The Wildchat: 3/28/2023
March 28, 2023
Spring After School Program Registration – Thursday, April 6 at 3pm!
Whittier PTA is excited to coordinate additional After School Program opportunities for Spring! Planned program offerings include:
- Mondays (5/1 – 6/12, no classes 5/29) – 2:25 – 4pm:
- Mighty Coders (Grades 3-5): Coding for Kids
- Bricks For Kidz (Grades K-2): Lego Engineering for kids
- Tuesdays (5/2 – 6/6) – 2:25 – 4pm:
- Gamer Group w/ Mr. Buck (Grades K-2): Board Games, card games
- Robotics (Grades 3-5): Learn how to make a robot
- Wednesdays (5/3 – 6/7) – 1:10 – 2:30pm:
- Mode Music (Grades K-2): Intro to music for kids
- Chess Wizards (Grades 1-5): Learn chess, play with friends
- Thursdays (5/4 – 6/8) – 2:25 – 4pm:
- Gamer Group w/ Mr. Buck (Grades 3-5): Board Games, card games
- Jump On Languages – Spanish Immersion (Grades K-5): Learn Spanish in a fun, interactive setting
Note: Whittier Wildcat Players will continue its program through Spring Quarter, but registration is closed for the program’s duration.
Registration details and links for Spring Quarter will be updated and posted on Thursday, April 6 at 3pm here: If you have any questions or concerns about the registration process, please contact
Spots are limited, so be sure to ask to be on the waitlist if classes are full.
The Whittier PTA only coordinates building reservations and hosts registration links for these independent enrichment providers. Please note: Whittier Elementary and Seattle Public Schools are not affiliated with or connected to the Whittier PTA Programs offerings or these individual program vendors. The enrichment providers will be managing registrations and schedules independently for each program.
Prides of March: Final Week to Contribute!
Our school’s month of giving drive ends this week! As a reminder, we’re collecting donations for the Luther Memorial Church Food Pantry and Ballard High School Teen Health Center. Click here for more information on what and how to donate.
And don’t forget to participate in this Friday’s final dress-up day: Neon Day!
Seeking Day-of Event Volunteers!
more information & sign-up
Wine Donations for Spring Fling Wine Wall
At this year’s Spring Fling we have the addition of a Wine Wall! We are seeking donations of bottles of wine $20+ to fill up the wall. If you have contributions or connections, you can contact Shannon Luoma (206-856-6708) and drop off at her home. Thanks!
Neurodiversity Affinity Group – Parent Gathering
Please join the Whittier Elementary Neurodiversity Affinity Group for a parent gathering March 31st at Barking Dog at 7pm. This will be a casual get together to support each other navigating the joys and challenges of parenting a neurodivergent child.
Key Positions Require Volunteers for ’23-24 PTA Board
The Whittier PTA funds essential staff and services, programs, and more for the Whittier community. From flexible staffing grants to ensure we have a Literacy Specialist (Ms. Trilby) and our amazing Specialists (Mr. Pule, Mr. Buck, and Ms. Steph) to community events (Family Dance and Game Night, Reptile Night) to enrichment (Massive Monkees, After School Programs), the Whittier PTA needs volunteers in board positions to make it all happen.
Please see our currently available positions here. Questions? Please contact
From SPS: LGBTQ+ Mailing List and Families Dinner
We are trying to reach as many LGBTQ+ families as possible for our mailing list. We sometimes offer events and opportunities for connection/community for LGBTQ+ parents and also parents/guardians of LGBTQ+ or gender-expansive kids. We have a families dinner coming up on Saturday, May 6 at Camp Long from 4 to 7 pm. To join our mailing list and receive updates, please fill out this form!
What EDI is Working on This Week
Supporting Gender-Diverse Youth in our Community
Whittier PTA recently Co-Sponsored a Workshop called “Supporting Gender-Diverse Youth-What can our Community do?” A few very important take-a-aways from the workshop: Being Transgender is NOT a new or trendy thing! You can be a safe person in a child’s life who sees them, validates them, and supports them. We hope to continue learning and growing as a community to be a safe and supportive environment for gender-diverse youth. Please take a look at some terminology below:
- Transgender – an adjective that describes a person who does not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth.
- Cisgender – an adjective that describes a person who identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth.
- Transition – any step(s) a person takes to affirm their gender identity; this may or may not include changes in one’s name, pronouns, physical appearance, taking hormones, undergoing surgery, among many other things. There is no one way to transition.
- Gender identity – a person’s internal sense of their own gender. This does not have to match “biological sex,” though it often does as most people are not transgender.
- Gender binary – the concept that there are only two genders (male and female)
- Non-binary – describes someone who does not identify within the gender binary.
- Misgender – the act of referring to someone in a way that does not reflect that person’s gender identity. For example, using incorrect pronouns, calling someone by an old name, using an incorrect prefix (e.g. Mr., Ms., ma’am, or sir). Misgendering can be especially painful for trans individuals because it drags forth a history of not being seen as who we truly are.
This piece of district policy focuses on the rights of our gender diverse student population and helps us understand our responsibilities as staff. Superintendent Procedure 3211SP:
Finally, here are some resources for LGBTQ+ Youth: