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Author: Communications

April 2023 Lunch Menu

April’s breakfast offerings are $2.25 and lunch offerings are $3.25. An a la carte menu is also available throughout the year. For more nutrition information and breakfast menus, please view menus at:

MON, APR 3Pasta with Beef Meatballs and Marinara SauceBean and Cheese BurritoTBDTBD
TUES, APR 4Chicken Tikka Masala with RiceSunbather and Jelly SandwichTBDTBD
WED, APR 5BBQ Brisket Sandwich and FriesSeeds and Cheese LunchboxTBDTBD
THURS, APR 6Chicken Alfredo PastaMozzarella Breadstick with MarinaraTBDTBD
FRI, APR 7Orange Chicken with Fried Rice and Steamed BroccoliBagel LunchboxTBDTBD
MON, APR 17Individual PizzasBagel LunchboxBeans and CornFresh Fruit Cup
TUES, APR 18Nachos with Beef and BeansSunbather and Jelly SandwichTBDTBD
WED, APR 19Baked Potato with ToppingsRoast Beef and Cheddar SandwichTBDTBD
THURS, APR 20Korean BBQ Meatballs with Steamed Rice and VeggiesTuna SandwichTBDTBD
FRI, APR 21Hot Dog with FriesYogurt LunchboxTBDTBD
MON, APR 24Chicken Enchilada with RiceYogurt LunchboxTBDTBD
TUES, APR 25BBQ Chicken with Corn and Whole Wheat RollHummus LunchboxTBDTBD
WED, APR 26Chicken Fajitas with Rice and BeansSunbather and Jelly SandwichTBDTBD
THURS, APR 27Potato Leek Soup with Mozzarella BreadstickSpicy Chicken Sandwich with FriesTBDTBD
FRI, APR 28Chef’s ChoiceChicken Pot PieTBDTBD

The Wildchat: 3/28/2023

March 28, 2023

Spring After School Program Registration – Thursday, April 6 at 3pm!

Whittier PTA is excited to coordinate additional After School Program opportunities for Spring! Planned program offerings include:

  • Mondays (5/1 – 6/12, no classes 5/29) – 2:25 – 4pm:
    • Mighty Coders (Grades 3-5): Coding for Kids
    • Bricks For Kidz (Grades K-2): Lego Engineering for kids
  • Tuesdays (5/2 – 6/6) – 2:25 – 4pm:
    • Gamer Group w/ Mr. Buck (Grades K-2): Board Games, card games
    • Robotics (Grades 3-5): Learn how to make a robot
  • Wednesdays (5/3 – 6/7) – 1:10 – 2:30pm:
    • Mode Music (Grades K-2): Intro to music for kids
    • Chess Wizards (Grades 1-5): Learn chess, play with friends
  • Thursdays (5/4 – 6/8) – 2:25 – 4pm:
    • Gamer Group w/ Mr. Buck (Grades 3-5): Board Games, card games
    • Jump On Languages – Spanish Immersion (Grades K-5): Learn Spanish in a fun, interactive setting

Note: Whittier Wildcat Players will continue its program through Spring Quarter, but registration is closed for the program’s duration.

Registration details and links for Spring Quarter will be updated and posted on Thursday, April 6 at 3pm here: If you have any questions or concerns about the registration process, please contact

Spots are limited, so be sure to ask to be on the waitlist if classes are full.

The Whittier PTA only coordinates building reservations and hosts registration links for these independent enrichment providers. Please note: Whittier Elementary and Seattle Public Schools are not affiliated with or connected to the Whittier PTA Programs offerings or these individual program vendors. The enrichment providers will be managing registrations and schedules independently for each program.

Prides of March: Final Week to Contribute!

Our school’s month of giving drive ends this week! As a reminder, we’re collecting donations for the Luther Memorial Church Food Pantry and Ballard High School Teen Health Center. Click here for more information on what and how to donate.

And don’t forget to participate in this Friday’s final dress-up day: Neon Day!

Seeking Day-of Event Volunteers!

more information & sign-up

Wine Donations for Spring Fling Wine Wall

At this year’s Spring Fling we have the addition of a Wine Wall! We are seeking donations of bottles of wine $20+ to fill up the wall. If you have contributions or connections, you can contact Shannon Luoma (206-856-6708) and drop off at her home. Thanks!

Neurodiversity Affinity Group – Parent Gathering

Please join the Whittier Elementary Neurodiversity Affinity Group for a parent gathering March 31st at Barking Dog at 7pm. This will be a casual get together to support each other navigating the joys and challenges of parenting a neurodivergent child.

Key Positions Require Volunteers for ’23-24 PTA Board

The Whittier PTA funds essential staff and services, programs, and more for the Whittier community. From flexible staffing grants to ensure we have a Literacy Specialist (Ms. Trilby) and our amazing Specialists (Mr. Pule, Mr. Buck, and Ms. Steph) to community events (Family Dance and Game Night, Reptile Night) to enrichment (Massive Monkees, After School Programs), the Whittier PTA needs volunteers in board positions to make it all happen.

Please see our currently available positions here. Questions? Please contact

From SPS: LGBTQ+ Mailing List and Families Dinner

We are trying to reach as many LGBTQ+ families as possible for our mailing list. We sometimes offer events and opportunities for connection/community for LGBTQ+ parents and also parents/guardians of LGBTQ+ or gender-expansive kids. We have a families dinner coming up on Saturday, May 6 at Camp Long from 4 to 7 pm. To join our mailing list and receive updates, please fill out this form!

