The Wildchat: 1/17/2023

January 17, 2023
Whittier Community Summary
- Covid Update: Please help us minimize the spread of Covid at Whitter by monitoring scholars for symptoms and testing at home, keeping scholars home if they are exhibiting symptoms or not feeling well, and practicing good hand hygiene and wear a mask if you’ve been exposed. Please contact Nurse Marissa if you or your scholar tests positive.
- 2023-2024 Enrollment Planning: SPS budget and enrollment planning starts in January. As part of Whittier’s planning, it would be helpful to learn about family’s plans for next year. Please take a moment to complete one survey for each scholar in your household. Also, if you know anyone planning to enroll at SPS or Whittier next year, recommend they register today.
- Whitman Incoming Student Open House for 5th Grade Families: Tuesday, January 31 from 5:45-7:00pm at Whitman Middle School.
Upcoming Events
- 1/17 (7-9pm): PTA Community Town Hall Meeting over Zoom
- 1/24 (12pm): PNW Presents “The Emotional Lives of Teenagers
- 2/2: Regular School Day
- 2/7 (7-9pm): PTA Board Meeting
- 2/16: Reptile Man Family Night
- 2/20-24: No School (Mid-Winter Break)
- 3/3 (6-8:30pm): PTA Family Dance and Game Night
- 3/3: Massive Monkees Residency Begins
Whittier PTA’s After-School Programs Seeking Volunteers!

The Whittier PTA is excited to announce that After School Enrichment Programs are returning to Whittier! Please keep watch in the next couple of weeks for registration dates, and if you are able, please sign up for one of our volunteer positions below. Your help would be much appreciated.
Volunteer Positions Yet To Be Filled
- Programs Assistant (1-2 hr/week): Assist Programs Chair with administrative work, correspond with vendors and families, alternate for club representatives in an emergency
- Class Representative (Once weekly between 2:25-3:00 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday): Meet students on the black top immediately after school, take attendance and hand out snacks, take them to their classroom at 2:55 PM (These positions need to be filled before we can set a Programs start date)
To learn more or volunteer, please contact
If you are interested in registering your child and would like to inquire about financial assistance, please email our Programs Chair, Jared, at to learn about our scholarship opportunities.
Seeking Budget Committee Volunteers!
Have you ever wondered how the Whittier PTA budget is put together? Now is your chance! Starting in the February/March timeframe, a committee will convene to develop the 2023-24 PTA budget. No finance experience required, just a willingness to help. Time commitment is between 4-6 hours. Please email for more information or if you are interested in signing up.
January’s Staff Appreciation: Hosted by 2nd Grade!
LET’S STOCK THE LOUNGE! Each month a different grade provides goodies for Staff Appreciation. 2nd Grade families are up for January – and we are stocking the lounge with snacks, treats and beverages to keep our staff FUELED for the New Year. Sign up here:
Please drop off items to the office by 8am on Thursday, JAN. 19th and clearly label all items “Staff Appreciation 1/19.” Email if you have any questions. Thank you!
Volunteer Needed: Ballard Food Bank Runner
We are seeking a volunteer to pick up food bags from the Ballard Food Bank and take them to the Front Office each Thursday between 8-10am. This role involves driving to the Food Bank, picking up the needed bags (as directed by the Front Office) and deliver to them to the Front Office for distribution. Please contact Tina ( if you’d like to know more or to sign-up!
PNW Parent Ed Presents The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable, & Compassionate Teens: a talk w/ Dr. Lisa Damour

Join PNW Parent Education ( for a FREE online presentation titled “The Emotional Lives of Teenagers: Raising Connected, Capable and Compassionate Adolescents” with Dr. Lisa Damour, New York Times bestselling author of Untangled and Under Pressure. Tuesday, January 24, 2023 at 12:00 pm. Register via eventbrite:
Seattle Special Education PTSA presents “Getting Results: A Guide to Special Education in Seattle Public Schools”
Seattle Special Education PTSA published Getting to Results: A Guide to Special Education in Seattle Public Schools —
Written by PTSA volunteers and available in 10 languages, the Guide is an effort to demystify the special education system for families. To learn more about the guide and the Seattle Special Education PTSA, please visit:
Reflections Art Contest Update
Congratulations to all of the students who participated in this year’s Reflections Arts program! This year’s theme was “Show Your Voice” and Whittier had 11 entries in three categories. We are thrilled to announce that fourth-grader Vivienne Robertson’s film, “The Bob Movie” will advance to the Washington State PTSA Reflections competition this spring! Student artwork will be on display at Whittier this spring and student finalists will be honored during a Seattle council PTSA virtual meeting on Thursday, 1/19 at 7:30 p.m! Students will be recognized at 7:30 p.m., but are welcome to join the meeting earlier if they’d like. Zoom info here:
Congrats to Whittier filmmaker, Vivienne Robertson for advancing to the state round, and to all Wildcat artists for sharing your voice! You can view an online gallery of all student submissions here: