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Author: Communications

Winter Giving Drives 2021

Please join us in donating gift cards and socks to help provide a boost to members in our community this winter.

What: Whittier PTA Helping Hands Gift Card Drive and Illumination Learning Studios Sock Drive

When: Monday, November 29 – Friday, December 10

Where: At school, drop boxes in our community, or online (see “how” below for more)

Why: Donate gift cards (e.g., Fred Meyer, Target, etc.) to help provide winter gear, groceries, holiday gifts, home essentials and more to families in our community; and donate new men’s L and XL socks that will be distributed by FamilyWorks.

How: Return one of three ways…

1. Drop boxes available 8am – 5pm everyday.

  • 645 NW 83rd St
  • 7530 13th Ave NW

2. Return to the front entrance of the school.

  • Place gift cards (in an envelope labeled “Whittier PTA – Helping Hands”) in the mail slot at the front entrance of the school.
  • Place socks in the labeled bin near the front door.

3. Gift Cards ONLY: Donate to a volunteer’s PayPal account (5th grade parent Amy Bryan, @AmyBBryan) to support the purchase of gift cards and add the message “Whittier PTA – Helping Hands”. Donations will be acknowledged via email upon receipt, and a follow-up email will be sent to all donors when gift cards are purchased.

Whittier Book Fair: Nov 19 – Dec 10

Whittier Book Fair: Nov 19 – Dec 10

Whittier Families!

Again this year we are partnering with our local bookstore, Phinney Books, for the Whittier Bookfair! The virtual and in-store fair will run from November 19 to December 10, and the Whittier library will receive a credit of 25% of all sales to spend on books for the school library. features some popular categories that you can browse, but you can also search for most books in publication by clicking on the magnifying glass at the top of the page.

If you prefer to shop in person at Phinney Books, you can let the person at the checkout counter know that you are with Whittier Elementary and we will get a percentage of the sale.

Looking for a gift idea for your classroom teacher? Phinney Books has you covered with gift cards (only available in the store, not online). Feel free to share the website with your family members as everything is shipped directly to a home address.

If you have any questions, please send Ms. Newcomb ( an email. Thank you so much for supporting the Whittier Library!

PTA Board Meeting Minutes – Oct 12, 2021

Board Members

  • Tina Lilley
  • Kristen Ramer-Liang
  • Kellie Pecoraro
  • Anna Hume
  • Kate Scher
  • Courtney Sievers
  • Sara Lukas
  • Renee Hartnett
  • Tricia Schalekamp
  • Amy Bryan
  • Megan Wildenradt
  • Brad Nelson
  • Leah Lansberry Austin
  • Kathleen Donahoe


  • Cindy Watters
  • Laura McLaughlin
  • Steve French
  • Will Kruse

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:01pm

Approval of September 2021 Meeting Minutes 

Presidents Update

Co-president Kristen Ramer-Liang shared some points with us from a local author, consultant and educator, who spoke about racial equity in education at a recent WSPTA meeting: 3 great points for PTA leaders:

➢    lead with your assets

➢    no shame, blame or guilt, this is a place for conversation, all views should be shared

➢    instead of creating safe spaces, create brave spaces. We can all be vulnerable, but also give each other grace.

Nominating Committee is looking for volunteers:

➢    tasked with finding officer positions for next year’s board

Board/Volunteer Updates

➢    Co-President – VOTE to recommend Kristen Ramer Liang

➢    Vice President – VOTE to recommend Leah Lansberry

➢    Volunteer Chair – Kristin Limback


Kellie Pecoraro moved to recommend Kristen as Co-president and Leah as VP, Anna Hume seconded the motion which then passed unanimously.  Executive board voted Kristin Limback onto the board unanimously.

Reflections Contest:

Contest announced today in wildchat. Committee will select up to 12 pieces of art that will go to the district level. Looking for people to be on the committee.

Principal & Staff Updates

Principal Cindy Watters joined us to give an update on the school year so far from the point of view of the staff. She gave a big shout out to our community and nurse Marissa, as we haven’t had any covid exposure at school yet! Also thank you to the hospitality chairs for the First Friday pumpkin event, and thanks for being flexible while we plan activities that follow covid procedures and build community. Thanks for the support from the PTA. Some additional updates:

➢    Lost and found Friday! Stuff coming out on Fridays for caregivers to look through

➢    Whittier added to our special education staffing, one of the few in the district that’s gotten that.

➢    Our new asst principal will be joining for curriculum night and community meeting.

➢    Virtual curriculum night tomorrow!