What EDI is Working on This Week

Supporting Gender-Diverse Youth in our Community

Whittier PTA recently Co-Sponsored a Workshop called “Supporting Gender-Diverse Youth-What can our Community do?” A few very important take-a-aways from the workshop: Being Transgender is NOT a new or trendy thing! You can be a safe person in a child’s life who sees them, validates them, and supports them. We hope to continue learning and growing as a community to be a safe and supportive environment for gender-diverse youth. Please take a look at some terminology below:


  • Transgender – an adjective that describes a person who does not identify as the gender they were assigned at birth.
  • Cisgender – an adjective that describes a person who identifies as the gender they were assigned at birth. 
  • Transition – any step(s) a person takes to affirm their gender identity; this may or may not include changes in one’s name, pronouns, physical appearance, taking hormones, undergoing surgery, among many other things. There is no one way to transition.
  • Gender identity – a person’s internal sense of their own gender. This does not have to match “biological sex,” though it often does as most people are not transgender. 
  • Gender binary – the concept that there are only two genders (male and female)
  • Non-binary – describes someone who does not identify within the gender binary. 
  • Misgender – the act of referring to someone in a way that does not reflect that person’s gender identity. For example, using incorrect pronouns, calling someone by an old name, using an incorrect prefix (e.g. Mr., Ms., ma’am, or sir). Misgendering can be especially painful for trans individuals because it drags forth a history of not being seen as who we truly are. 

This piece of district policy focuses on the rights of our gender diverse student population and helps us understand our responsibilities as staff. Superintendent Procedure 3211SP:

Finally, here are some resources for LGBTQ+ Youth:

Thank You, Wildcats!

Board Meeting Minutes: 2/7/23

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

Februrary 7th, 2023

7:00pm in Whittier Library
Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022
Passcode: wildcats


  • Leah Lansberry Austin- President
  • Jess Templeton – Co Secretary
  • Kellie Pecoraro – Adviser/Support
  • Courtney Kirk Sievers – Hospitality and Events
  • Kate Scher – Communications Chair
  • Renee Hartnett – Treasurer
  • Cindy Waters – Principal
  • Ashley Schiavone
  • Lauren Carey- EDI Committee Member
  • Sara Lukas
  • Kathleen Donahoe- Hospitality
  • Emily Grosse
  • Emily Barbee
  • Melissa O’Keefe

Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:15 PM

Approval of January Board Minutes

Renee Hartnett motioned to approve and Kate Scher seconded 

Nominating Committee

There are still a few positions open.  Family game night, Konstella, and work directly with Cindy to identify parents who are already involved who can become more involved. 

VP or Co-President, events, outreach, volunteer, EDI, legislative rep and membership. 

Non-board roles:  Wildchat editor, Spring Fling Chairs, Move-a-thon, Spirit gear, student directory, yearbook



It’s not going to be great.  Cindy has been advocating on our enrollment projections and trying to keep our budget numbers up.  


  • Put in a funding request for some microphones to get a couple of lapel microphones and 2 new handheld microphones.  $12,000.
    • -Mrs. Steph often rents for the spring play.  
  • We’re in Black Lives Matter week of action.  Trying to meet kids developmentally where they are.  It’s going really well.  Helping kids to be thoughtful citizens and promote civic engagement.  
  • Going to do Prides of March. Partnering with a church up in Broadview to do a food drive and gift cards to stock the pantry.  Cindy will get us information on this next week.  Focus is hyperlocal and tangible.  Curriculum will teach about community investments and service.  
  • The fundraiser for Ms. Jo raised over $5000 for the Ballard Food Bank.
    • There is a wednesday or thursday pickup- about 15 bags for families in the Whittier Community. 
  • Leadership group has selected 4 spirit days in March.  Wacky hat and sock day, twin day, famous person or book character day. 
  • Outreach to Ballard HighSchool and Ingraham that have pantries for students who live independently and are home insecure.  Food and supplies
  • Is there going to be a Massive Monkey’s performance (Kate)?  Yes, in March. 
  • What is happening with the merging of the Special Education Services.
    • They want more schools to serve the kids in their neighborhood.  Have kids spend as much time in the gen ed settings as possible to meet their learning needs.  This is already done at Whittier and Cindy thinks there will be less of a change than other schools.  Though we’re not an SEL school, we still serve those students.  The way we serve kids is the service model the district wants all schools to go to.  
    • It’s unclear if kids will still be bussed to Whittier.  
    • Cindy would love a full time social worker
    • The state only funds for 13% of each school’s kids to be special needs.  Typically the need is greater than this.  
    • Universal design learning can’t be scaled to all 106 schools in the district.  
    • Budget will be released Feb 28th.  
    • How are the teacher’s feeling right now?  They’re tired and stressed but Cindy tries to keep this away from them.  
    • Will there be an adjustment from the current ask?  Potentially.  

Vote on the fundraising proposal

Kelly moves to approve and Sara Seconded 


Treasurer’s Report

$201k in the bank

10 kids who got to go to the sensory friendly night at Wild Lanterns

Update on Fall fundraiser/ annual give $72,000 of a $75,000 goal 

The jog-a-thon is tracking at over budget as well

Budget committee:  if you know anyone who is interested, have them join.  Will get started the week after mid-winter break.  It will be between 3-6 hours of time commitment.  

Be thinking about how this is our money and we can choose what we do with it.  What programs do you hear about that you want to see at Whittier? 

Potentially bring back a comment/ idea form or use room parents to ask for ideas.

Renee will send out a budget survey shortly.    

