cindy for getting the IA positions at Whittier

8:10    Treasurer’s Report

$128K up $8K from Annual Give  

Biggest expense was $3K for IXL

8:30 Chair Reports

  • Spring Fling (Sandra)
    • Meeting tomorrow night for Spring Fling
    • Procurement
  • Membership – Silver Membership Award! 
    • 102% membership over last year
    • Achievement of the Silver Membership Award indicates your PTA has enrolled members equaling at least 105% of your PTA’s total membership last year. 

8:45    Meeting Adjourned

Social hour (if you are able to join) via Zoom

Reminder of Upcoming Dates:

2/8, 2/10 Virtual School Tours – 2/8 9am, 2/10 6:30pm

2/21 – 2/25 NO SCHOOL (Mid-Winter Break)

3/8 March PTA Board Meeting

3/15 March PTA Community Meeting

PTA Board Meeting Minutes – January 11, 2022

7:00 pm via ZOOM

Meeting called to order at 7:03pm 


Board Members

  • Tina Lilley
  • Kristen Liang
  • Amy Bryan
  • Anna Hume
  • Kate Scher
  • Megan Wildenradt
  • Renee Harnett
  • Tricia Schalekamp
  • Kathleen Donahoe
  • Sara Lukas
  • Kellie Pecoraro
  • Brad Nelson
  • Leah Lansberry-Austin
  • Courtney Sievers
  • Kate Mathews
  • Todd Simonson

Non-Board Community Members

  • Reid Mathews – student 
  • Kendall Scales – student
  • Lyn Visick – student
  • Cindy Watters = Principal
  • An-Lon Chen
  • Sandy Hawley
  • Will Kruse
  • Susan Hernandez
  • Ashley Schiavone
  • Charlie Cartwright
  • Jon Overman

7:00      Meeting Called to Order, Land Acknowledgement – read by Lyn Visick

7:10     Whittier Student Updates: Reid Mathews, Kendall Scales, Lyn Visick

Reid Mathews – Mr. Collin’s Class –  This year is better than the last couple we had. Stronger connection between teachers & students. He wants to make it more comfortable for the younger students at Whittier. 

Kendall Scales – Ms Childers Class – Wants to add unscented hand moisturizer. She likes that 4th/5th graders get to be helpful and she would also like to have more opportunities to help. 

Lyn Visick – Mr. Keener’s Class – Likes that there are more gender neutral bathrooms available. He would like to help people understand gender and individual bathroom choice. Lyn would like to see more gender neutral spaces.

Question from Tina – What do you consider gender neutral spaces? Lyn:  Bathrooms… Cindy suggested that we remove the gender binary component ie; boys & girls lining up, clothing

Kathleen Donahoe – asked for First Friday ideas: Reid – craft projects Lyn – Book exchange

7:25     Presidents Update/Housekeeping (Kristen/Tina)

Renee motioned to approve both November and December meeting minutes, Tricia seconded.

❖    Approval of November 2021 Meeting Minutes         –  APPROVED

❖    Approval of December 2021 Meeting Minutes          – APPROVED

❖    Opportunities:

➢    Virtual School Tours, 2/8 @ 9am, 2/10 @ 6:30pm

■      2/8  – Sara & Megan 

■      2/10 – Tricia & Megan

■      Suggestion from Susan – to provide special education information so people don’t have to solicit/ask questions about it

➢    Yearbook Club (Tracy)  

■      Looking for help with layout/formatting

➢    Family Directory (Amy/Todd)

■      Looking for a way to compile a school directory

■      Anna – suggested we send out a DID YOU KNOW that Konstella can be a way to connect? 

■      An-Lon mentioned that What’s App can be a super good tool, so maybe we pitch it that way

➢    March Food/Book Drive – Need some leadership for the food drive

■      Cindy – each week could be a different type of drive – ie; sock drive, food drive, book drive

■      She really wants the kids to help own the community aspect of it. Parents can help connect to the network. 

■      Sandy Hawley – suggested this shelter

❖    Funding Proposals:

➢    Recess Supervisions

■      Want bright yellow jackets for recess supervisors. Could be used for field trip chaperones in the future. Same type of jacket that Safety Patrol uses. Cindy would like 10 in various sizes. 

■      ~ $400 (10 x $30 each)

➢    Wildcat Spirit Fence Art –

■      Fence art would be about $2000

■      It would liven up the fence, be a focal point and show of school spirit. 