Then she took some time for Q/A:

Q: Did we get additional clothes for the office?

A: Yes for now. We’ll let you know if we need more.

Q: Will vaccines be offered at school?

A: We are working with nurse Marissa and the district to figure that out. SPS is definitely offering community vaccine clinics.

Q:What will it look like when the school is vaccinated?

A: That’s a question for Dr Faucii! Public health will inform us as we know more.

Q: How are the staff doing?

A: They remain remarkably positive and kind, but exhausted. Tagline for the year is joyfully flexible.  Talking in a mask all day is hard. Keeping distance is hard. But we have incredible staff and they are their best self every day. Curiosity and kindness is the best way for parents to support them.

Q: Any staffing changes with upcoming vax requirements?

A: Thankfully no!

Q: Will we make emergency bags for kids like previous years?

A: At some point we want to think more about that, but we don’t want them to go to waste/expire. Can continue conversation.

Q: Any field trips this year?

A: Likely no, but fingers crossed for yes. Virtual definitely. Massive monkees will  hopefully be in person.

Q: Do we need to think about funding to get everyone to school with bus driver shortage?

A: We have just a handful of families, and I have been able to talk to all these families. Right now we have an AM plan in place. Still trying to figure out after school.

Q: Will parent volunteers be allowed back on campus after vaccines?

A: Currently we are being overly cautious, just in case, but hopefully in Jan.

Q: Are you going to stick around after this year?

A: I hope so!! I would like to be here awhile. Learning a lot!

Treasurer’s Report

We have a  new Budget Dictionary to help us all understand our PTA budget. This will make it more clear what each line item is for and how it should be used. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help if you are confused! We looked at a review of our Financial Reports (September: Budget vs Actual, Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss.) Balance sheets are up to date and accurate. All our money is in Homestreet accounts. We had a reserve fund from the 2019-2020  5th grade class’s Nature Bridge fundraising, but it wasn’t in the budget, so it will look like a hit, but we did have the money for it, so it’s ok. Additionally we got the final invoice from SPS, from the flexible staffing grant, and we have 24k owed to SPS. We are NOT going to get the 12k we expected to come back to us from the district. Based on what we’ve already spent, if we fundraise as budgeted, and spend as budgeted, then we will be left with 78k at the end of the year. So, we need to figure out other places to spend our money, if not staffing grants. Still need to finish the financial review committee report from last year. Lastly, we are looking for volunteers for the budget committee. This is a minimal time commitment, 3-4 hours total.

Annual Give Update

Mr Tiger Goes Wild is our theme for the campaigns and community engagement events throughout the year. 75k is our goal for our Annual Give, which is approx. $200 a student. Looking into donor gift options for donations of $100 or more. Also there will be thank you gifts for all the students for reaching our goal. Envelope stuffing campaign coming up! Saving $500 by putting it in kid mail rather than stamps. Looking to create a business directory so we can know who we can support in our community, and who might support us!

Chair Updates


➢    Priority – Get all Room Rets set up and activated in Konstella

➢    By 10/31 – Develop a document/calendar that supports our Room Reps and share out


➢    Membership is at 7 staff and 96 parents/ family members.  Total of 103 PTA members. Going to come up with a quick email to remind people to renew.


➢    We have a new theme and new content areas on the website! Lots of short updates, so making it mobile friendly and can showcase it all.

➢    Digital version mostly, but with a few kid mail editions if necessary.

➢    Contact Kate if you have things you want to put on the website.


➢    Upcoming events:

○      Every 3rd Thursday is staff appreciation with 5th grade this month

○      First Friday: balancing activity with tangible gift for students


➢    Join our next meeting, Thursday 11/4, 7-8:30pm


➢    Representatives Frame and Berry are coming to the Nov. board meeting.

➢    Send in your questions to Megan


➢    Working on a family support drive in Dec. for food/toiletries/gift cards.

➢     Not teaming up Bailey-Getzert this year.