Chair Reports


  • The Family Game and Dance night is March 3rd.  Michelle and Meg are chairing this event.  Sending out a Sign Up Genius for food.  Looking for an MC or may use Spotify.  Will have a PTA table at the event for Spring Fling and volunteers for next year.   
  • Spring Fling tickets go on sale March 1st.  Meeting this Thursday.  Date is May 20th.  Committee was unanimous about having the event at a different location.  Will be casual.  Renee drafted up the landing page and Courtney will review.
    • Highway to the Wildcat Zone
    • Classroom Buckets, wine wall, silent auction, classroom art
    • Want a strong MC


  • Budget survey- could we share funds with another organization as a teaching moment for our kids?  Maybe a food bank or homeless shelter.  There are some challenges with non-profits giving to other non-profits.  Missing the communication about what we’ve done.  Report out.  
  • Like the idea of us giving back to the community and teaching our kids about that.  
  • Add Impact page on the PTA website- Lauren will take on data collection.  
  • Could we ask folks to volunteer to run these small events
  • EDI is working on affinity groups and building those small communities within the larger community
    • We need folks to lead these groups and the groups can be whatever they want to be
    • Still doing the buddy bench in the Wildchat
    • Trying to get the special ed classes more included in the school
    • On that note, for the first time we’re doing sped room classroom art and classroom buckets
    • Also trying to collaborate on the school’s race and equity team.  Their main focus is the Rebellious Read Allowed program on different topics like Identity, food, culture, etc.  The books come with questions to prompt conversations.  The Race and Equity Team wants to bring the Author Rebellious Read Allowed to the school but it’s really expensive.  May try to split with another school


  • Regular cadence of every other week between Fun Fridays and Teacher Lounge stocking
  • Valentines for the beginning of Feb
  • PTA is funding lunch for all staff from Ban Town (Emily Coordinating)
  • Family Dance and Game Night
  • Cereal Bar for Staff (First Grade Families
  • May is a big staff appreciation week.  There’s a theme, etc.  The next meeting we will need to have time on the agenda to do some planning in this regard.  Will likely do the flower event this year as well. 
  • We have our snacks at in person meetings


  • Wildchat is next week.  Send Content.  
  • As a group we need to talk about we have 27 volunteers we are asking for between next year and Spring Fling and we need to understand our capacity.
    • Family Game Night could have a physical poster and celebrate when folks sign up.  
    • We got 10-12 new folks for Spring Fling
    • Celebrate how we’re being involved. 
  • Classroom rep head position could be really valuable.  Invite them to the next meeting. 
  • Communications position is not sustainable- too much work and skill.  We may want to talk about how we restructure the role.  
  • Back in the day there was only the Wildchat so parents knew where they had to look.  Part of the messaging is lost because of multiple avenues.  We need to reimagine.  
  • What if we had a PTA table at drop off every week?  
  • Everybody needs to submit their stuff.  


  • Auditions for the musical were Monday and Tuesday this week and rehearsals start next week. 
  • Both Gamer group and language are full
  • More choices for spring session
  • need a few more volunteers for winter session


3/14 PTA 

3/21 Community PTA meeting

Meeting Adjourned 9:23 pm

Lauren Motioned to adjourn

 Melissa seconded 

The Wildchat: 3/13/2023

March 13, 2023

We Need Volunteers for Required Positions on Next Year’s Board!

Calling all parents who are interested in getting involved with the PTA! If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please email Mendy Minjarez at

We are looking for board members, event organizers, and general volunteers for various roles for both this and next school year. Please see here for a chart detailing the roles that are open for next year, including job descriptions and estimates of how much time is needed.

Following COVID the PTA needs an infusion of new members and volunteers! Please consider joining us…we are a fun group of parents who are motivated to make our school and community a better place!

Click above or here to purchase!
Want to host but need help coming up with an idea? Email for help brainstorming, or if you’re ready to go, submit your idea here!
Click above or here to donate online! Questions? Contact

We’re also still seeking Class Bucket coordinators for two more classrooms: DiTullio and Provence. And congrats to our community–all Class Art coordinator spots have been filled!

Click for survey link! Questions? Please contact Jared, Programs Chair!

Library Book Drive Continues Through May!

Please consider donating a book to our library collection! All donated books will be shipped to our school processed and ready to be added to the shelves!  Email Ms. Newcomb if you have any questions. This link will take you directly to the Whittier book wishlist. Thank you in advance for supporting our library!

What EDI is Working on This Week

Supporting Gender-Diverse Youth: What Can Our Community Do? Interactive Workshop

  • Thursday, March 16 from 6-8pm
  • Adams Elementary School (6110 28th Ave NW)

Join presenter Sam Cristol, M.Ed. (they/he), program coordinator in the Health Education Office at Seattle Public Schools for an interactive workshop to build literacy and speak affirmingly about gender-diverse identities. Learn skills and strategies to effectively support the young people in our lives. Together, we’ll walk through scenarios, review students’ rights in our schools, and learn why family support is the number-one predictor of LGBTQ health outcomes. Whether you’re the parent of a gender-expansive kid or just want to know how to improve your allyship to these communities, we look forward to learning with you.

  • Childcare will be provided for children ages 3+ for this in-person event.
  • Snacks and drinks will also be available.

Co-hosted by Adams Elementary PTA, Loyal Heights PTA, Licton Springs PTA, Whittier PTA, and Friends of Salmon Bay.

PNW Parent Education Presents “Consent At Every Age: Why and How We Need to Talk to Our Young People About Consent”

Join PNW Parent Education as we partner with Jo Langford, M.A., to bring you Consent at Every Age: Why and How We Need to Talk to Our Young People About Consent. Virtual talk is on March 29 from 7-8:30pm. Register at 

With our evolution both culturally and technologically, a new awareness is emerging about why and how we need to speak to our young people about consent. In this talk with Jo Langford, M.A., we will take a deep dive into all things consent, including:

  • A comparison of passive and affirmative consent
  • A breakdown of the biggest hurdles and potholes young people face with regard to consent, and how we can counterbalance them.
  • Definitions and discussions of concepts such as true consent, virginity and rape culture
  • Primers on gender issues, adolescent brain development and best practices for negotiating consent with screens
  • Tips and tricks for parents, a healthy dose of Q&A and a few fun games

Questions? Contact PNW Parent Education!

A Recommendation from our Community: Seattle Families of Multiples Consignment Sale

A giant kids consignment sale is coming March 25, 2023 from 9-11:30 am at Shoreline Community College. Free admission and no registration required. Sponsored by Seattle Families of Multiples, this spring sale features gently used clothes, toys, books, baby gear, bikes, and more. Learn more about the sale

Join the Holi Festival of Colors on 3/25!