■      Volunteer opportunity for parents

Amy Bryan motioned to approve safety vests, Anna & Kristen seconded the motion. – PASSED

Board to review the Fence Art funding proposal. Perhaps the community can be involved in deciding what the art looks like. 

7:30      Principal & Staff Updates (Cindy)

COVID – we have had cases at school. Nurse Marissa has been amazing and has done contact tracing, notifying people of exposures, and has been our resident “HEALTH EXPERT”

Exposures in 3 classrooms, but only 5 kids needed to be quarantined. IF KIDS ARE VACCINATED, they don’t have to be quarantined! We have a fantastic vaccination at Whittier which is helping with minimal quarantines. We will monitor for symptoms and provide tests when needed to exposed kids. 

Remote Learning – Whittier is ready to transition kids to remote learning within 2 hours. Laptops/ipads won’t be sent home unless it’s absolutely necessary. 

Q: She’s heard that schools are running out of rapid tests… what is our supply of tests like? 

A: We have enough antigen test for a few more weeks. We also have PCR tests. We’re being very strategic with timing of testing… waiting for 5 days 

Q: Are we following CDC guidance of positive test but only 5 day quarantine

A: We are strongly encouraging 7 day quarantine

Whittier is approaching 90% vaccination rate with our students, and we’re taking a very hard stance on quarantining non-vaccinated students. (Vax rate is figured out by Nurse Marissa checking the state database and counting.)

Re:  Teachers who are positive, they are also being handled on a case by case basis with close guidance from Nurse Marissa.


A:  They are feeling like a lot of us, a little anxious but they don’t want remote learning too. They are AMAZING. Little acknowledgements make a big difference! Coffee, notes… anything that says “We see you, we know how hard you’re working”

Every staff member felt seen after the holiday gifts

NEW STAFF MEMBER – new K teacher Lola O’Rourke 

Cindy is hopeful that clubs can start happening soon. – Yearbook club, Newspaper Club starting – 1st newspaper coming out in a few weeks

Mask Drive – she has enough to give 1 to each teacher/staff for now  50 total staff (18 teachers)  – if you can, please purchase masks for the community.

Q:  Do we need to fill out the covid test permission form that SPS sent out? A: NO

Q: I heard from a friend at a neighboring school that they are blanket testing. Are we blanket testing? A: No

7:50      Treasurer’s Report

  • Budget Update (December reports): Balance SheetBudget vs ActualsProfit & Loss
  • Budget Survey (release Jan.?) & Town Hall (Community Meeting) Overview (Jan. 18)

  • Everything looking good budget wise. Largest expense was the staffing expense
  • Need volunteers for the Budget Committee – work to start up later this month
  • Renee wants to do a budget survey 

8:10      Nominating Committee – Vote Needed to Approve Members

8:15      Chair Reports 

❖    Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

➢    Black Lives Matter at School Week, 2/7 – 2/11

❖    Legislative Update

MEGAN – Voting deadline is 2/8

➢    Vote to endorse levies/

➢    VOTE #1 – Motion – Kathleen Donahoe, Second – Sara Lukas
I (Name) motion that the (Your PTSA Name) endorse a yes vote on the Seattle Public School Proposition 1 to renew the Educational Programs and Operations (EP&O) Levy vote in February 2022.

VOTE #2 Motion – Kathleen Donahoe, Second – Sara Lukas
I (Name) motion that the (Your PTSA Name) endorse a yes vote on the Seattle Public School Proposition 2 to renew the Buildings, Tech, Academics/Athletics (BTA) Levy vote in February 2022.

❖    Discussion: Does the Whittier PTA want to donate to Schools First? 

❖    Fundraising – Spring Fling update + Jog-A-Thon check-in

8:45      Meeting Adjourned / Social hour (if you are able to join) via Zoom

Adjourned at 8:55 pm

Reminder of Upcoming Dates:

1/17                 NO SCHOOL (MLK Day)

1/18                 PTA Budget Town Hall (Community Meeting)

2/7 – 2/11         Black Lives Matter at School Week

2/8                   PTA Board Meeting

2/8, 2/10          Virtual School Tours – 2/8 9am, 2/10 6:30pm

2/21 – 2/25       NO SCHOOL (Mid-Winter Break)

Notes, Reports & Resources

Thank you!