Meeting Adjourned at 9:06pm

Reminder of Upcoming Dates:

10/19               Community Meeting

11/9                 PTA Board Meeting

TBD                  Food & Toiletry Drive

PTA Board Meeting Minutes – September 14, 2021

Whittier PTA Board Meeting
September 14, 2021
7pm via Zoom

Board Members

  • Tina Lilley
  • Kristen Ramer-Liang
  • Kate Scher
  • Kathleen Donahoe
  • Courtney Sievers
  • Sara Lukas
  • Renee Hartnett
  • Tricia Schalekamp
  • Amy Bryan
  • Megan Wildenradt
  • Kellie Pecoraro
  • Brad Nelson
  • Leah Lansberry Austin
  • Anjean Vanden Bosch
  • Susan Hernandez
  • Katherine Abraham
  • Megan Herscher
  • Cindy Watters
  • Kate Mathews
  • Ashley Schiavone
  • Lauren Carey
  • Charlie Cartwright
  • Laura McLaughlin
  • Stacy Rose
  • Joanna Silverstein
  • Kristin Laughlin

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:02pm

Principal Update:
Big welcome to Principal Cindy Watters! She expressed thanks to the families, for purchasing outdoor lunch mats, and for keeping kids home when they are sick. She noted that so far we are the only school without an outbreak. Then she took some questions:

Q: How are the staff doing, how can we support them?
A: Our staff are amazing, but the staff do have a high level of anxiety over keeping everyone safe. First, we know we are in tension with parents, because parents have their child in clarity, while staff have to see all kids equally. Parents are the best advocates for their students, and it helps staff to know that parents will communicate additional needs with them. Second, the most tangible thing we can do to support teachers, is to tell teachers when they do things well. Meaningful notes of acknowledgement or thanks go a long way. Additionally, supplies and coffee are always appreciated. Education is under-funded, and teachers shouldn’t have to buy supplies themselves.

Q: Will we have a VP this year?
A: Yes! Starting on Thursday, we have a new VP, Nooria Miskell. She will be .5 time as an Assistant Principal at Whittier and we are also getting a social worker at .5 time.

Q: Who is notified when there’s a student that tests positive?
A: Each case is individual, and there’s guidance for each case from SPS. New guidance is constantly coming out. Cindy asks parents to make good choices for our community in the hours outside of school.

President/VP Update

  • President Tina Lilley and VP Kristen Ramer-Liang updated us on the current Board/Volunteer positions. The executive committee appointed Kate Scher as interim communications chair until official vote at the next Community Meeting.
  • There was a vote to rename the Legislative Chair to Advocacy Chair, (motion by Amy Bryan, and Renee Hartnett seconded) which passed.
  • Co-President / VP positions are still needed! If you’re interested email Tina here.
  • Time to recruit room reps: email to be a room rep
  • We’ve launched a new website and there will be a new PTA Newsletter. We feel it will have great potential to reach our families, provide support and community, and advocate for essential issues.
  • 5th graders from 2020 raised money that they couldn’t use for their Nature Bridge trip, and have decided to donate it for a buddy bench on the playground, and a funnel ball tower.
  • Spirit Gear is available! Online store can be found here: All orders can be placed online and for the next 2 weeks qualify for free shipping to school.
  • Lastly, there was a vote to approve the use of sales revenue from Picture Day for gear inventory (Kristen Ramer Liang motions, Kellie Pecoraro seconded) which passed.

Treasurer’s Report

We currently have $126,000, with money still due to SPS as we await the Q4 invoice from Seattle Public Schools for last year’s school year. This covered staffing support grants, staffing, and instructional supports for the 2020-2021 school year. The rest of the money is allocated for the budget that was approved by the PTA community back in May, and our current status can be seen here. Additionally, as
an organization we are now aiming to spend what we raise in each school year, rather than roll over an extra amount each year.

PTA Goals/Fundraising

  • Kristen Ramer-Liang led us through some informative information on the history, and current
    status of PTA fundraising in Seattle, including national and local conversation about what is the
    role of the PTA in schools. This is the first year since 2016 that we are raising funds for the same
    budget year, and we are continuing the conversation as an organization as to what our goals
    and priorities will be moving forward. Our goal is to begin the conversation now, so that we can
    be prepared to set the budget at the end of the school year and have a cohesive decision as to
    what we want to represent as a PTA.
  • Our fundraising chairs led us through the fundraising goals for this year. The plan is to have 3
    fundraisers, with the following goals: 75k from the annual give, 30k from the spring fling, and
    15k from the jogathon. We are reminded that when we set a budget in May, that directly
    impacts our fundraising goals for the year, unlike previous years where we could rely on a
  • We still need a spring fling chair!

