- Kate Lindsay Scher – Co-President
- Allie DeLong Thomas – Co-President
- Renee Hartnett – Vice President / Spirit Gear (zoom)
- Melissa Ivancevich – Co-Secretary
- Emily Robertson – Co-Secretary
- Michelle Nemeth – Treasurer
- Meg Herscher – Communications Chair
- Ashley Schiavone – Fundraising Co-Chair
- Jess Templeton – Fundraising Co-Chair
- Kathleen Donahoe – Hospitality Co-Chair
- Jess Twardzik – Hospitality Co-Chair
- Meg Pietz – Events Chair
- Emily Schweiger – Family and Community Engagement
- Outreach Chair Laura Zingg – Programs Co-Chair; Student Directory
- Jen Foreman – Programs Co-Chair
- Jon Overman – Legislative Representative
- Anjean Vanden Bosch – Membership Chair
- Kiana Swearingen – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Co-Chair
- Jill Muscatel – Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) Co-Chair
- John Shaw – Tech Support
- Brie Gardner – Back To Business Co-Chair
- Anika Anand – Yearbook Co-Chair
- Jared Cortese – Fall Festival Chair
- David Peabody – Move-a-thon
- Elan Simonson – Spring Fling Chair
- Sara Lukas – Room Parent Coordinator
- Nicole Kaczmarek – Member at Large
- Courtney Sievers – Member at Large
- Principal Watters
- Collin Provence – 5th grade teacher
- Julia Massey – IA
- Ms. Steph – specialist
- Lauren – Social worker
- Brianna Mercker (PTA member)
- Ashley Sullivan
- Dafna Amster Kahn (PTA member)
- Aisling McCarron (PTA member)
- Therese Miranda-Blackney (PTA member; a Math Agency coach)
- Rena Giannoulakis
- Haydee Wali
- Tanya C
- Gustavo Franco
- Melissa Caviezel (PTA member)
- Katie Stiver (PTA member)
- Gretchen Snoey (PTA member)
- Rachel Wold (PTA member)
- Brian Wold (PTA member)
- Lindsay Murphy
Meeting Called to Order at 7:03 PM
- Welcome and Call to Order
- Link to Agenda
- Link to meeting presentation
- Belonging Practice (EDI led) Belonging & Othering
“The More You Know” Panel + Q&A with Principal Watters, Ms. Lauren, Mr. Collin, and More
- Communication: be clear in the purpose of the communication
- Teachers & staff have a commitment to respond in 24-72 business hours
- Important communications (i.e. change in pick up that day) should go to the front office as well because they are monitoring those communications throughout the day
- Life events should be shared in terms of letting staff know about how these things may impact the child at school. Cc Lauren if you would like some assistance. Again, caregivers should indicate the desired results – what are they looking for as far as actions and next steps.
- Important to let the front office know if your child comes home and shares that they were hurt at school and didn’t notify staff, want children to know that they should go to the front office – it’s a safe space. Smart devices should be used after school (students shouldn’t be communicating with parents about being sick and needing to get picked up, etc.)
Q: Playground incidents – how do we handle them? Try to connect with the other parent if you know them?
A: We’re in a community, and if you know them, yes you can start there. Also, sometimes it’s good just to let the staff know about the story that came home, just as an FYI for the staff. Ask your kid, “how would you like me to help you solve this?”
Q: So, should I be asking my teacher what extension my scholar is getting who tested advanced learning for reading?
A: Ask your student, “how are you feeling challenged at school?” Then communicate with the teacher about areas your child might need more of a challenge. Curricula is good at differentiating. Please advocate for more funding to support advanced learning.
Q: Coming (election) season – what kind of age appropriate conversations might be happening at the school to prepare for that and support kids?
A: We want to promote dialogue not discussion. Allowing multiple perspectives to live in the same space. We’re going to bring core values into the classroom about respect, responsibility and safety. We have opportunities to practice democracy in the classroom. Expression without harming others.
Q: How can we better support teachers?
A: Whiteboard markers. Having respectful dialogue is the best way. The more information “team wildcat” has, the better they can support students. Say hello to staff and acknowledge them. Write your legislatures (engage in advocacy, stay engaged). Tell the school board that making budget cut decisions on the backs of schools that already don’t have enough is not an acceptable solution. What is the “minimum floor” for education?
- Overview of what happens at PTA meetings
- Dashboard Review
- Have raised 43.7% of overall fundraising goal so far
- 161 members today
- Standing Rules
- Math Agency update
- Approved funding for 30 students, 50 students identified as needing intervention/extension
- The Math Agency providing the services to the extra 20 students for $0
- scholarships
- Well-Resourced Schools Update & Advocacy Opportunities
- Advocacy page on the Whittier PTA website
- Book Fair update
- Annual Give party check-in/opportunity
- November 22nd – will the PTA help?
- Need an event lead, volunteers day of
- 10/1 Work Session results + 11/5 poll
- Words of affirmation and kindness important for teachers and staff
- Any questions about well resourced schools, Cindy is happy to answer questions
- Would like advocacy to include Principals in discussion about well resourced schools
- Fundraising
- Annual Give has raised $99K, but goal is $140K
- Campaign extended to 10/14 – should we extend further?
- Class-specific messaging planned next
- Possible that the potential school closures/redistricting is impacting families participating in annual give
- Advocacy
- Lots of good information on the Advocacy webpage of our PTA website on Well Resourced Schools (thanks, Kate!)
- Jon will be attending the WSTPA Legislative Assembly at the end of October. At the 10/8 meeting he’ll update the PTA on the state PTA’s legislative agenda
- Events
- Chucks happy hour for 4th and 5th Room Reps
- Communications
- Weekly Wildchats are in effect! Quick, easy to digest information allowing us to proactively communicate and rely less on constant Konstella blasts.
- Weekly format allows content to run multiple times and can be updated with more relevant info as we get closer.
- Please submit publish-ready content and images using the Submission Form 10 days in advance.
- Volunteer opportunities
- Treasurer
- Will send an email with financial information
- Financial review committee update will also be sent out via email
- Fall Carnival (10/25 from 5-7pm)
- Working on the ability to pre-purchase concessions tickets
- Revised Standing Rules
- Sara Lukas Motioned to Approve
- Rachel Wold Seconded
- Approved
- September Meeting Minutes
- Anjean Vanden Bosch Motioned to Approve
- Ashley Schiavane Seconded
- Approved
- Revised 2024-2025 Budget – accounts for paying bookkeeper
- Meg Pietz Motioned to Approve
- Renee Hartnett Seconded
- Approved
Meeting Adjourned 9:01 pm