Holi is a Hindu festival that celebrates spring, connection, and the triumph of good over evil. Join the celebration with traditional music, dance, food, and color throwing at the Phinney Center from 1-3pm on March 25th! Folks from all religions, cultures, backgrounds, and ages are invited to participate. For tickets and more information visit:

Thank You, Wildcats!

Whittier PTA’s Board Needs Volunteers Like YOU for next school year!

The Whittier PTA plays an important role in funding essential staff and services at Whittier–a role that will be even more important for the 2023-2024 school year. In order to accomplish this important mission and continue providing the same level of services, like supporting a daily Specialist schedule, Ms. Trilby, field trips, and community events, we need many more volunteers to join the board for next school year. Please see below for a list of open positions and their descriptions.

Want to sign-up or learn more? Contact our Volunteer Chair!

See a position below but worried it’s too much to take on? Have ideas for how you could contribute to a position that looks a little different than what’s described? Contact us! We’d love to hear from you!


Open Board Positions

Communications Co-Chairs2-3Beginning of year, fundraising months, and Wildchat weeksWordPress, Canva, Digital Graphic Design, Google Forms, Copywriting/editingWork with Communications Committee (Co-Chairs + Wildchat Editor, Website Editor, and Social Media Manager) to create announcements on Konstella, update the website, create Instagram and Facebook posts, manage grade-level Facebook groups, post monthly lunch menus on website, create the Wildchat newsletter, create takehome fliers, and communicate with class reps. Redesigned roles for ’23-24 make this role efficient and sustainable!Occasionally
Equity, Diversion and Inclusion (EDI) Committee Co-Chair2-3Consistent through yearInterest in learning, ability to think broad mindedly and critically, good listener, and willingness to communicate with different groups of Whittier community members (caregivers, teachers, staff, PTA Board) and if possible the wider Seattle communityEDI Co-Chairs work together to lead a group focused on supporting the PTA and the school in their work to be equitable and inclusive in all they do. Examples of work the committee has done; Bringing in workshops and trainings on racism and equity, creating affinity groups, partnering with the school’s Race and Equity Team, educating/sharing information with the Whittier community through the WIldChat online newsletter, helped the school library purchase more inclusive books, sponsored tickets for sensory friendly event at the Woodland Park zoo, etc.Rarely
Advocacy Chair1+Consistent through year; some additional work during legislative sessionsInterest in federal, state, and local politics, especially as it relates to educationHelp communicate the legislative priorities (e.g., Top five Legislative Priorities) of the WSPTA within the Whittier community. Stays informed on local and state level legislative matters pertaining to the well-being and education of every child. Attend the WSPTA Legislative Assembly. Work to educate and encourage advocacy toward the WSPTA’s legislative advocacy efforts with the Whittier community.No
Events Co-Chair1-2Fairly consistentEnjoy building community and organizing teamsWork with Events Chair to schedule and communicate plans for approx 6 community events throughout the year, including Fall Festival, Spring Fling, and Move-a-Thon. Recruit and support individual event chairs.No
Non-Board Positions
Spring Fling Chair2-3Work begins in late fall, heavier December – MarchEnjoy event planning and organizing teamsWork with Fundraising Chairs to set fundraising goals and plan the event accordingly. Manage committee to coordinate event logistics, auction procurement (including class buckets, class art, and silent auction items), and market event with help from Communications committee.Occasionally
Yearbook1-2Work begins in January – MayExperience with publication layoutsWork with Yearbook vendor to publish annual yearbook. Work with community and Whittier staff to get content. Market Yearbook sales with help of Communications Committee. Coordinate Yearbook delivery and distribution.No
Social Media Manager1-2Consistent through yearExperience with Instagram and Facebook content creation; CanvaAs part of the Communications Committee, create Instagram and Facebook posts and manage grade-level Facebook groups.No

View all Board Positions.

Whittier Elementary Announces 2023’s “Prides of March”

Now in its second year, Whittier Elementary celebrates “Prides of March”–a month-long focus on community service for a community partner and in-school spirit events. This year’s “Prides of March” partner organizations are Luther Memorial Church Food Pantry (located directly across from Broadview-Thomson K8 School) and Ballard High School Teen Health Center.

Donations can be dropped with Principal Watters or a student leader in the mornings at the gate or in classrooms (every classroom will have a box) from March 6 – 31. Grocery Gift Cards can also be given to me and will be used to purchase more resources (we’ll keep track of everything and be transparent in our reporting)

Other event details:

  • 4th & 5th graders will help sort and organize our resources as we receive them
  • Our student leadership team also established four dress-up days during the month:
    • 3/10 – Class color or theme day
    • 3/17 – Wacky hat and sock day
    • 3/24 – Character day (movie, person or book)
    • 3/31 – Neon day
  • Please see below for the items our community partners are requesting, along with more information about their programs and donation needs.

Luther Memorial Church Food Pantry

This food pantry is located directly across from Broadview-Thomson K8 on Greenwood Avenue. The church collaborates with a Boy Scout troop to serve individuals in the immediate area with food and other resources. Many of the resources to stock the pantry come directly from the congregation members (a small but committed group) and the church budget.

Because the pantry is available 24/7, it is impossible to know exactly how many people are served, but we know for sure that we have several people who use the pantry regularly. The pantry is stocked every day and it is almost always empty when it is time to be restocked the next day. 

Unlike other food pantries, our main focus is on providing nutritious and ready to eat items, focusing especially on those in our community who do not always have ways to cook food. And, we also know that people enjoy treats like Oreos and Rice Krispie bars too! 