Thank you!
➢ Anna, Megan, Kellie, Kristen, Sara, Tina, & Todd – Back to School Prep and Picture Day
➢ Kathleen & Courtney – Teacher Welcome and First Day Kindergarten welcome packets
➢ Brad & Erin – Website
➢ Kristen – Spirit Gear
➢ Anna – Graphics design for spirit gear and stickers Chair Updates
➢ Communications: Currently working on strategy for the Wildchat email.
➢ Membership: Lots more parents are joining! We are always looking for more volunteers, Including a volunteer position. Email Tina to learn more.
➢ FACE (Events/Hospitality/Outreach): Working on creating Fun First Friday! Every first Friday the PTA would host a covid friendly community event outside the entrances. Hoping to do staff support events as well.
➢ Advocacy: Working on getting state reps to come to a meeting. Nov 9th is a possibility.

There are still some exciting positions available for those who want to get involved!
➢ Nominating Committee: help select next year’s board members! Email if you’re interested in joining the Nominating Committee.
➢ Be one of Whittier’s voting delegates at WSPTA Legislative Assembly (Oct. 23-24)

Meeting Adjourned at 9:09pm

Standing Rules
❖ PTA Mission Statement: “Our mission is to advocate for families and teachers to create an equitable environment, resources, and opportunities for kids to excel and reach their full, unique potential.”

2021-22 Budget
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Toolkit (for Nominating Committee)
PTA meeting schedule / shared calendar

Next Board Meeting Tues, Oct. 12; Community Meeting Tues, Oct. 19

Whittier PTA’s Konstella Help Guide

Feeling lost when it comes to Konstella? Here’s a helpful how-to so you can make the most out of your Konstella connection.

(Sign-up for a Konstella account by clicking the “Request to Join” button at the bottom of this page:

Join a Classroom

At the beginning of each school year, once you find out which classroom your child is in, you will need to add your child to the correct classroom in Konstella. From a mobile device, tap the gear in the upper left corner and then your name. From a web browser, simply click your name in the upper left. Then select Your Children. Near the bottom you’ll see Classroom, and you’ll want to Add Classroom. Select your teacher from the list.

Using a Web Browser


Using a Mobile Device


Sync Your Calendar!

One of the coolest features of Konstella is an integrated calendar containing all of the classroom and school-wide events that are relevant to you. No more hand-entering dates into your personal calendar, you can now simply sync from Konstella and get updates as they occur. Similarly, you can choose to sync your “participation” calendar, including any events or volunteer positions that you sign up to work for. No more forgetting where and when you are supposed to show up for volunteer jobs.

Sync once and you’ll stay up to date all year long.

Mobile App: From your main feed, tap Calendar and then tap Sync just to the right of the month name. Note that if you are a Google calendar user, you cannot choose to sync to a Google calendar. Please use the web version in this situation. 

Web Browser: Click Whittier Elementary from the main menu, click Calendar, and then click “Sync To My Calendar” just to the right of the month name.

Understanding Groups

Konstella offers 4 different kinds of groups: classrooms, committees, social groups, and private groups.

Classrooms are associated with students. Classrooms are named and sorted by grade level with teacher name.

Committees are PTA-led volunteer groups. We have many committees available including Spring Fling, Communications, First Friday Fun, and more. You can view detailed job descriptions and time commitments, and sign up for different positions. Committee members can message the group, create events and sign-ups, and share files and photos in the committee. Committee Leads can sign up and withdraw others, edit the committee, and will get notified when others join and leave the committee.

Social Groups are generally started by parents or extracurricular groups. It’s a great way for parents to mingle and share information on a topic of interest. Like other groups, parents can message each other, create events, sign-ups, and share photos and files. Parents need to actively join one or more of these groups (you are not automatically part of these groups). Social groups are available to anyone who wishes to join and must adhere to PTA’s Konstella Usage Policy for appropriate behavior. These groups are not monitored by school administrators or PTA leaders, they are purely for convenience.

Private Groups are created when users send messages to one or more parents who are not in the same group. In this case, a private group is created. Like other groups, parents can message each other, create events, sign-ups, and share photos and files.

Get Informed About a School Activity

Mobile App: Tap on “School” in the bottom menu to view your home page.

Web Browser: Click Whittier Elementary in the menu on the left to view your homepage.

The homepage (aka “school” in the app) shows 3 main elements:

  • “Feed” shows all announcements, upcoming events, sign-up. Tap items in the feed such as a signup listing for more information.
  • “Calendar” shows all upcoming events. Remember to sync your calendar!
  • “More” allows you to see only announcements or sign-ups, and get access to files and photos.

You can see a filtered view of this homepage for your classroom(s) or committee(s). You can select a classroom to filter your feed for that class or leave it set at the top level to see news from all classrooms you’re in. You will also see committees you have joined on the left and can filter news or the calendar for that committee or leave it at the top level to see all your news in one convenient place!