❖    Amy B. Nurse Marissa, Principal Watters – Mask Wishlist

❖    Kathleen, Courtney, Sandra, Martine – January First Friday, Winter Wishes 


❖    Standing Rules

❖    PTA Mission Statement

❖    2021-22 Budget

❖    Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Toolkit (for Nominating Committee)

❖    PTA meeting schedule

Chair Updates: 

❖    Communications (Kate S.)

➢    We just sent out our 7th Wildchat for the year! I’d love to get content from more board and community members. Please submit ideas (even if it’s just a couple sentences! Or a great photo!) to

➢    Our Konstella userbase has reached 660 with around 325 active members that read announcements. Committee creation on Konstella doesn’t seem to help with recruiting volunteers, though, so we may need a new approach.

➢    The PTA FB page has 169 follows + 116 likes. Our Instagram has 90 followers. Class FB groups really vary in reach and activity level. The K group, for example, has 32 members and almost no activity. The 5th grade group has 105 members and more discussion. I continue to support these pages, but note reach is low. I also can’t post across all Class FB groups in one session or the PTA FB account gets temporarily banned.

❖    EDI (Anna)

❖    Membership (Tricia)

➢    November 2021 we earned the PTA Bronze Membership Award – enrolled 1 more membership than the prior year

➢    January 2022 membership 


❖    FACE (Events/Hospitality/Outreach) (Kathleen/Courtney/Todd)

❖    Advocacy (Megan)

➢    Focus on Advocacy Week is coming up – January 17-21st. There will be a call to action each day that we will share via Konstella and social media. You can learn more here. The week kicks off with a virtual legislative day and I hope to join meetings with Reps Frame and Berry. 

➢    Levy ballots will be mailed on Jan 19th and they are due on February 8th.  There are many ways we can support this which I will be sharing info on over the next few weeks.

❖    Volunteers (Kristin)


PTA Board Meeting Minutes – December 14, 2021

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

December 14, 2021

7:00 pm via ZOOM

Board Members Kristen Ramer Liang Megan Wildenradt Sara Lukas Kellie Pecoraro Leah Lansberry Austin Renee Hartnett Kate Scher Brad Nelson Stacy RoseGuests/Community Members Damian Mayo Cindy Watters Sandra Klay Anjean Vanden Bosch JoLynn Berge, SPS Assistant Superintendent of Business & Finance Becky Asencio, SPS Capital Projects Carlos Del Valle, SPS Executive Director of Technology Jake Milstein, volunteer, Schools First 

Meeting Called to Order, Land Acknowledgement without Quorum 7:02

Presidents Update/Housekeeping: 

Voting on the following issues  was delayed due to not having quorum:

Guest Presentations:

Our first speaker was JoLynn Berge, SPS Assistant Superintendent of Business & Finance. She taught us about school funding and the operation levy. She gave us a rundown on how schools are funded in Seattle, and how the levies contribute. This is SPS’s 2nd largest revenue stream after the state. This year the EP&O is up for renewal, and this levy bridges the gap between what the state provides and the district needs. Some things it covers includes: children nutrition, special education services, mental health counselors, athletics, music, nurses, etc. The levy would generate $646.8 million over 3 years. State law dictates how much they can collect from tax payers, and it’s always lower than what tax payers are willing to pay. 

Next we heard from Becky Asencio, SPS capital projects, who covered the upcoming BTA levy, which will be a replacement for the previous version. This is for large projects like new buildings, technology funding, major maintenance, small renovations, improvement projects for the buildings, etc. She told us about how the project lists are created. Consultants come to every school building to assess where the greatest need is, in addition to guidance from the board. This levy includes the Memorial Stadium replacement where earthquake safety repairs are necessary for the grandstands, along with some basic planned maintenance. Some other examples of what is covered are: playground repairs and replacements, asphalt and stormwater repairs, replacing old windows and doors, seismic safety improvements, fire security, plumbing, electrical, HVAC lighting, clean energy, secure entries, ADA accessibility, gender neutral restrooms, etc.

Then we heard from Carlos Del Valle, Executive Director of the Department of Technology Services. He shared with us that 85% of technology funds come from the levies. The BTA levy aligns with board guidance in three major areas: student learning and support, district systems and data, infrastructure and security, and the staff to support all of this. There’s also a significant increase in tech costs in the last year due to becoming a 1:1 device district. These devices also need to be managed and supported, including cyber security, routers, etc etc. Lastly, the funds also go towards the digital equity program.