In addition to food, our pantry provides some basic toiletry items, such as toothbrushes, toothpaste, and individually wrapped toilet paper. The following items are the most needed at this current time: 


  • Mandarin oranges* (either cans or individual cups)
  • Applesauce (either cups or the pouches) 
  • Peaches* (either cans or individual cups)
  • Canned chicken
  • Canned tuna
  • Chili
  • Beef jerky sticks 
  • Soup*
  • Sardines
  • Trail mix (individual packets)
  • Nuts (individual packets)
  • Granola bars 
  • Protein bars 
  • Shelf-stable milk cartons 
  • Individual bags of chips 
  • Pudding cups 
  • Raisins
  • Rice Krispie treats 
  • Individual packets of Oreos 
  • Peanut butter crackers 
  • Cheese filled crackers 
  • Bottled water
  • Granola bars
  • Cup-o-Noodle

*If you provide canned items, please look for the ones with the pop-tops; many of the people who use our pantry do not always have access to can openers. 

Ballard High School Teen Health Center

We are fortunate that all SPS high schools have a Teen Health Center where students can receive free health care and mental health therapy. Through the health center students can receive sports physicals, reproductive health care, treatment for illness (including chronic illness), immunizations and more. 

In addition to providing care, the health center also provides food resources from the Ballard Food Bank and hygiene resources for students who may be experiencing house insecurity or other challenges. 

We would like to gather hygiene resources for students at Ballard High School. These include:

  • Deodorant
  • Toothbrushes (individually packaged)
  • Toothpaste
  • Dental Floss
  • Shampoo/Conditioner (small or travel size)
  • Soap/Body wash (small or travel size)
  • Lotion (small or travel size)
  • Hair Brushes/Combs (individually packaged)
  • Tampons/ Pads
  • New drawstring backpacks

Thank you for supporting our community!

Seeking Volunteers to Help with Family Dance & Game Night!

We are seeking volunteers to help with our upcoming Family Dance & Game Night on Friday, March 3! To help make the event run successfully, we need adult caregivers like you to help:


Can you partner with another adult caregiver to supervise activities during the event? We are seeking two volunteers for each of the following shifts:

  • 6-7:15pm: Board Games with Mr. Buck in the cafeteria
  • 6-7:15pm: Gaga Ball in the cafeteria
  • 6-7:15pm: Twister in the cafeteria
  • 6-7:15pm: Dance in the gym
  • 7-8pm: Hand-out Cookies
  • 7:15-8:30pm: Board Games with Mr. Buck in the cafeteria
  • 7:15-8:30pm: Gaga Ball in the cafeteria
  • 7:15-8:30pm: Twister in the cafeteria
  • 7:15-8:30pm: Dance in the gym

To sign-up, please visit:

Bring Homemade Cookies

We are offering homemade cookies from 7-8PM on the blacktop, right outside the gym door.  We would love donations of homemade cookies (or store-bought cookies that look homemade). We’re asking cookie donations are placed on disposable plates, labeled with the cookie type and if there are any common allergens (nuts, wheat, dairy), and dropped off at the beginning of the event (around 6pm).

We are asking 10 volunteers to bring 2 dozen cookies each. To sign-up, please visit:

If you have questions, please contact our Family Dance & Game Night volunteer coordinator, Michelle. Thank you!

Wildchat: 2/28/23

February 28, 2023

Family Dance & Game Night THIS Friday!

Put on your dancing shoes for the Whittier Family Dance & Game Night, Friday March 3rd. The party begins at 6:00PM and will wrap up at 8:30PM, so grab an early dinner and come ready to play, twist, shake, and party with your Whittier family and friends. There will be a sweet treat snack offered but bring your water bottle to stay hydrated. Please note adult caregivers must supervise Wildcat students and siblings during this event.

We are seeking volunteers to help with this event! We need 18 volunteers to cover shifts (6-7:15pm, 7:15-8:30pm) and 10 volunteers to bring 2 dozen cookies each. Learn more and sign-up:

Join us in-person at the Whittier Library from 7-9pm for our monthly board meeting!

Seeking Community Donations for our Spring Fling auction!

As part of our Spring Fling Auction & Block Party (Saturday, May 20, from 5-9pm), we organize a silent auction. The main driver for our $40,000 fundraising goal, we rely on donations from our community to help raise these needed funds! We’re reaching out to our community to build our auction catalog and would love help or donations in the following categories:

  1. Vacation home/second home experience donations. The Spring Fling committee is looking to wow the donations (and fundraising) this year by amping up the vacation get aways! Have a second home or vacation property that you would donate a weekend stay to a Whittier family? You can set dates, limits or any restrictions. Drop us a line and let’s connect!
  2. Calling all artists! The Spring Fling committee is asking artists to donate a piece of their beautiful work. This could be art already made, a custom piece that you curate with the winner for their home or maybe it is a lesson to share your knowledge. Whatever form it comes in, artists, we need you in our community!
  3. Business connections. Do you have a connection to that awesome spot in Ballard you love? Or maybe a friend that has an amazing small business that we can highlight as well. Donations big or small, we love them all! Help us connect to someone you know that could help make this year’s spring fling even better!
We are seeking Class Art volunteers in the following classrooms: O’Leary, Parekh, Paul, Peterson, Richmond, Childers, Provence, Keener, SPED We are seeking Class Bucket volunteers in the following classrooms: DiTullio, Worotikan, Mayo, Richmond, Keener, Provence, SPED

Click here to join the Zoom meeting.

Celebrating our HospitaliYAY

The PTA Hospitality Team works year-round to bring community and fun to Whittier, with a focus on gratitude and celebration. This year, Hospitality has taken the form of monthly First Friday Fun (FFF) and Staff Appreciation (SA) events. We want to take a moment to share what we have accomplished so far! This wouldn’t be possible without ALL of our Whittier families – Your donations of time and resources help to realize our projects and your joyous participation makes it worthwhile.

More fun events to continue this Spring! Special thanks to the office and staff for offering space to implement our creative ideas.