Mobile App: Tap the rainbow filter icon to change your view from All School to a specific classroom or committee.

Web Browser: Simply click your classroom or committee name from the menu on the left side of the page.

Sign Up For Events

When an event is happening and volunteers are needed, you’ll receive a sign-up in your Feed. Depending on your notification settings you may also receive an email. Simply click on the sign-up in the feed or email to register yourself for the event.

Find Parents In The Directory

If you know the name you’re looking for, use the search box on top of the screen, type the name and you’ll easily find name of the person (parent, staff, teacher) you’re looking for and the information this person agreed to share (e.g. address, phone number, email)

If you’re looking for someone in a specific class or a staff member and you’re not sure of the name, click on Directory on the left side panel.

Then select the classroom you’re interested in or the staff (including teachers), and you will be able to see all the information this person has agreed to share (e.g. address, phone number, email)

Join a Committee

Please carefully read the committee descriptions and position details before signing up. Some committees require chair/lead approval to join.

Mobile App: Click the “Directory” tab at the bottom.  Click “Browse Committees” to browse and sign up for the committees.

Web Browser: Click the green “Committees” link on the left-hand menu to browse the committees. Click on a specific committee to learn more and/or sign up or remove yourself. 

Once you join the committee, all committee specific details will now appear in your main feed including any events, signups and messages.

View or Download Files

At the school level you can view files relevant to the whole school.

Individual classrooms and committees may also choose to share files or links.

Mobile App: Tap school to view your main page and optionally tap the rainbow icon to filter to a classroom or committee. Tap More and then Files & Links to view available files and links.

Web Browser: Click any classroom or committee. Choose More, and then Files & Links to view available files and links.

Send a Message

Mobile App: The “Messages” tab at the bottom shows all of the groups you are in. Click any group and start typing at the bottom.

Web Browser: The left-hand menu shows all the groups you are in: The classrooms your children are enrolled and the committees you have joined.

Click on the group: on the right side of the screen, you will see the list of persons part of this group. For a classroom, you can see:

  • The teachers
  • The room parents (Leads)
  • The parents

By default, the teachers are part of the discussion, however, if you want to send a message to parents only, use the option “message subgroup” on the bottom of the list.

Name it explicitly for all parents to understand who is part of the discussion, and select the parents, excluding the teachers.  Type in the text area to post a message.

On the left menu, the new conversation group appears under ‘Private Messages’, as well as on top of the text area. Now that the group has been created you can continue messaging this group from the Private Messages area.

Send a Message to an Individual or Group

Mobile App: On the “Messages” tab, click the “+” at the top right corner.  Choose “Send a Private Message.”

Web Browser: Click the “+” sign right next to the “Private Messages” label on the left-hand menu.

Summary of Mobile App Navigation

School Tab: Shows announcements, events, and sign-ups in your school and classrooms.  The rainbow icon on the right allows you to filter based on specific classrooms or committees.

Messages Tab: Shows the groups you are in and the messages in the groups.

Directory Tab: Allows you to look up parents, browse committees, and Social Groups.

Settings Gear: (at the top left corner )Account settings.

Summary of Web App Navigation

Main Menu on Left: Contains your account, your school, your classrooms, your committees, the school directory, the Committees menu where you can view all committees and signup to join them, social groups, and private messages.

Menu Across The Top: When viewing Whittier Elementary (your consolidated feed), or when viewing a classroom or committee, across the top you see Feed, Calendar, and More (Click to view Announcements, Sign-Ups, Files & Links, and Photos).

Privacy and Notification Settings

You have control over your personal information, privacy settings and how you want to be notified when things are updated in Konstella.

Mobile App: Tap the gear icon in the upper left corner to view and set up your account.

Web Browser: Click on your name in the upper left corner to view and set up your account.

Stopping Notifications or Cancelling Konstella

Are you a graduated Whittier family looking to discontinue Konstella notifications or delete your Konstella profile? Administrators cannot do this on your behalf, so please follow the steps below:

  • To delete your Konstella account and its associated data, Konstella requires you to contact them:
  • You can also remove yourself from Whittier Elementary’s Konstella without deleting your Konstella account altogether. To do this, click on “Your Roles” from your name in the upper left (or Gear icon on mobile) and click on “Remove” next to Whittier Elementary. This will effectively stop all Whittier Elementary Konstella notifications or activity.
  • To stop notifications, you’ll want to click on your name in the upper left (or Gear icon on mobile) and go to “Account Settings.” From there, select “Notifications” and adjust each option.