We came back to Becky Asencio to talk about academics and athletics funding. We have current needs for special education modifications, turf field replacements, arts and science equipment, and are looking to supplement $783 million over 6years, which is a similar process to other levies in terms of deciding how to prioritize projects. 

Lastly we heard from Jake Milstein, a volunteer for the nonprofit organization School’s First. He let us know that SPS employees can’t tell you how to vote, but School’s First can! They are asking that our PTA endorses the levy publicly, and encourage donations to Schools First to help raise awareness. They are hoping for $1 a student. 

Principal & Staff Updates

General Updates from Principal Watters: 85% of kids have received their first shot. The plan is for 80% of kids to come back in Jan. fully vaccinated. Looking to move more of lunch inside because the kids are really starting to get cold. 

Upcoming in Jan: We’re hoping to see more volunteers, but planning to still be very conservcative. Parents won’t be in classrooms regularly, but perhaps some one-offs.  Massive monkees, Salmon program, both are still able to come. We’ll lean into public health and SPS guidance. We’ve been able to hire an operations person to help with some of the roles we’ve been missing with no parent volunteers. Mr Mo, Kinder teacher will not be coming back, so looking for a replacement. Parents asked about security after the recent shelter in place orders at other schools. We are one of the only schools with a buzzer at the door. The campus will remain closed forever even after pandemic. Gates are locked during school hours and we do safety drills with kids. Whittier is lucky to be one of the few schools with a totally closed campus.

Special Education Presentation: Principal Watters gave us a presentation on the Special Education services at Whittier, so we can all be more familiar with what our school offers. All students have access to all types of support. We have a continuum of services, depending on students’ needs. We’re going to meet kids where they are at and support them as they need. We have a lot of diversity in our learners, and they all need some support at some point. 

Spring Fling Check-In:

Sandra Klay, our Spring Fling chair, led a discussion about the possibility of making this year’s Spring Fling a block party style event. The goal is to make it welcoming and accessible for all, and to just have the community feeling we’ve been missing.

Helping Hands Update: 

We raised $4200 for community and 220 pairs of socks!

Meeting Adjourned 8:47

PTA Board Meeting Minutes – November 9, 2021

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

November 9, 2021

7:00 pm via ZOOM

Board Members Tina Lilley Kellie Pecoraro Megan Wildenradt Sara Lukas Kathleen Donahoe Tricia Schalekamp Kristen Ramer Liang Amy Bryan Leah Lansberry-Austin Renee Hartnett Kate Scher Courtney Sievers Kate MathewsCommunity Members Representative Noel Frame Representative Liz Berry Cindy Watters An-Lon Chen Katherine Abraham Susan Hernandez Will Kruse Kristin Wiggins

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:03pm

Special guests: Representatives Liz Berry and Noel Frame

Megan Wildenradt introduced our two guest speakers, Representatives Liz Berry and Noel Frame, both mothers and live in our community. They did a Q&A for us:

Q: How can we best support the lack of funding that goes into the public school system? The lack of funding for staff and general funding, buildings, supplies, etc? How can we best advocate?

A: Rep Frame: this is why I got involved in politics. We have a deeply problematic tax structure, perhaps the worst in the nation. Some steps have been taken recently, but we have a long way to go. Property tax is the funding source, and it’s a tapped out source. We need to reform our tax  code. We’re a medium tax state, but most of it falls on middle and low income residents. A wealth tax is needed. Stocks and bonds pay 0% tax. 

Berry: Advocate for tax reform! Tell elected leaders that our schools are not fully funded. Tell your stories. 

Frame: “Fully” funded education is based on a 2009 definition. We need a new definition, and then to figure out a new price tag. 

Q: How is funding in other parts of the state?

A: Frame: There’s sometimes more funding for special education nurses, librarians, etc, it’s more specific outside of the Seattle area.

Berry: WSPTA asked the same question on Friday, and they suggested getting together with school boards, teachers guild, etc, to come up with a number to take to the reps. We need to have a united front. 

Q: What can you tell us about funding for dyslexia?

A: Berry: In 2018 a bill was passed that defined it as a specific learning disability, and right now the policy states that kids diagnosed with dyslexia needed to be supported. 

Q: But what funding is provided to train people to do that!? 

A: Principal Watters: It’s mostly an unfunded mandate. Most funding went to testing for diagnosis, basically none for support. 