Sincerely, this year’s PTA Hospitality Team: Emily Grosse, Kathleen Donahoe and Courtney Sievers
  • Sept ’22: FFF – First day of school Cheers and Tears welcome / SA – Staff Lounge remodel reveal
  • Oct ’22: FFF – Move-a-Thon event / SA – Fall Breakfast (provided by 5th Grade)
  • Nov ’22: FFF – Cover Whittier with Gratitude, a chalk activity on the blacktop / SA – Hearty Power Bowl Lunch (provided by 4th Grade)
  • Dec ’22: FFF – Cookies & Candy Canes giveaway / SA – Festive Cookie Bar (provided by 3rd Grade)
  • Jan ’23: FFF – Whittier Wishes 2023 Banner, a group craft activity / SA -Stock the Lounge (provided by 2nd Grade)
  • Feb ’23: FFF – Valentine’s take-home treats / SA – Banh Town catered lunch (provided by the PTA)

Calling All 1st Grade Families: March Staff Appreciation!

Whittier Staff is CEREAL-OUSLY the best!  Each month a different grade provides goodies for Staff Appreciation. 1st Grade families are up for March – Let’s show the staff how LUCKY we are by treating them to a CEREAL AND MILK BREAKFAST BAR!  Sign up HERE!

Please label all items “Staff Appreciation 3/16” and drop off at the office by 1pm on Wednesday, March 15th. The hospitality team will pick up items there, to be set up early morning on Thursday the 16th. Email if you have any questions. Thank you!

What EDI is Thinking About This Week

Let’s Talk Consent!

Talking about consent starts early and never stops. Talking to your kids about consent can be uncomfortable or overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be! Kids who understand the importance of consent:

  • Feel empowered to confidently make decisions about their bodies
  • Feel comfortable talking to trusted adults about these topics
  • Know the importance of setting and respecting boundaries

Check out these videos made by 10-13 year olds to talk about consent and more!

Register and learn more at

Reminder: Support Our Library’s Book Drive!

If you haven’t had the chance to participate yet, we’re still requesting donations to help Whittier build our collection of diverse books! Part of our partnership with Bound to Stay Bound Books in the “Support Our Library” program, please consider donating a book to our library collection. You even have the option to add a donor plate and donate a book in honor of a child’s birthday, special occasion, or a staff member! All books will be shipped to our school processed and ready to be added to the shelves! The program will go through the end of May. Email Ms. Newcomb if you have any questions. This link will take you directly to the Whittier book wishlist. Thank you in advance for supporting our library!

Thank you, Wildcats!

Board Meeting Minutes: 1/10/23

Whittier PTA Board Meeting

January 10, 2023

7:00pm via ZOOM
Meeting ID: 864 5941 6022
Passcode: wildcats


  • Leah Lansberry Austin- President
  • Tina Lilley – Adviser/Support/Spirit Gear/Website
  • Jess Templeton – Co Secretary
  • Jared Cortese – Co Secretary
  • Courtney Kirk Sievers – Hospitality and Events
  • Mendy Minjarez – Volunteer Coordinator
  • Kate Scher – Communications Chair
  • Cindy Waters – Principal
  • Megan Wildenrandt – Advocacy
  • Emily Grosse – Hospitality and Events
  • Kellie Pecoraro – Member at large
  • Tricia Schalekamp – Membership Chair
  • Natalie Gromoff
  • Kathleen Donahoe
  • Lauren Carey
  • Tania 



Meeting Called to Order / Land Acknowledgment at 7:03 PM


  • No vote this week. Meeting minutes from the December Board meeting will be voted on next month. 



  • Tina Lilley is in charge, she hasn’t decided if she is going to include student volunteers.  Just getting things started.
  • Family directory – Do we need volunteers? Add volunteers for this to the nom com roster, possible get set up for Fall 2023
  • March Food Drive – Not PTA driven anymore. Prides of March has taken place, Cindy with Leadership Kids. They are going to work with the food pantry in Broadview, and another organization. Leadership kids are going to be in charge of it. 

PRINCIPAL UPDATE – (Questions for Cindy) 


  • Tina will let Cindy know what help she needs. Currently can’t upload photos, Tina will help with that. Cindy says kids can be involved in the yearbook. Target something with the kids, not all of it. “Day in the life of a Wildcat.” Give kids cameras and have them take pictures every 30 minutes. Every kid represented, parents can upload photos, and Tina will decide if they are appropriate. 

Leadership kids 

  • Meeting once a week with Ms. Paul. Letting the kids lead. Planning a dress up day for the end of the month. Announcements for Martin Luther King Day. Theater group led by Ms. Rebecca, do a skit every month about our virtue of the month. Performed at lunch. Build out opportunities for kids to say “I want to” and then build the runway. Cindy is going to try and get more engagement and build out some more structures. 

The School

  • Budget is looking challenging this year. Cindy is getting the budget ready for the Community Meeting next Tuesday. Cindy is trying to get our reading specialist funded so she can ask the PTA for more. Cindy is working on advocacy to try and petition the district to figure out the floor of what every school needs. Nurse, Reading Specialist, Librarian, Social Worker, Recess Monitors. The PTA can help by elevating this conversation through advocacy with the city and state. What is the minimum that a school needs to run? Cindy doesn’t think we have the minimum to run a school. 


  • Break out in 2nd grade. Send kids to school with masks, not mandatory. Quarantine is still 5 days. Kids were given cleaning supplies to clean their desks today.


  • We need to have people come to our school. Cindy needs help to do a promotional video for Whittier for the website. The sooner students enroll in Whittier, it helps Cindy’s budget. Better to enroll now than in June. Students who apply for school of choice, there’s a good shot! 

Is there anything you (Cindy)  need from the PTA?

  • Advocacy, talking to the school board about carving out a minimum. We are one of the lowest funded schools. Ask the district to think creatively. One position Cindy doesn’t want to lose next year is Ms. Katie, utility role. That position gives the school a little more nimbleness. Rather have Ms. Katie then a Vice Principal. She would prefer to not have a volunteer for recess. Gives kids permission to take more risks, rather than having parent volunteers.  
  • Good people to reach out to locally:

Lisa Rivera Smith – The School Board Member from our district

Legislative reps depending on where you live

  • Good people to reach out to on the federal level

Pramila Jayapal 

Patty Murray

Maria Cantwell 

New Food Specialist

  • Ms. Joe found her replacement, Ms. Laura.


  • Wait to hear for Renee next week at the Community meeting. She will be conducting a budget survey.  


  • Thank you to everyone who has filled out the survey
  • Mendy is facilitating a meeting next week to figure out new recruitment methods. Cindy’s email would be an effective way to reach beyond current members’ friend groups. 
  • Mendy needs to know who wants to continue in their roles or switching roles so we know who we are recruiting for. 
  • Mendy needs the descriptions of each role. Where is the document describing everyone’s role.

Went through all positions currently filled. 

  • Nom com should fill major roles, then within the committee they can recruit for other roles.  
  • Once Mendy gets the room reps family lists, she can come up with a strategy. Do we need a coordinator for Room Reps? Mendy says no, it’s not a hard job traditionally and the Volunteer Coordinator can do the role. 


 Black Lives Matter Week

  • Emily Barbee is working on it, and there will be more info next week. 
  • Susan and Melissa stepped down from EDI chairs. Melissa is still going to be on the committee. 


  • Notes from Emily –  Black Lives Matter Week. Buddy Bench section in Wildchat to keep everyone engaged on what’s going on with EDI. Affinity groups, Megan will be sending out a link to a survey. No shortage of things to advocate for especially at the State Level. Why is funding done this way, and what can we do as a PTA?


Spring Fling 

  • 1st meeting next Wednesday, meetings scheduled out until Spring Fling, May 20th
  • Deciding whether or not they are going to do the block party. Only concern is the weather so might book a venue. 
  • Top Gun Theme


  • Up to 129 members, right in line where we were last year. Lower than precovid times when we used the paper form, or signed people up at a library. 
  • Add a form to sign up as a part of the packet the school sends out in the beginning of the year


  • Fun Friday went really well
  • 3rd Thursday is staff appreciation. Stock the lounge. This is the 2nd grade month to stock the staff lounge, but might need help because of COVID outbreak
  • Valentines Day events


Still working on it. Might need volunteers. Still hoping for a February 1st starting date. 


Budget survey next week at the community meeting


If you are going to be leaving your role, please find a replacement. 

Meeting Adjourned 8:19  pm

The Wildchat: 2/14/2023

February 14, 2023

Happy Valentines’ Day!

Whittier needs YOU!

Our Wildcat experience and Whittier community happens because of family volunteers. We’re seeking volunteers for:

  • Spring Fling Classroom Bucket Coordinator (1 per class; Classrooms needing volunteers – DiTullio, Worotikan, Leming, Mayo, Richmond, Keener, Provence, SPED)
  • Spring Fling Class Art Coordinator (1 per class; Classrooms needing volunteers – O’Leary, Parekh, Paul, Peterson, Richmond, Childers, Provence, Keener, SPED)
  • Spring Fling Wine Wall Coordinator: Help collect donations and coordinate a Wine Pull event at this year’s Spring Fling! Contact Spring Fling Co-Chairs, Courtney Sievers and Renee Hartnett, with any questions.
  • Spring Fling Emcee: We’re seeking an outgoing personality to help make announcements during the event! Contact Spring Fling Co-Chairs, Courtney Sievers and Renee Hartnett, with any questions.
  • After School Program Volunteers: Help with transition care to make our after school programs a reality!
  • PTA Budget Committee: We’re still seeking volunteers to join our budget committee! This volunteer role is a time commitment of roughly 3-6 hours and is a great way to get involved for the first time!
  • Food Bank Coordinator: Pick-up bags of food at Ballard Food Bank and drop them off at the front office between 8-10am on Thursday for distribution to our families. Contact for more information.
  • 2023-2024 PTA Positions: Whittier’s PTA plays an important role in providing essential staff and services–and we can’t do it without caregivers like you! We have TEN vital board positions and SEVEN non-board positions we need to fill for next school year. There are positions at lots of time commitments levels, skill sets, and remote/in-person style work. To learn more, contact

Upcoming Events

Save the Date Spring Fling Fundraiser – Highway to the Wildcat Zone!

First and foremost, SAVE THE DATE MAY 20th for this year’s SPRING FLING FUNDRAISER – Highway to the Wildcat Zone! (Yes, that means this year’s theme is Top Gun!) For those new to Whittier, this is the PTA’s final fundraising effort of the school year, with a goal of raising $40,000 for essential staff and services (and, bonus, a great way to build community)!

Look for tickets to go on-sale in early March, but until then, help ensure this event is a success by:

  1. Become a Classroom Art Coordinator for your Classroom: Volunteer to organize your kiddos class Art Project to be auctioned off. You do not need to be artistic! You just need to be excited about working with the kids in your classroom and organizing the logistics with their teacher to do so. More details and signup link
  2. Become a Classroom Bucket Coordinator for your Classroom: Volunteer to help organize and curate a themed bucket with the parents in your kiddos classroom to be auctioned off. More details and signup link
  3. Donate an item or experience for silent auction: Do you have a vacation spot you would be willing to donate a weekend to, or connections to sporting events, rounds of golf, or new fun ideas to add to the mix? Email Brie Gardner to get your item added.
  4. Host a Party – Parents, teachers, and community members host parties and set the number of tickets available for would-be attendees to purchase! These are hot items at the event, anywhere from 4 to 20 people pending experience. Mom’s & Margaritas, Wine Tasting & Pairings, sky’s the limit, we’d love some new ideas! Email Sara Lukas if you are interested in hosting a party.