Q: Not so much a question, but rather a plea for the equity issue. We need the literacy specialist, but we don’t want to be stuck in the inequitable position to fund it. 

A: Berry: I’m learning this too as a kinder parent! Librarian? Nurse? We need these things. We hear you, it’s a mess! Covid testing also should be funded! It’s a horrible cycle. Our schools have perpetuated the very inequities we advocate against through this private funding bind.

Presidents Update/Housekeeping

  • Approval of October 2021 Meeting Minutes: Kristen Liang-Ramer motioned to approve, Amy Bryan seconded, and the motion passed.
  • Reflections: We had 4 qualifying entries, hoping to put them in the halls and on the PTA website.
  • Spring Fling: 5/21/2022 @ Leif Erikson Hall, Ballard
  • Outreach update: We discussed the food & toiletry drive, ILS sock drive, Helping Hands. Principal Watters suggested doing the food drive in March, because there’s a surplus during the holidays anway. Sock drive now, food drive later. A lot of the discussion surrounded the need to really include the children in the drives. 
  • Nominating committee is getting put together, we need 4-6 people. 

Principal & Staff Updates

(From Principal Watters:) Thanks for inviting the reps. We are working with a community partner to host a vaccine clinic at Whitttier, still waiting on info about how many doses we’ll have access to. Hoping to get volunteers back in the building in the new year. It will be joyful to have parents around! Nov 20 and Dec 11, are tentatively the dates for the clinic. Parents and students are invited to send their teachers gratitude letters, spread the word! Regarding the Friday absence… the  district didn’t have enough subs, and this was actually a problem in schools across the nation.  At least we decided before Friday morning.  Another reason we need more funding! Working in education is hard, and teachers are a bit burnt out. In good news, SPED is moving people around and we are getting another IA. Lastly, vaccination rates will determine more flexibility for parents/volunteers on campus.

Annual Give Update 

  • We are at 67% participation!

Treasurer’s Report

Monthly Staff Appreciation

  • Staff lunch is hosted by the 4th grade families this month. In December it will be cookies/goodies from 3rd grade families.


  • Total 114 members, that’s an increase of 8 from last month
  • 106 Regular PTA, 8 Staff members


We discussed changing the date of the next wild chat.  If you have any content ideas, send them in!

9:01 Meeting Adjourned

PTA Board Meeting Minutes – Oct 12, 2021

Board Members

  • Tina Lilley
  • Kristen Ramer-Liang
  • Kellie Pecoraro
  • Anna Hume
  • Kate Scher
  • Courtney Sievers
  • Sara Lukas
  • Renee Hartnett
  • Tricia Schalekamp
  • Amy Bryan
  • Megan Wildenradt
  • Brad Nelson
  • Leah Lansberry Austin
  • Kathleen Donahoe


  • Cindy Watters
  • Laura McLaughlin
  • Steve French
  • Will Kruse

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:01pm

Approval of September 2021 Meeting Minutes 

Presidents Update

Co-president Kristen Ramer-Liang shared some points with us from a local author, consultant and educator, who spoke about racial equity in education at a recent WSPTA meeting: 3 great points for PTA leaders:

➢    lead with your assets

➢    no shame, blame or guilt, this is a place for conversation, all views should be shared

➢    instead of creating safe spaces, create brave spaces. We can all be vulnerable, but also give each other grace.

Nominating Committee is looking for volunteers:

➢    tasked with finding officer positions for next year’s board

Board/Volunteer Updates

➢    Co-President – VOTE to recommend Kristen Ramer Liang

➢    Vice President – VOTE to recommend Leah Lansberry

➢    Volunteer Chair – Kristin Limback


Kellie Pecoraro moved to recommend Kristen as Co-president and Leah as VP, Anna Hume seconded the motion which then passed unanimously.  Executive board voted Kristin Limback onto the board unanimously.

Reflections Contest:

Contest announced today in wildchat. Committee will select up to 12 pieces of art that will go to the district level. Looking for people to be on the committee.

Principal & Staff Updates

Principal Cindy Watters joined us to give an update on the school year so far from the point of view of the staff. She gave a big shout out to our community and nurse Marissa, as we haven’t had any covid exposure at school yet! Also thank you to the hospitality chairs for the First Friday pumpkin event, and thanks for being flexible while we plan activities that follow covid procedures and build community. Thanks for the support from the PTA. Some additional updates:

➢    Lost and found Friday! Stuff coming out on Fridays for caregivers to look through

➢    Whittier added to our special education staffing, one of the few in the district that’s gotten that.