Thanks in advance for your participation! We are excited to make this event happen! Contact Spring Fling Co-Chairs, Courtney Sievers and Renee Hartnett, with any questions.

Virtual Budget Presentation with Principal Watters

We asked and you voted! Our community requested a virtual presentation led by Principal Watters focused on Whittier’s current and forecasted budget. Please join Principal Watters for a presentation and Q&A on Wednesday, March 8 from 7-8pm over Zoom.

Upcoming Budget Vote: March 21

On March 21, the PTA will vote on next school year’s budget. All members of our community will have the opportunity to share their voice during this meeting, but only PTA members are able to vote to approve next year’s proposed budget. If you’d like to share your voice, be sure to attend next month’s community meeting. If you’d like to vote, please become a PTA member today.

What can YOU do to celebrate, learn, and support during Black History Month?

What can YOU do to celebrate BHM?

  1. Support Black owned businesses in our community! List of restaurants:
  2. Follow Black authored accounts on social media, like Ibram X. Kendi, Austin Channing Brown, Doyin Richards, and Layla F. Saad.
  3. Read, watch, listen and learn from black centered media:
    • Code Switch: Hosted by journalists of color, our podcast tackles the subject of race with empathy and humor. We explore how race affects every part of society — from politics and pop culture to history, food and everything in between. This podcast makes all of us part of the conversation — because we’re all part of the story.
  4. Remember that many people have multiple marginalized identities. For example, when thinking of ways to support the Black community, don’t just think of Black men. Black women face the stressors of both racism and sexism. And Black people who identify as LGBTQ often experience marginalization at the intersection of racism, homophobia, anti-trans sentiment. Here are a list of Organizations supporting LGTBQ+ people of color that YOU can support too!
  5. Read with your kids and talk about the topic/book with them! Book list for children’s books
  6. Visit the Northwest African American Museum
  7. Watch this video to learn about the history of Redlining and Segregation in Seattle

Attention: Norovirus Spread in Seattle Community

Nationwide, norovirus case positivity rates are the highest they’ve been in at least a year (CDC). This highly contagious virus spreads easily. Here are some tips to help keep your family (and our community) safe:

Preventing the spread of norovirus:

  • Norovirus is the most common cause of what people often call “stomach flu,” “24-hour flu,” “stomach bug”, and “food poisoning”. It causes violent vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach cramping for typically around 24 hours, followed by another 1-3 days of feeling gross and lethargic with poor appetite.
  • Despite the “flu” moniker, norovirus is completely unrelated to influenza. A flu shot DOES NOT protect you from norovirus, and getting norovirus DOES NOT mean you no longer need a flu shot. Taking antibiotics will not help, as it is a virus and not a bacterium.
  • Norovirus is present in the feces, vomit, and saliva of an infected person, and infection occurs when the virus enters the mouth and gets into the stomach–most commonly from food contamination or putting hands in/near mouth. Symptoms usually start 1-3 days after exposure.
  • Norovirus is is very tough to kill. Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes DO NOT kill norovirus, and it can survive for weeks on surfaces or in clothing. 
  • The most effective way to control the spread of norovirus is regular, vigorous hand washing with soap and water, and drying thoroughly with paper towels–especially before eating AND after pooping.
  • To disinfect surfaces, spray with a bleach solution (5-8% concentration), and leave surfaces wet for 10 minutes. For unbleachable surfaces, saturate with Lysol spray (NOT disposable wipes). Be aware that not all Lysol products are formulated to kill norovirus. Check the label when in doubt.
  • Contaminated clothing / bedding should be washed on hot using the longest wash cycle, and dried on hot. If this is not possible, they should be stored in a garbage bag for at least a week after being washed.
  • Try to quarantine someone who is actively vomiting to a bathroom or other room that can be easily disinfected floor-to-ceiling. Keep them away from sofas, beds, and other hard-to-disinfect surfaces.
  • Children or adults who have been ill with suspected norovirus should stay home for 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting. The virus can be present in feces for weeks after symptoms have resolved, so it’s critical for someone who has recently been ill to be especially diligent about hand washing. 
  • More information on outbreak prevention here and here (CDC).

Caring for someone with norovirus:

  • Usually, a norovirus infection does not require medical attention. However, there is a risk of dehydration from extended vomiting and diarrhea, especially with younger children.
  • Wait an hour after the last bout of vomiting to give any liquids, and then start with small sips every 15 minutes. Drinking while the stomach is actively inflamed can exacerbate vomiting.
  • If able to keep down liquids, Pedialyte (drinks or popsicles) is better than water for electrolyte replacement.
  • If someone is constantly vomiting and unable to keep down any liquids for more than 4 hours, the risk of dehydration is a lot higher, and they should go to the ER and get IV fluids. Also look out for a dry mouth, or crying with no tears, as these are also indicators of dehydration.
  • Once vomiting has begun to resolve, smalls cups of warm, clear broth are a great way to start getting nutrients into the body.
  • More information on norovirus treatment here (Mayo Clinic).

Ms. Jo’s Food Drive

We’re excited to announce that December’s Drive for Ballard Food Bank, to honor Ms. Jo’s strong belief that all people deserve access to safe and healthy food, raised over $5000. We are so grateful to our community for supporting the Ballard Food Bank and celebrating Ms. Jo’s longstanding fight for food justice. 

Fall Fundraising Update

With employer matching still coming in, PTA is excited to announce we’ve reached our Fall Fundraising goal! This fundraising will help support the essential staff, services, and programs for next school year. We’re so excited to round out this year’s fundraising needs with our upcoming Spring Fling event on May 20!

Helping Hands Drive

Thanks to our family’s incredible contributions, we were able to give over $3000 in gift cards to Whittier families in need after December’s Helping Hands Drive. Thank you, Wildcats!

Thank you, Wildcats!