➢    Our new asst principal will be joining for curriculum night and community meeting.

➢    Virtual curriculum night tomorrow!

Then she took some time for Q/A:

Q: Did we get additional clothes for the office?

A: Yes for now. We’ll let you know if we need more.

Q: Will vaccines be offered at school?

A: We are working with nurse Marissa and the district to figure that out. SPS is definitely offering community vaccine clinics.

Q:What will it look like when the school is vaccinated?

A: That’s a question for Dr Faucii! Public health will inform us as we know more.

Q: How are the staff doing?

A: They remain remarkably positive and kind, but exhausted. Tagline for the year is joyfully flexible.  Talking in a mask all day is hard. Keeping distance is hard. But we have incredible staff and they are their best self every day. Curiosity and kindness is the best way for parents to support them.

Q: Any staffing changes with upcoming vax requirements?

A: Thankfully no!

Q: Will we make emergency bags for kids like previous years?

A: At some point we want to think more about that, but we don’t want them to go to waste/expire. Can continue conversation.

Q: Any field trips this year?

A: Likely no, but fingers crossed for yes. Virtual definitely. Massive monkees will  hopefully be in person.

Q: Do we need to think about funding to get everyone to school with bus driver shortage?

A: We have just a handful of families, and I have been able to talk to all these families. Right now we have an AM plan in place. Still trying to figure out after school.

Q: Will parent volunteers be allowed back on campus after vaccines?

A: Currently we are being overly cautious, just in case, but hopefully in Jan.

Q: Are you going to stick around after this year?

A: I hope so!! I would like to be here awhile. Learning a lot!

Treasurer’s Report

We have a  new Budget Dictionary to help us all understand our PTA budget. This will make it more clear what each line item is for and how it should be used. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you are confused! We looked at a review of our Financial Reports (September: Budget vs Actual, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss.) Balance sheets are up to date and accurate. All our money is in Homestreet accounts. We had a reserve fund from the 2019-2020  5th grade class’s Nature Bridge fundraising, but it wasn’t in the budget, so it will look like a hit, but we did have the money for it, so it’s ok. Additionally we got the final invoice from SPS, from the flexible staffing grant, and we have 24k owed to SPS. We are NOT going to get the 12k we expected to come back to us from the district. Based on what we’ve already spent, if we fundraise as budgeted, and spend as budgeted, then we will be left with 78k at the end of the year. So, we need to figure out other places to spend our money, if not staffing grants. Still need to finish the financial review committee report from last year. Lastly, we are looking for volunteers for the budget committee. This is a minimal time commitment, 3-4 hours total.

Annual Give Update

Mr Tiger Goes Wild is our theme for the campaigns and community engagement events throughout the year. 75k is our goal for our Annual Give, which is approx. $200 a student. Looking into donor gift options for donations of $100 or more. Also there will be thank you gifts for all the students for reaching our goal. Envelope stuffing campaign coming up! Saving $500 by putting it in kid mail rather than stamps. Looking to create a business directory so we can know who we can support in our community, and who might support us!

Chair Updates


➢    Priority – Get all Room Rets set up and activated in Konstella

➢    By 10/31 – Develop a document/calendar that supports our Room Reps and share out


➢    Membership is at 7 staff and 96 parents/ family members.  Total of 103 PTA members. Going to come up with a quick email to remind people to renew.


➢    We have a new theme and new content areas on the website! Lots of short updates, so making it mobile friendly and can showcase it all.

➢    Digital version mostly, but with a few kid mail editions if necessary.

➢    Contact Kate if you have things you want to put on the website.


➢    Upcoming events:

○      Every 3rd Thursday is staff appreciation with 5th grade this month

○      First Friday: balancing activity with tangible gift for students


➢    Join our next meeting, Thursday 11/4, 7-8:30pm


➢    Representatives Frame and Berry are coming to the Nov. board meeting.

➢    Send in your questions to Megan


➢    Working on a family support drive in Dec. for food/toiletries/gift cards.

➢     Not teaming up Bailey-Getzert this year.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:06pm

Reminder of Upcoming Dates:

10/19               Community Meeting

11/9                 PTA Board Meeting

TBD                  Food & Toiletry Drive